It's time to right to my preciouse little sister Amane.
How long has it been now? I can't even remember the last time i picked up a pen!
But i guess i can't help that, it was the 'vioce's' fault for never giving me a chance to live my own life.
I shake my head as if doing this action will dismiss the thoughts of my darker half, it worked for the moment.
I go threw my pile of neatley stacked papers to find a plane piece of paper.
"Ah! last one." a sang to myself happily, when was the last time i went shopping for more plain paper anyway?
As i start writing i notice that there were words on the other side. "guess i'm not that lucky to actually have a proper plain piece of paper..." i sighed.
"Dear yadonushi, Ryo." I blinked as i made out what the first sentance said on the other side.
"w-why?" Words were unable to form in my mouth, it was to big of a shock... Why did 'HE' leave a letter for me?
The letter let out a shreek as i quikly turned it to read the unbalievable words on the other side, i didn't even care that my index fingure was leaking blood from the paper cut that was caused in my rush.
Dear yadonushi, Ryo.
I can't believe i'm starting this letter off so qlishe but if you're reading this it means i am defeated, dead.
I can't blame you if you want to rip this letter to shreds right now but please can you read my words to you, i'm trying to tell you about how sorry i am for my mistakes.
I am writting this letter to you because there was no other way of telling you that YOU are the most importent treasuter i have ever own, i don't desearve to tell you that i love you, i don't desearve you full stop.
I know i always say you can't run from the darkness i'll be here forever... But i hope you relize that was my way of telling you i will always watch over you.
I know this letter wont change your feelings towards me and i can't blame you for that.
I hate that i took your life away from you, i hate that i'm so twisted.
If you are still reading this hikari... thank you and goodbye.
My brain turned off for the next half an hour. Did he? But i? why would he? was all i could stutter out of my shock. Then there it was, my brain rebuted.
"B-B-BA-kura" I collapsed on the wood beneath me screaming his hated name. I was so frustrated! "How could you leave a letter like that!"
"Why couldn't you have just left me alone!" I punch the ground and hear a crack which i couldn't be sure if it was from my bones or the wood."Why do you leave me suffering?"
"I loved you too..." I whispered inbetween sobs. "But no, i try to keep strong but you leave something like 'that' behind."
I bring the heart tearing letter to my lips and kiss his hand writting before i turn it over and start to write on the other side.
"Dear my yami, Bakura."