Would you blame me if I wrapped my words around you? If I wrapped my words around you would you stay? Would it play with your heart?

Something beautiful
Chapter one-Fill the gaps

Falling into nothingness is not a pleasant feeling, I've decided. From an extremely young age, all I'd wanted was to be alone. Now it's the complete opposite. Sure, I always went by the fact that I didn't need to base my life on relationships, I've seen so many of my friends crumble so easily at the smallest glimpse of heartbreak. I've always made sure I escaped before I got hurt, making sure my barriers were up, like a huge wall guarding my heart. Friends and family always trying to set me up and push me into relationships that I knew I wouldn't pursue anyway, but now? Waking up to an empty lonely bed every morning never really bothered me before, so why now? Why do I feel so lonely and un-wanted so recently?

At the age of 28, I should be all happy, smiles, experiencing everything and anything with the people or person that I love, while I'm still young, young and carefree. But all I can see is my friends around me enjoying their lives filled with love and happiness, it's like I'm on the outside looking in. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. The phone vibrating in my pocket snapped me out of my moping session and I slipped my hand into my pocket, curling my fingers around the thin rectangle, prising it from the confines of my jeans and holding it in front of my face.

Wes. I sighed, how did I guess? I pressed my thumb onto the accept button hesitantly.

"Anderson! Why haven't you been answering my calls?"
Blaine pulled the phone away from his ear briefly to check the screen, it glowed brightly with 4 missed calls and one message. He bought the phone back to his ear, rolling his eyes and taking a sip from his coffee that was grasped tightly in his gloved hand.
"Didn't know you were calling me"
"Well are you gonna get your head out your ass, quit moping around and come out with us this weekend?"
Blaine rolled his eyes again; a part of him knew Wes wouldn't give up pestering him on dragging him out on a 'night with the boys' after he had shut himself off from everyone these past few weeks.

"Dunno" He kicked his feet at a few leaves crossing his path, as he continued walking, head down, coffee in one hand, phone in the other.
"Come on Blaine, I know you're going through a tough time at the minute, just come out with us, let loose a little, maybe it will help a little"
Blaine just scoffed, Wes had no idea what he was going through, nor had he any intention of helping, he was too pre-occupied with his fiancé Maria to even have the slightest clue what he was going through.
"Nah Wes I think I'll leave it"
"I'm not giving up on you that easily Anderson, and you know Nick will simply not take no for an answer"
Blaine just mumbled something nonchalantly.
"Where are you anyway man?"
"On my way to work"

Wes heard the lively sound of passing traffic in the busy New York city.
"You walking? In this weather? Is your car broke again or something?"
"Well then why-"
"I just fancied walking okay? Is it a crime to get some fresh air once in a while?"
"No, its just, I didn't think you were the type of person to walk to work when its the middle of winter and you have a perfectly working car sitting on your drive-way."
"Look Wes I appreciate you calling, and I appreciate the offer, but I really don't feel up to this night out or whatever you guys are calling it. I'm almost at work now so I'm gonna let you go, I'll talk to you whenever, I guess..."
"Yeah well take care of yourself Anderson,"
"Kay, bye Wes."
"Cya Blaine."

I'd barely pushed my phone back into my pocket and lifted my head before I smacked straight into someone, we both went tumbling backwards but I steadied myself on a lamppost. Shit. I was about to open my mouth and apologise when I looked up to-
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Gosh you've spilled your coffee all down you. Crap, erm... I'm so clumsy-here" The beautiful angel before my eyes was looking at the floor, embarrassed, and had started rifling through his messenger bag, pulling out some tissues from a compartment and pushing them into my hand. Why was I so numb? I felt my face frozen, unable to speak, just my mouth agape with one hand still half extended, loosely grasping the tissues he had placed into my hand.

"N-no, its fine. I wasn't looking where I was going either; it's both of our faults" I managed to stutter out, offering him a friendly smile whilst he still looked at the ground. And then it happened, he lifted his breath-takingly gorgeous blue eyes to mine and I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. He let out a shaky breath at the same time I did, and we stood smiling at each other for half a second before I shook the bedazzled thoughts from my head and looked down to my coat, dabbing at the lapel at the splashes of coffee that had spilt onto it in the collision.

"I'm sorry about your coat, I was just in a rush and I wasn't concentrating, I have a job interview and I have no clue where I am supposed to be going, this building has so many floors" The man gestured to the building opposite the street from them, Blaine's work-place. Suddenly something clicked in the mystery man's head.

"Oh yeah, I'm late, Crap. Okay I'm sorry; I need to go-Sorry about the coffee!"
He was clicking his bag shut again and half running away by the time I had shouted after him.

"Hey Mister! Wait up!" he seemed to slow down a little as I half jogged to his side again.

"Where are you supposed to be? What's the interview for? I work here; I can tell you where you need to go"

"Really?" The man looked relieved, and that cute little breath taking smile appeared on his lips again, I found my breath catching in my throat just looking at him. His chestnut hair flawlessly coiffed and styled to perfection, his simple yet obviously designer suit hugged his figure just right, the skinny tie that clung to his neck underneath the tight collar just made me want to pull him and crash his lips to mine this very instant...

"I got told I had to go to reception but then someone else told me to go straight up to the part of the building that I would be working in, but then someone else said-"

"Woah, right, just follow me okay?" Blaine smiled, interrupting him from talking even more and making himself even more late, he held the door open for him and laughed when the man ducked underneath his arm and giggled.

He's so perfect, yet I've only just met him. So happy and young and beautiful.

As soon as they entered the building and walked to the main reception, Blaine knew what would happen next, and as always, people began to crowd around him the instant they set eyes on him.

"Mr Anderson! Good morning! I have some very important-"
"Mr Anderson! There are 4 calls waiting for you on hold in your office Sir!"
"Sir! I am on the phone to the head of HEAT magazine, he wants to congratulate you on-"
"Sir I there is an urgent-"
"Mr Anderson, I took the liberty of organising your-"

"Alright Enough!" Blaine's voice boomed, louder than all of the men and women's voices that were shouting new information and updates at him. Blaine glanced sideways to the perfect man who was looking slightly confused, and gave him a desperate look. "Sorry" he said to him before turning back to the crowd of ready to burst people who had immediately quietened at his outburst.

"Okay! I realise a lot is going on, but could you all just give me a chance to get in the door before you bombard me! Jheeze!"

There were a few mumbled 'sorry Mr Anderson's as Blaine stormed through the middle of the crowd to the desk, the newly met man following his footsteps. He approached the main receptionist who immediately made a show of flirting with him and doing anything he wanted straight away as per usual.


"Mr Anderson, you look handsome this morning, what can I do for you?"

The man at Blaine's side looked between them earnestly, and then chuckled under his breath, Michele's head snapped around and glared at him before turning her flirtatious gaze to Blaine again.

"My..." Angel? Soulmate? Beautiful breathtaking man I met just a few minutes ago? "Friend, here has an interview but he is not sure where abouts in the building it is situated, could you look up on the computer where Mr..." Blaine trailed off, looking expectantly at his new-found discovery, realising he didn't actually know the angel's name yet.

"Hummel" the angel beamed, "Kurt Hummel"

Kurt. Kurt Hummel. What a lovely name.

"Blaine Anderson" He grinned, offering his hand, Kurt took it in his own and shook firmly, the touch felt like burning through Blaine's skin, like he had discovered something, an instant connection.

Both men looked into each other's eyes, and Blaine wondered whether Kurt had felt it too. He realised they had been staring at each other for about 10 seconds now until Michele cleared her throat and Blaine forced his gaze back to her, instructing her to hurry up and he hasn't got all day and god Michele what is wrong with you today? Blaine tried desperately to cover up the awkwardness between him and Kurt and everyone who had just witnessed him be in a complete an utter trance just by glimpsing into his beautiful blue angel eyes, he kept sighing dramatically, making Kurt chuckle under his breath as they leant in closer to each other on the desk.

"Floor 3, Room 5c" Michele grunted, somewhat jealous of the obvious effect this new strange man was having on Mr Anderson, but still-the fake receptionist smile plastered on her face.

Kurt turned to Blaine and hooked his thumb under the strap of his messenger bag that rested on his shoulder, smiling at his new friend "Thanks, so um- I best get going, I guess I'll see you around, Blaine"

"No problem! See you around Kurt" Blaine smiled back easily, but as Kurt began to walk away, he noticed him adjust his hair and smooth down his suit nervously. "Hey Kurt?"

Kurt swivelled round on his heels, facing Blaine with a surprised expression. "Yeah?"

"Don't worry about the interview, you'll ace it" He winked, causing Kurt's cheeks to flush and force out a squeaky "thanks!" before scuttling off and leaving Blaine to face his colleagues.


What the hell am I doing? I can't get involved with this man! I'm Blaine Anderson. Blaine Anderson being the guy who doesn't settle down, who doesn't have relationships that last longer than a week tops, Blaine Anderson who avoids commitment. And how can I even be sure this guy is gay? I mean he might just have a reaaaally good fashion sense and he might just act gay with his cute little hair and hand flicks and his perfect everything. All I know is I have to see him again, and I'll do whatever it takes for him to get that damn job.

Blaine began to type and click ferociously on his computer, searching the company's database and details for the person who was in charge of Kurt's interview and who was involved with the final decision. After a few more clicks he jabbed his finger on the intercom button and leaned down to the microphone.
"Could I see Tom Farren from department 4 in my office immediately please"


That was Blaine's voice. I'm sure of it, it must of been him.

"Sorry, I have just been called to the main boss of the whole magazine's office so it's pretty important, could you, um- I dunno how long this is gonna take.."
"-I'll wait"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah its fine"

Main boss of the whole magazine? Are you kidding me? So its just a coincidence I have bumped into maybe my future boss in the street and spilt his coffee all down him this morning? Ugh, what am I gonna do? That explains the reason everyone was bombarding him as soon as we got through the door, he's obviously a big deal here.. This interview isn't gonna go down well at all.


"Mr Anderson? You asked to see me sir?"
"Yes. I hear you are responsible for deciding who gets the new role of photographer in the magazine since Sarah is no longer available to do the job?"
"Erm, yes sir, I am"
"Have you held all interviews yet?"
"No there is one left sir, Kurt Hummel"
Blaine felt his heart sink at the name. "Could you report back to me straight after the interview? I would like to hear about his performances in the interview and your thoughts on who you are considering hiring before you make a decision."
"Of course sir" Tom looked slightly confused, but went along with it anyway, Blaine nodded and dismissed him, watching as he closed the door behind him and walked off with the weird look still on his face.


"Mr Hummel! Hold on!"
"Yes?" Kurt stopped and turned, seeing Tom running back to him as he was just leaving the building after his interview.
"Congratulations, you got the job" Tom stuck his hand out for him to shake, while Kurt stood with his mouth agape.
"What? W-wow! Well, thank you!"
"Pleasure" He smiled before turning away "See you tomorrow then!"
"Yeah see you!" Kurt shouted back, muffling the scream that was about to escape from his lips.

I got it. Un-employed for 6 months and the first job I go for I get straight away before I can even leave the building? Wow. The interview went terribly, I was about to run out screaming and ripping my own hair out. How did I get so lucky?



"Hey! I heard you got the job" he approached me, smiling just like he had earlier, so mysterious-like there was millions of secrets to be unravelled and revealed.

"Yeah! I'm not too sure how it happened-but yeah! Thanks again for the directions, by the way. I wouldn't have even got the job if it weren't for you" I felt myself blush, why did I always have this teenage school-girl reaction when I talked to him? What the hell is wrong with me? Pull yourself together Kurt.

"Awesome, and I told you, it's no problem" He shuffled closer, hands in his pockets, still smiling. Though I wasn't too sure why he was down in the reception of the building again, surely if he was the boss of the magazine then he wouldn't be down here...talking to me...would he? "Sooo-I was wondering..."

"Yeah?" he' doing this weird staring at the ground, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt and shuffling on his feet formation, I assume its nerves. Why is he nervous..?

"Do you maybe fancy...grabbing a celebratory coffee and sitting down for a chat? You know, I mean, you don't have to its just-you got the job and everything and I'd love to-You seem really nice and-"

"I'd love to!" I answered maybe a little too quickly and enthusiastically but it sure eased the tension on Blaine's face as he let out a huge sigh.

"Cool, so um, I could use my break now-if you're ready?"

"Sure" I smiled easily. Why was everything so easy breathing with Blaine?

I watched him leave in the jealous eyes of the flirty receptionist as I followed behind him, laughing at a story he was beginning to tell me.

A thought crossed my mind.

I could really start to like this guy...

A/N: Thanks for reading! I know that it's a little jumpy in this chapter but I've sorted it out in the next one, the lines at the beginning were from a song called 'wrap my words around you' by Daniel Bedingfield..I think I'm gonna put song lyrics for the start of every chapter. Please review and tell me what you thought! This is my first time writing future-fics/AU.

Thank you!