Authors Note: So I know I should be writing the last chapter to Take Care but I'm super lazy plus I have writers block. I saw Breaking Dawn with my friends today and the idea for this one-shot (possible multi-chapter) came to me. I hope you enjoy:3 (No Spell-Check)

Stiles Pov:

"Please, Derek I'm begging you."


For the past twenty minutes, I have been trying to convince Derek to take me to the movies tonight. I been begging and pleading for such a long time, I knew it would only take a couple more begs for him to give in.

"It's not going to be as bad as you think."

"I will not go on a double date with Allison and Scott to see that god forsaken movie."

"Well I'm sorry if I wanted to spend some quality with my boyfriend and best friends."

I turned my back to him and wiped my eyes for a bit as if tears were falling.

"Are you seriously crying?" A ping of guilt in his voice

"No, I'm just got something in my eye." I said to him while I did fake sniffles.

He signed and walked over to me and holding my waist from behind.

"Fine, I will go watch Breaking Dawn with Scott and Allison. Just please stop crying."

"You promise?" I asked him to make sure

"Yeah, Stiles I promise."

My face automatically lit up as he said those words. I turned around and faced him with a huge grin on my face.

He eyed me suspiciously.

"You played me didn't you?"

"Like a fucking piano."

I gave him a quick peck on the lip and walk out of his room.

Later on that night

Stiles Pov:

I eyed myself in the mirror for the one hundredth time. I took me a while to figure out what to wear. I finally on wearing my black and white plaid shirt, dark blue denim jeans and Derek's white Supra I stole from him a while back. I would have to say myself, I looked freaking sexy.

After I was done eye fucking myself, I ran downstairs and headed for the door knowing Derek was going to arrive anytime.

Sadly, my father stopped me before I could even reach the doorknob.

"Where are you going this Saturday night?" He asked me

"I'm going to the movies."

"With whom?"

"Uh just Allison, Scott and Derek." I mumbled the last part and scratched the back of my head nervously.

"Derek? As in the boy I saw you doing strange this with on my couch the other day?"

"Yeah, but you got nothing to worry about Scott and Allison will be there as well."

"I will still have lots to worry about. Stiles, you're a sophomore and he's is senor. Do you not sense the age difference?"

I heard a car honk from outside and I knew it was Derek, waiting on me.

"Okay, I promise I won't let Derek Hale into my pants. Is that what you want to hear from me?"

"Yes, pretty much." He said calmly

"Alright, well I got to go. So I will see you at midnight."




"That's not fair; it's already 8:40pm"

"Fine, 11pm and no ifs and buts about it."

"Aw, thanks dad. B-bye"

He closed the door behind of me and I walked over to Derek's Camero.

I knocked lightly on the glass and the window slowly rolled down, which revealed a very upset Derek.

"You're not going to open the door for me?"

He stared at me for a bit. He got out the car walked around and opened the door for me. As soon as I got in he slammed the door a little door harsh.

We drove off and sat in silence for a bit. I reached my hand out to turn on the radio and Derek gave me the death glare.

"Don't even think about it." He said to me in a rude tone

"What's your problem?"

"I am forced to go watch a movie about an idiot girl marrying a vampire."

"It's not going to be that bad, I promise you."

He parked the car in the parking lot. I spotted Scott and Allison at the front doors of the multiplex.

"Hey guys." I said as I walked up to them with Derek right behind.

We chatted for a bit and I noticed Derek being silent the entire time. This didn't seem to bother Allison and Scott but it made me feel bad.

We finally walked inside and Derek and I waited on line to purchase our tickets.

We walked towards the window and I noticed the cashier was staring at me intensely. Fuck, he's been staring at me since we walked through the door.

I cleared my throat in an attempt to get him out of his daze.

"Oh, I'm sorry I was out of it for a minute."

"It's alright."

"Might I add you have the most beautiful light brown eyes, I have ever seen."

"Thank you uh-"

"Grant." He said pointing to his name tag.

I looked next to me and saw Derek sending him death glares.

I quickly brought our tickets and walked in to theater four and took my seat next to Allison and Derek sitting right next to me.

He was irritated and annoyed, I could just sense it.

"What's wrong nothing, nothing at all."

I didn't want to ask any more questions, so I let him be.

Halfway through the movie, my extremely small bladder was about to explode.

I quickly got up and walked towards the bathroom. As, I was finished and walked back out I bumped into someone.

"I'm really sorry; I wasn't watching were I was going."

"It's fine."

"No problem, brown eyes."

"Oh it's you uh Grant!"

"Yeah, I'm glad I ran into you. I was wondering after your movie would you like to hang out with me and some of my friends."

"I'm sorry but I would have to pass on that."

His face dropped for a minute but he tried to play it off by smiling brightly again.

"It's fine, I will see you around then." He said as he walked off

As I walked back to theater four, the end credits were showing up and everyone was leaving. I spotted Derek and walked with him to the car as we said our goodbyes to Allison and Scott.

I opened the door and got in and he did the same.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I had to endure the pain of watching that horrid movie and watch my boyfriend flirt with the cashier is what's wrong."

"I was not flirting with him, he complimented me and I said thank you and that was all. It wasn't even that serious so chill." I yelled at him

The rest of the ride to my house was an awkward silence. As, we pulled into my driveway he turned to me.

"I'm sorry I over exaggerated."

"I'm sorry I yelled at you."

I leaned over and kissed him. It was meant to be a simple peck but he kept pulling me in for more. Our kissing fest lasting for awhile, before we heard a knock on the car window.

Derek rolled down the window and it revealed a very upset Sheriff.

"Stiles, its past midnight and you're not in the house."

"I apologize dad; Derek and I were just in a deep conversation that's all."

"I bet" I heard him mumbled to himself

As, I reached the porch steps I turned around and waved at Derek. He smirk and drove off.

I walked into the house and my father was just sitting at the kitchen island, shaking his head at me in disappointment.

"I thought you promised you weren't going to let him in your pants"

I looked at him confused

"I didn't."

"You, don't have to lie Stiles. I am your father, you can tell me anything."

"Dad, I haven't let Derek insert his penis into my ass."

I walked away in satisfaction and he sat there wide eye.

Authors Note: Did you like it? I enjoyed writing this so much. Tell me if I should continue or not in a lovely review.