Author's notes: As a challenge, I put the names of all of the named students in South Park into a randomizer to generate some random pairings to write for. All of these pairings are completely randomized and are completely cracky. Regardless, I hope I did a good job at writing pairings that legit make no sense whatsoever. Instead of cluttering up my account with a bunch of drabbles for crack pairings, I will be putting them into this neatly organized collection. Oh, and if anybody wants to do this, I highly suggest it. It's way more fun than it has any right to be.
Chapter One
Title: Belmont
Pairing(s), Character(s): Slight Mark Cotswold/Porsche
Rating: PG
Warnings: Very, very, very slight sexual themes.
Summary: Mark finds Porsche crying in the library and offers her some help.
Word Count: 870
Chapter Two
Title: The Boy With the Thorn in his Side
Pairing(s), Character(s): Slight Tall Goth/Kyle
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Strong language.
Summary: After finding Evan in his synagogue, Kyle wonders if he should leave his island.
Word Count: 1,162
Chapter Three
Title: Secluded Spaces
Pairing(s), Character(s): Slight Ike/Damien
Rating: G
Warnings: Age difference.
Summary: Damien doesn't understand why Ike finds him so fascinating. He doesn't like it.
Word Count: 1,042