Chapter 10

"So much blood," Seifer gasped in horror as he reached the two still bodies lying on the ground. The man had fallen over Quistis, covering her body and pushing her forcefully into the wet pavement under them. Her arm, protruding from under him lay outstretched as if reaching for something...or someone.

Seifer felt a white-hot rage run through his blood seeing him defiling her this way. He didn't deserve to touch her. Leaning down and grabbing the man viciously he snarled "You bastard, son of a bitch.." all the while dragging the body roughly away from the still girl lying on the ground.

Letting the body of the man drop to the side, he turned back and slumped down scooping Quistis up in his arms, off the cold, hard ground. Cradling her close to his body, Seifer let his face fall into the crook of her neck and whispered, the anguish he was feeling making it hard to speak "Why couldn't you stay? ..You were safe with me." The moments ticked by as Seifer sat there in shock, on the ground.

Rain had started to fall again but he didn't notice, lost as he was in the pain and sorrow he felt. Lifting his face towards the night sky, Seifer let the rain slide down his cheeks, taking the place of the tears he couldn't let fall.

His mind was so consumed that at first he didn't notice the slight movement. Then mumbled words reached his ears, "Hyne Seifer.."

Seifer loosened his grip on her and looked down, "Quistis? Oh, Hyne.I.thought you were dead.Are you hurt?" He frantically started looking for a wound.

Quistis pushed his hands away in irritation. "No, I just hit my head when we fell."

Quistis pushed herself into a sitting position. Then the next thing Seifer knew, she had slapped him leaving a bloody handprint on his cheek. "You could have killed me...what were you thinking," Quistis's voice shook as she spoke, and then she did something Seifer had never seen her do before, she broke down in tears.

Seifer pulled her back into his arms as she cried. "I didn't have a choice. I saw him raise the gun..up to your head. He would have killed you," he said softly, reliving the moment he'd had to make the decision. "I had to take a chance..that I could get him first. Do you understand that I couldn't just stand by and let it happen?"


Harris scouted the area as he ran, gun in hand, ready to take out any threat he came across. He'd heard the other gunshot and was worried about what he was going to find when he got to the place he knew Seifer was suppose to be meeting Chaing's man.

Seeing movement in the shadows, Harris crouched down behind a parked truck. He watched another man creeping forward unaware of him. The man had his attention on something up ahead that Harris couldn't see from where he hid.

When the man moved again Harris took his chance and got behind him. Slipping up to the other man Harris raised his gun and hit the man in the back of the head dropping him silently to the ground. Then he looked up to see what had caught the man attention.

Shaking his head, Harris recognized Seifer sitting out in the open clutching Quistis to him. A shot of pain went through him at the thought that Quistis had been killed before he or Seifer could do anything.

"Seifer" Harris said walking up beside his boss, as his eyes scanned the area for an immediate threat "it isn't safe here. We have to"

Seifer looked up as Harris spoke. He knew the other man was right. He should never have left himself out in the open this long, but the shock of thinking Quistis dead had dulled his normally sharp instincts.

"Come on Quisty," he said softly, his lips touching her damp hair as he spoke, "we have to get up. Do you think you can move?"

Harris, who had taken out his cell phone and was in the process of dialing, stopped in shock when he heard Seifer speak. Turning to Seifer, his eyes traveled down to the girl in the other man's arms. He took a sharp breath as he saw that she was, in fact alive. She had a wound on her forehead that was bleeding and she had a lot of blood on her clothes but it didn't look like she'd been hit by the shot he'd heard.

Quick to recover, Harris bent down by Seifer. "Is she alright?" he asked. "I-I thought she was.I heard another shot as I took out one of the men behind you."

Seifer nodded "Yeah, I think she's just in shock," he paused for a moment before continuing, "The other shot was mine." Seifer gestured to the dead man lying next to them.

Quistis mumbled something against Seifer's shoulder. Seifer bent his head down closer to her, "What was that?" he asked.

Quistis lifted her head "I said...I'm right here. You don't have to talk over me."

Harris looked at her. "Sorry...I'm glad you're Ok Quistis. But.." He set his phone down then reached in the pocket of his coat and pulled out a small square cloth handing it to Seifer. " looks like you hit your head."

"Yeah, it hurts" Quistis said, her voice growing soft. She lifted her hand starting to reach up but Seifer batted her hand away and pressed the cloth against her wound.

Harris picked his phone up off the ground and stood back up. He took a quick look around to make sure they were still alone. "Seif, we really need to get out of here. Before more of Chaing's men show up."

Seifer gave him a nod, "You're right." Harris walked a short distance away then hit the send button on his phone and put it to his ear, listening as Seifer helped Quistis up off the wet ground. "Crew's on the way. I'll wait here for them." Harris told Seifer when he came back over to them. The two men exchanged a look over the top of Quistis's head and Seifer gave Harris a slight nod before turning in the direction he had come from earlier.

"Come on Quis, let's go home," he said softly as he wrapped his arm around her and led her towards the car.


He opened his eyes. 'Damn what the hell happened?' he thought, his head pounding. Then he looked up. Right into the barrel of a gun.

Harris gave the man lying on the ground an evil smile. "So you're finally awake." The man on the ground scrambled to get his arms under him and pushed himself into a sitting position. "Did your boss actually think he'd get to Mr. Almasy this way?" Harris asked watching him.

"Fuck you," the man spit out defiantly "you think I'm gonna tell you anything?"

"Yes...eventually I think you're gonna be begging to tell me anything I want to know." Without taking his eyes off the man on the ground Harris told the men standing behind him, "He's all yours."

Two men came around Harris and grabbed the man. "I'm a dead man if I tell you anything." The man yelled as Harris's men dragged him off.

Harris put his gun back in his shoulder holster and then brushed some stray raindrops off his jacket lapel. "You're dead anyway," he said with a smirk that would have rivaled that of his boss.


Seifer gave Quistis little glances as he drove back to the penthouse. She sat in the passenger seat, bundled up in Seifer's long coat with her head leaned back and eyes closed. The gash on her forehead had stopped bleeding but she looked pale and hadn't said a word since they had gotten in the car.

As he pulled into the underground garage Seifer saw Kimo waiting for them. 'Harris must have called ahead' he thought. After parking the car Seifer looked over at Quistis who still had her eyes closed. "Quis" he said softly "We're here."

Quistis slowly opened her eyes, to see Seifer looking at her with a worried expression on his face. She wished she could think of something to say to erase that look off his face but right now her mind wouldn't cooperate so instead she gave him a wan smile.

Seifer got out of the car and came around to the passenger side meeting Kimo along the way "You get the elevator, I'll get her," He said to the other man opening the door. Leaning down he said softly "Come on Quis. Let's get you upstairs." He helped her out of the car and to the waiting elevator then inside.

Turning to Kimo Seifer said "Call the doctor when we get upstairs." Kimo nodded his head.

"No" Quistis mumbles leaning against Seifer's shoulder, "I don't need a Doctor. I'm ok."

Seifer shook his head "No way, you were out. You need to be checked to make sure you don't have a concussion." Seeing that Quistis was going to argue with him he held up his hand, "I wont argue about this."

Quistis gave a heavy sigh and pulling away, glared up at Seifer. "Fine..Did anyone ever tell you that you're a bully?"

Seifer looked down at her for a moment then started to chuckle. "Well, welcome back Quis. You had me worried for a minute."


Thank you to everybody that is still hanging with this story. Sorry it took so long to update. =0.0=