Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does, and she's a very wealthy woman because of it!

Authors Note: I know a female Harry has been done, but I wanted to experiment with the changes that would occur if Harry was Holly, how she would differ personality-wise, and in particular, how Snape would react to a Potter with Lily's face, and not necessarily in a romantic way, I haven't decided yet. All pairings canon apart from Harry/Holly!

It does not do to dwell on dreams

Holly Potter was in the graveyard again, she and Cedric raised their wands to light up the supposedly deserted area, they moved cautiously away from the trophy that had brought them there. Then came the short figure in the distance, then the voice "kill the spare", the flash of green light, and Cedric silently fell to the ground. Holly felt her mouth open in a silent scream.

Holly was awakened from her disturbed sleep by a soft but insistent tapping at her window. She shakily pushed her mountain of black curls from her eyes and squinted at her bedside table to find her glasses. Sliding them on the mausoleum of broken objects that was her room at Privet Drive came into sharper focus. She'd had the dream again; she didn't want to remember what happened that night. Sometimes Holly wished that she'd already learned to obliviate, she would have used it on herself. Thinking about the Tri-Wizard tournament brought a wave of nausea to Holly that she couldn't shake off, and she welcomed the sight of her owl, Hedwig, waiting impatiently at her window to be allowed entrance.

Letting Hedwig in she noted the packages that she was laden with, and looking at Dudley's digital clock, the date read the 00:12, the 31st of July, she was 15. Holly helped Hedwig to the perch in her cage and sat down on her bed with the letters from Ron and Hermione, and the packages with what were most likely her presents. She hadn't heard a useful word from them all summer, and she was quote resentful of these presents when they had refused to tell her anything of where they were, and they were obviously together.

She'd even taken to hiding in the flowers by the front room window to catch the evening news, which Uncle Vernon had been very displeased about when he caught her there. Nevertheless, there was a chance that they were finally sending her something important, and so she eagerly ripped open the letters, and first read the one from Hermione.

Dear Holly

Happy 15th Birthday! I'm sorry I can't talk about where we are but most likely we'll be able to speak sooner than you think.

Trust Hermione to splice secrecy with a smattering of hope.

Things are very busy here, but I spotted in Mrs Weasley's Witch Weekly that St Mungo's have released a new Occu-Potion that acts just like a regular muggle contact lense!

Hermione, while sceptical of the publication due to its insistence that Holly and Ron were in some kind of illicit relationship last term, raved about an article that had been in Potion's Monthly stating that the "temporary corrective affects of the potion had been known to last up to a month in test subjects, and as far there were no foreseeable long term side effects".

Although the potion was safe, Holly was still wary of invasive magical procedures, especially since re-growing all the bones in her arm in second year thanks to Lockhart. But then again from what Hermione said in the letter the potion was a temporary solution, and although it cost quite a few galleons a month it would be worth it not to be dependent on glass and wire to walk in a straight line.

So I hope you like your present and I can't wait to see the results!

Hope to be seeing you soon



Holly, now with a good idea of what Hermione had gotten her, opened the neatly wrapped package to reveal a months supply of Healer Chadwicks Occu-Potion, proven to correct eyesight for up to one month with repeated doses. Hermione had even left the cut-out advertisement with subscription details in case she decided to continue buying it. She was quite amused by the moving picture of a dowdy looking witch in huge spectacles drinking the potion and then becoming far more attractive without them. She doubted make-overs were one of the side effects.

Placing the bottle carefully on the side for later use, she turned to Ron's letters. It was in a far messier script than Hermione's flowing cursive, but contained the same ambiguous platitudes.

Hey mate!

Happy Birthday! Can't really talk about what's going on here, but Mum said that you were a "young lady now" and so a broom kit wasn't an "appropriate" gift. So she made send you these skin and hair potions (I've got the broom kit stashed here from Fred, George and me for when I see you).

Trust Ron to stay on her side for this matter, Mrs Weasley was in the habit of treating her like a delicate flower, even to the point of raving about her "beautiful" long curly hair and insisting she brush it, and force feeder third helping of treacle tart. Not that Holly particularly minded this attention; she's never really had a female role model growing up. The most Aunt Petunia had ever done was give her the "Woman" talk when she was twelve, and take her to the pharmacy to get feminine products. All the clothes she had gotten were second hand from Petunia herself, or charity shops. Well at least they were until she discovered she was a Witch, and had kitted herself out with all the clothes she needed from a delighted saleswoman at Debenhams.

Still it was nice to be treated with concern, and even affection, by an older woman; she'd always love Mrs Weasley for holding her on that hospital wing bed after the Tri-Wizard. But she wasn't going to think about that.

Turning back to the letter Ron wished her a happy birthday again, and said that he's be seeing her soon, whatever that meant.

Holly looked at the clock again, 00:30, she should really try and get some sleep, looking at the Occu-Potion again, and she read the label that said to take it before bed. Holly took off her glasses, lay down, and placed the three drops recommended in each eye.

The potion stung, but Holly welcomed the distraction from her thoughts, because she knew that the moment she fell asleep, she'd be back in that graveyard.

Authors Note: Please Read and Review!