Ah, the joys of writing when the mind is nearly incoherent. OTL So much fluff and according to aech, pillows exploded everywhere, which explains the fluff. Enjoy!

Title: No Smiling
Pairing: SanUso
Rating: K
Warnings: Cavity inducing fluff.
Summary: N/A
Note: Fun fact: Listen to Lullebye by Fall Out Boy when reading this. Also, I used to play a game similar to this with my little sister, and seeing this picture brought back some memories of it. : )

"Stop giggling at me."

Usopp pressed his lips together to hold his laugher back, but he let them twist upwards as a little chuckle tried to bubble out of his chest. There really was nothing funny going on in the situation since Sanji was only leaning over him with a smirk on his face, but for some reason he couldn't stop smiling. The way the cook was looking at him just made Usopp grin.

"You lose. You suck at this game," Sanji said, his own features betraying him as Usopp started laughing.

"Shut up!" Usopp giggled, the edge of his comment replaced with mirth. "It's my turn now. Stop smiling."

Sanji gave him one last smirk and took a deep breath through his nose. Usopp started laughing underneath him, especially when the cook's hands started caressing his sides. They were lying on the couch, Sanji straddling Usopp's hips and leaning down to press their bodies together. They were simply there together, the buttons on the side of Usopp's overalls starting to come undone as Sanji decided he wanted to get his hands closer to the sniper's skin. "You're tickling me!" Usopp giggled.

"Stop that, you're breaking my concentration," Sanji mumbled. He was rather gentle with the way his hands touched Usopp, and he was sure the feathery touches he was giving Usopp weren't enough to make the sniper squirm.

They were quiet as Sanji regained his focus, looking down at Usopp when he felt he was ready to play. "Alright, I'm ready," he said.

Usopp chuckled, covering his mouth when Sanji glared at him. "Don't smile," the sniper whispered. He bit his bottom lip to keep himself from laughing again, a little confused by Sanji's lack of even the smallest bit of laughter. "C'mon, don't smile."

"I'm not smiling," Sanji said, his voice cool as he leaned down to nuzzle his nose with Usopp. "You on the other hand-"

"Hey, you're playing this time!" Usopp laughed. "I'm allowed to smile!"

"Oh really?" Sanji asked. His fingers began dancing down Usopp's side at a ferocious speed. Usopp burst into hysterical giggles, unable to keep his laughter under control. Sanji was smirking at him and let a few chuckles escape his chest. When Usopp gently pounded on his chest, Sanji stopped tickling him. "You're still bad at this game," he smirked.

"Ch-Cheater!" Usopp panted. "You started laughing too! You lost!"

"Mmn, you lost first," Sanji said, his hands rubbing over Usopp's shirt and pushing under the overalls. One hand was touching Usopp's chest, where it would stay as Sanji leaned in to kiss Usopp's lips. "What do you say to calling it a draw?"

Usopp smiled and let his own hands reach up to hang loosely on Sanji's shoulders, his fingers twisted up to touch the ends of Sanji's hair. "Admit you lost," he said.

"Pfft, fine. If it makes you feel better." Sanji rolled his eyes. Usopp chuckled before pulling him down to kiss his lips.