Hey. This is a story idea that's been stuck in my head. I finally took the time to b.s. the intro chapter so forgive me if it's crap. Anyways, in this multichaptered fanfic, it is about a war that the Dex Holders are fighting. And they're losing! Anyways, this story will have Lucky, Feeling, MangaQuest, SoulSilver, Frantic, Commoner, Agency, and DualRival. Enjoy and Review!

DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own Pokemon.

Chapter 1- The War is Lost...

"We need help!" (Gunshots and Pokemon attacking). "There's to many of them! Pallet is lost! I repeat Pallet is l-"

-End Transmission-

"Is there any other contact with Alpha team, General?"
"No sir. Alpha team is eliminated."
"... Leave me to myself. I need to think."
"But sir! We need to-"
"I said I need time to think Green!"
"... Yes grandpa..."
"Thank you, Green..."

Green left his Grandpa's office and went outside. We lost Pallet... That means we lost everything. The war is lost... I better go tell everyone the news... Green arrived at the command center where everyone was waiting for him, looking expectantly. Well, almost everyone.

"How did it go Green? Did we drive them from Pallet yet?"

"Honey, please answer Blue. We have to know."
"... Pallet is lost. We lost the war..."

Everyone was silent. Saddened. Depressed. Why wouldn't they be? They sent in Alpha team, the last remaining elite fighting unit to drive them back from Pallet. Now that they failed, Kanto has fallen. Just like Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova.

"Grr.. Stupid Red. If that asshole just didn't …then none if this would happen! It would make thing better if Gold, Ruby, Diamond and Black didn't … as well!"

After Green's remark, Blue, Crystal, Sapphire, Platinum, and White suddenly cringes.

"It's ill to speak of the dead Green-sempai…," Cheren said."
"Green! Please don't bring them up! You know how they feel already!"
"Yeah... you're right Yellow... I'm sorry girls. I'm just really stressed. We just lost our last territory, Kanto. Pretty soon they're gonna find us at the Sevii Islands..."
"It's okay Green... I just really don't want to be reminded of him..." Blue replies.

Then she leaves the room. Crystal, Sapphire, Platinum, and White follows suit.

"Hey ladies, where are you-"
"Leave her alone Green- sempai. Nee-chan can care for herself and so can Crystal. The rest all trained under Nee-chan so you don't have to worry."
"I'll go check on them with Bianca and Soul so don't worry about a thing Green."
"Thanks Yellow. I don't need those five to do something stupid like him as well. I'll be in our room if you need me hun."
"Okay. I'll see later then. Let's go guys."
"Alright Yellow-sempai. Cheren-kun, I'll be back later so don't panic like last time alright sweetie?"

"That goes for you too Silvy-kun!"

Bianca and Soul both smiles and leaves with Yellow as Emerald and Pearl laughs at them.

"Shut up guys!"

With Blue...

Blue begins to walk outside. Once she gets to a beach with no one around, she drops on her knees and cries.

"Oh Red... Why did you have to kill yourself? Why...?"

Blue continues to sob until she feels a hand on her shoulder. She looks up to see that her team was there, sad as well.

"It's okay Blue-sempai," Crystal said. "You aren't the only one who's heart broken. We feel guilty that they died too… right girls?"
"Yeah... I still feel guilty for what I did to Ruby…," Sapphire said.
"If only I hadn't yelled at Dia that day, then maybe, he'd still be here too..." Platina said. "I miss him terribly..."
"Same for me Platina... If I hadn't driven out Black that day..."
"There, there White, don't cry."
"How so you do it Sapph? How are you so strong like that?" sobbed White.
"I'm not. I just don't like to show how I feel. But trust me White. I miss Ruby so much, it hurts..."

The girls turn to see Yellow, Bianca and Soul running up to them.

"There guys are. Are you okay?"

The five nods.

"Let's go back now then okay? We need all the rest we can get so we can think of something for tomorrow."
"Alright. Team, lets go," Blue said
"Yes ma'am!" all the other girls replied.

As they walked back, they heard a chopper flying near the landing pad. Blue looks up and she see...a pair of red eyes. Red eyes looking down on her... Her eyes widened.

"Team! We're going to find out who that is right now so double time. Move!"

At the landing pad...

"Hey, you! Where did those people in this helicopter go?"
"They went to President Oak's office, Colonel Blue."
"Thank you. Alright ladies, to Oak's office."
"I said lets move so let's move!"

Blue marches towards Oak's office quickly while her team follows her slowly behind her.

"Geez, what's gotten into her?"
"I don't know White, but there must be something wrong."

Oak's Office...

"Professor! We need to..."

Blue looks around and see's that Green's team as well as five mysterious looking men, armored up from head to toe in advanced looking gear, are in the room staring at her. She blushes and looks away for awhile before looking back for Prof. Oak.

"What are you doing in here Pesky woman?"
"Where's the Professor?"
"Whatever. Where is he?"
"I'm right here Blue."

She turns around and sees Professor Oak.

"I'm glad you're here. Now that both Green's and your team is here, we can discuss something extremely important."
"But first, I need to do something." Blue said.

She walks up the five men in strange, elite looking armor.

"You five, I order you to take off your helmets right now."

They stood there, doing nothing, as if they didn't hear her. Blue started to get irritated.

"Are you listening to me? I said, take off your-"
"We heard you Colonel Blue, leader of Angel Team." Replied the one that seemed like the leader of the mysterious group. "We don't take orders from anybody, however, so I'm sorry but we cannot take off our helmets."
"What? That bullcrap! You can't just ignore an officer of the U.P.N. (United Pokemon Nation)! Right professor?"
"I'm afraid he's right Blue. Let me introduce you to then and it'll explain why he won't take orders from anyone. Everyone, this is Valiant team, a special team of commandos that had been trained in secret by the government. The best of the best. And they are here to-"

"Help us fight. We get it gramps but I don't think five commandos will be enough to fight the P.T.G. (Pokemon Terrorist Group)..."
"You are wrong, General Green, leader of Honor team. We aren't here to help you fight this war."
"We aren't here to fight your war. We're here to win it."