The Mane Six Ponies was walking on the path to Canterlot when, Discord came out and laughed evilly. "Nice of Princess Celestia to invite us over for a picnic. Eh, Girls?" Twilight said. Pinkie hopped in place saying, "I HOPE SHE MADE LOTSA CUPCAKES!". The girls laughed until Rainbow Dash said, "Girls, Look!" She pointed towards a gate that had a logo on top saying "DISCORD'S RESORT" on it. It had a note on the gate and Twilight removed it with her magic as she put it on display for her and her friends to read it. "It's from Discord!" Twilight said and she read it out loud for her friends to hear.

Dear Pesky Ponies,

The discorded Mane Six and I have taken over Equestria

Princess Celestia is now a permanent guest

at one of my seven Chaos-filled hotels

I dare ya six to find her if you can

After reading the note, Applejack said, "Y'all, We gotta find Celestia!" and Rarity; thanks to training from Pinkie Pie, pointed to the screen and said, "And you gotta help us!" Twilight then said, "If you need instructions on how to get through the hotels, check out the enclosed instruction book." And with that, the ponies went through the gates and started their adventure.