Parking in an empty grassy friend, Dean stepped out of his beloved Impala. He took a deep breath and smiled. Nature was really beautiful and he had never really taken the time out of his day to acknowledge it. Not that he ever had any free time. If he wasn't hunting demons or ghosts, he was hanging with Sam and simply being a big brother.
Dean walked around his car and popped the trunk open. He gently lifted the old trench coat and held it against his chest while he used his free hand to close the trunk. Walking a few feet in front of his car, he bent his knees and lay back on the ground. He wrapped the coat around his check and gazed up at the sky.
The iridescent sky ahead made Dean elated. The blue was the exact same shade as Cas' eyes. As much as the thought of his missing angel hurt, the memory of him made Dean feel more alive by the second. Clutching the coat closer, Dean closed his eyes.
He often imagined the day when he opened his eyes that he would find Cas waiting there for him.
But deep down, Dean knew he was only fooling himself.