Disclaimer: I don't own the TMNT

*The guys are 25 years old in this fic.*

Chapter One: An Ending

Laughter rang out from the two young women in a little beat up Grand Pre as it pulled through the intersection, loud music blasted through the speakers as they car danced and sang along.

"Trish LOOK OUT!" the younger woman screamed, pointing as a large truck ran the red light.

Trish jerked the wheel around so she took the full force of the impact, protecting the younger woman. A scream tore from the younger woman, followed shortly by the other woman's panicked cry as the truck slammed into the car and sent it spinning, the truck stopped, a man got out staggered over to the car, muttered something and staggered back to the truck. He got in and drove away, leaving the broken bodies and car alone in the middle of the street.

Nearly an hour later a phone call was made in panic when someone arrived home late from work and an ambulance was rushed to the scene.

The younger woman woke in a hospital bed later that night was released as soon as she was able to discern where she was. After being told the news about the other woman, she wept and sat beside the comatose woman, refusing to leave her side except to make one phone call.


Don quickly answered the phone, snatching it up in a panic. He'd called April and hour ago in hope of finding Leo at her place since he'd been missing for going on six hours. It wasn't like him to just not contact them for so long.

"Hello?" Don questioned.

Hey Donnie…Leo's going to be staying the night…he's…pretty upset right now.

"What happened?" Don asked, "April why's he upset?"

He…his…girlfriend was just killed in a car crash Don…she passed two hours ago…he…her sister called him. He needs some time to recover Don…he was just in shock and its worn off…he's struggling right now Don…I'll bring him by in the morning.

"I…ok…I just…thank you April," Don whispered, hanging up after a moment.

"Well?" Raph demanded.

"Um…Sensei…Leo…he…his girlfriend was just killed in a wreck…April's going to bring him home tomorrow," Don whispered.

"What?" Raph exploded.

"Leo has…had a girlfriend?" Mike sputtered.

Splinter sighed sinking into his chair at the table.

"Oh Leonardo," he breathed, "I…I met Trisha only a week ago."

Nobody moved.

"When exactly was he planning on telling us about her?" Mikey sputtered.

"Tonight," Splinter answered softly.

Don sank into the chair opposite Splinter.

"…and she died tonight…" Don managed.

Raph leaned against the counter, struggling with every emotion that could possibly be. Right now, he was trying to decide on how to react. Leo was going to need them, but he couldn't help but be furious that Leo had been seeing someone, but seemed so against any of them doing the same. Or had it just been a recent affection?

"How long were they dating?" Raph asked.

"Three years," Splinter whispered, "they were merely friends at first…I fear that young Jamie may need a place to stay…Trisha was all that Miss Jamie had…her only family. Trisha and Leonardo were all she had."

"Who is Jamie? How old is she…like three?" Raph snapped, "is she and Leo's kid or something?"

Splinter frowned.

"No…Miss Jamilique or Jamie as she prefers is Trisha's younger sister. I would hope Raphael that you would be sensitive to Leonardo's grief and well as young Jamie's." Splinter said sharply.

Raph frowned and grunted before walking away.

Don looked at Splinter after a moment.

"So…um…do you want us to make up the guest room?" Mikey asked.

"I would be very thankful of that Michaelangelo," Splinter sighed, "Donatello I would ask you to clean up a little at least around here. If we are to have a guest then, we must not look indiscrete."

"Of course Sensei…I just…I can't believe Leo wouldn't have told us sooner," Don whispered as he stood.

"I do not believe that Leonardo intended to fall in love," Splinter replied, "now forgive me while I go speak to Raphael."

"Of course Sensei," Don and Mikey mumbled.

A/N: hmmmm another story looks like my brain can only come up with new ideas lately…don't worry I'll get back to the old ones that I haven't finished yet.