Authors Note-his is my first fanfic so please rate and review with your comments thank you and hope you enjoy the story.
Chapter 1
I sat, gently brushing my new short brown hair in my bedroom. I had been at the palace almost three weeks now and it was finally starting to feel like home. I mean of course, I missed the tower and parts of my old life-well everything except Gothel-, but I was finally starting to feel free. Strange I know considering the guards that constantly watched over us all, but let's just say me and pascal are beginning to get used to all the attention. I am surrounded by people who love me and mum, dad and I are getting closer everyday. Speaking of mum and dad I haven't seen either of them very much over the last few days.
Suddenly I heard a faint knock on my door, that lead to the balcony and couldn't help but grinning. It has to be Eugene. When we arrived at the palace we were both given separate rooms and told we could only share a room together after the wedding, but nothing could keep us apart. The first night I felt completely lost and alone, well at least until Eugene came and sat with me until I fell asleep. After that he's come every night without fail and has even started staying until I wake up, before climbing back to his room. Oh how I love seeing his face every morning when I wake up.
"Hey, are you goona let me in cause hypothermia will do nothing for my image," Eugene's voice suddenly filled the room and broke my daydream.
I walked over to the door and knew before I even opened it he would be standing there smiling. I wasn't disappointed. Sure enough he was there grinning like a child. Ahhhh Eugene.
Before I could speak he pulled me into a loving embrace and we stayed that way for a long time before he lead me back to bed, not wanting me to get cold.
"I love you," I sighed happily as he climbed into bed next to me and pulled me close.
"And I love you too; sooo how was your day?"
"Well let's see, I went into the kingdom this morning, and ended up dancing for the local villagers, then I came back and did a little ballet then helped the cook with dinner, you know I love being princess and all but I wish I had more time to spent with you." I stared up at Eugene, loving his warm feel and the way the part of me that seemed to be missing always filled when he was here.
"I know, I love living here but I feel the same way, which is why, I've arranged a special outing for us tomorrow," Eugene broke into another smile before reaching in his pocket.
"Oh and I almost forgot," he said pulling out a tiny purple box. I opened it slowly and saw a beautiful gold chain with the sun pendant that I had come to know so well, dangling from it.
"Eugene I-"
"No, no one minute I have something to say, you know you mean the world to me and I never want anything to hurt you. That is why I want you to have this, so that every time you see it you will be reminded of my love for you and every time you hold it tightly you will know I'm always going to protect you."
I gasped and looked at him longingly knowing I would never be able to love anyone like this. Eugene was my best friend, my protector, and my rock in this unstable world.
I couldn't believe how happy I was that night as I lay in Eugene's arms. However I still felt dread as I thought of how lonely I would be when he returned to his room. We never did anything more than hug and sneak the occasional kiss, but that was enough. All I knew was that I savoured every moment we could be together and couldn't wait for me and Eugene to go out together on the special outing he had promised. I was so excited that I simply couldn't get to sleep, and so decided, that since I would be with Eugene all day tomorrow I wouldn't regret leaving him for an hour or two. Silently I kissed him on the cheek and stepped out into the corridor. Almost immediately something seemed wrong. The halls usually were equipped with at least one guard but today it was completely empty. Probably just on a break I thought as I continued walking down the corridor and stepping through the large blue door into one of my most favourite rooms in the palace.
As soon as I entered the smell of paint hit me and I couldn't wait to get started when I spotted the neat line of paint pots waiting to be used. As a pre-wedding present my parents had give me this room to paint as I pleased, however with so little time I hadn't quite got round to making a start.
Quickly I grabbed a brush and began painting. After an hour I stood back and admired my work. There, the painted Eugene and I stood hand in hand with my necklace hanging around my neck and lanterns surrounding us.
"You know, I think you might have caught my best side," I turned around to see Eugene gazing at me lovingly.
"Oh Eugene I'm sorry I left you I was just so excited for tomorrow and-"
Suddenly I heard a muffled crying sound from my parent's room next door. Whatever could they be doing at this time of night?
Voices slowly began to add to the noise. I had to know what was going on. I walked towards the door and stopped before I reached the handle. Eugene was being unusually quite and was looking at me with a concerned look on his face.
"Are you coming?" I asked. Eugene said nothing but nodded before taking my hand and leading me into my parent's room. I could sense something was wrong before we even entered the room. Eugene was never this quiet.
I gasped and felt my eyes widen at what I saw. My mother was laid in bed sweating and looking alarmingly pale. Her once strong appearance had faltered and her hair was thick and matted across the pillow. So this is why I haven't been able to see her for the last few days…