How the Tables Turn: Chapter 1
Pairing: Adam C. & Jake A.
Warning: Male/Male; No slash yet, but soon to come!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of this! Well I own the creativity, but that it lol.
A/N: Well this is my first time posting on here. So I hope you all love it and I am always open to suggestions and reviews! Thanks and enjoy!
Adam's POV
How could this have happened? No one was supposed to get hurt. Binding the circle was meant to ensure that. But now- My thoughts trialed off as one lonesome tear fell from eyes. Nick and I hadn't been the best of friends, but we had basically grown up together. Right now at this very moment, all seemed unfair. I wiped away the tear just as Diana entered the Boathouse. She came around the counter and greeted me with a hug and kiss. Things with Diana and I had begun to change since Cassie Blake had arrived here. Diana believed that there was something going on between Cassie and me, but she couldn't be further from the truth. True things were no longer the same between me and Diana. Honestly that had nothing to do with either of them and everything to do with me.
"How are you today?" Diana asked, placing her bag under the counter and opening the box of photos we had collected. She glanced over her shoulder at me, an expectant look on her face.
"I'm okay I guess. Still can't believe that Nick is gone." I placed the glass I was cleaning down and took a deep breath.
"Neither can I, but we will make it through this together, right?" Diana turned around and crossed her arms over her chest.
As I prepared myself to answer I saw him. He stood in the center of the Boathouse with his hands in his front pockets. His black leather jacket clung loosely to his body and matched his black jeans. His sandy blonde hair was neatly groomed and made his brown eyes glimmer slightly. The sight of him made my blood boil and my fist to curl up in anger.
He made his way to the counter. Diana looked from him to me before she broke the silence. "Jake Armstrong, what are you doing here?" He looked at her with his piercing eyes and smiled.
"I heard that my brother's wake was being held here. So I decided to stop by and-"He looked at me before continuing. "-thank the great Adam Conant for his generosity."
My words seemed lodged in my throat because there was so much I wanted to say and none of it was kind. What the hell had he been thinking walking in here? It was evident that he didn't value his face. Before I flipped out I grabbed my coat and stormed out of the Boathouse.
Jake's POV
Hours had gone by since I had showed my face to Adam and I couldn't help but replay that moment in my mind. His striking and warm brown eyes still took my breathe away. Maybe I shouldn't have provoked him, but it was the only way that kept me from spilling my heart. Now as I walked along the pier all the things that I had suppressed seemed to rush back to me. All the times that I had sat in the Boathouse and taken in the sight of Adam as he moved between the tables. The times that we had accidently touched and I had felt the spark of something more. Everything, all of it, flooded me now and for a moment I didn't notice him.
There before me was the guy that I had dreamed about for years. He leaned against the wooden railing staring out at the sea. His posture said that he was thinking- that this was a private moment, but I couldn't help myself. I went to stand next to him and placed my hands on the railing.
"You okay Conant?" I spoke quietly, not wanting to get the wrong reaction, like earlier.
He ignored my question to ask one of his own. "What are you doing here Jake?"
"Well my brother did just die a couple of nights ago." I sighed and then I heard his sob. His shoulders shuddered and instinctively I reached out for him. To my utter surprise he leaned into me and allowed the tears to take over. Wrapping my arms around him I let him express his grieve.
"It's okay Adam. I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."