A/N: SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! I know, I know. You all hate me because I haven't updated in like forever and I am so sorry for that. I just have had no inspiration to write lately and I had no ideas what to write. So I kind of just pulled this out of my hat so it sucks. Btu I felt really bad for not updating and my sister keeps on telling me to update because she said that if her author didn't update for as long as I did, she would hate that author. And you guys have every right to hate me right now. I am SOOOOOOO sorry. Please read my author's note at the end of the chapter! It's important! Here is chapter 15 of Dancing in the Dark! I hope you guys like it! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious and now that it is being cancelled, I never will. Yeah, I'm still pissed about that, and I will be pissed about it for the rest of my Victorious-less life.

Jade's POV

"So what do you guys want to do today?" Robbie asked.

"I don't know," Beck responded. He looked at me with an expression that asked me what I wanted to do.

"Why don't we go take a drive around the island?" I suggested. Everyone agreed, eager to see the rest of Hawaii.

We all got into our 6-seater convertible car (a/n: believe me, it exists). Beck volunteered to drive half the time and then Andre would get the other half of the time to drive. I sat in the middle seat in the front row of the car, Beck to my left and Cat to my right. Robbie was kind of onto our plan to get Andre with Tori so he quickly took the window in the second row so that Tori would get the middle and would have to seat next to Andre.

Tori seemed uncomfortable and scooted as far from Andre as she could. Andre had a sad expression on his face when he saw he perform this action. I felt bad for him. And I never feel bad for people. I had to do something.

I leaned over to Beck and whispered in his ear, "Hey, babe. Tori is scooting away from Andre. Now, there's a big curve coming ahead on the road. Make sure to make a big turn so that Tori will be forced to move closer to Andre." He smiled. I smiled back and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. His smile got bigger.

We got close to the turn and Beck got on the outer lane so that it will make a bigger effect. As he turned, I saw Tori get closer to Andre. The turn was so big that she practically has on his lap. He had his arms around her helping her no to hurt herself or anything. Tori looked at Andre when the turn was over, the two still in the same position as they were before. Andre gave her a slight smile and she returned it. She whispered "Thank you" to him and sat up. This time she didn't scoot away from him. They weren't cuddling, but it was a start.

I scooted my body closer to Beck's and he wrapped him arm around my body as soon as I did. She kissed the top of my head and I looked up at him. I smiled my secret-only-reserved-for-Beck smile. She chuckled a little and kissed me on my lips. He kept on kissing me and when I thought he was going to pull back, he didn't. If he didn't pull back soon, we were going to crash. I pulled back. "Beck, we are going to crash if you don't keep your boy hormones under control." I said.

"I'm sorry, you are just so irresistible." He winked at me and kissed me again.

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back. "Beck! Oh my gosh, you're going to kill us all!" I told hm.

I realized that everyone was watching us. "Hey, if you guys are getting all PDA in the front over there, risking that chance of killing us, can I drive?" Andre asked, kind of sarcastically. I gave him a mocking expression, my tongue sticking out at him, and Beck said, "Well, okay. It's about halfway anyways. Tori would you mid switching with Jade, because I want to be with Jade in the back." Beck asked Tori. I couldn't tell if he said that because his hormones were out of control or if this was part of the Tori and Andre get together plan.

"Uh, sure. I guess." Tori answered. Beck pulled over and Andre and Tori switched with Beck and I. Andre started driving again. Andre and Tori got into a conversation about Sicowitz and his coconut milk, Cat was coloring in her color book that I made her bring in case she got annoying or bored, which she did, and Robbie was arguing watching some videos on The Slap. I looked to Beck and caught him staring at me.

"What?" I said, surprisingly in a sweet tone.

"I just—I don't know how—How can God create someone this beautiful?" Beck said.

"Sap," I replied, trying to hide my smile.

"No, I'm serious." Beck said. Looking at me, Beck narrowed his eyes like if he was trying to point out something he just couldn't put his finger on. "I just don't understand how. I am the luckiest guy in the world because I have the most beautiful, gorgeous, talented, flawless, wonderful, most perfect girlfriend in the whole wide world." He smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you, Beck." I said.

"For what? For telling you the truth? You don't have to thank me for that. I could do that for the rest of my life, Jade. Actually, I want to do that for the rest of my life." Beck said.

"So, what? Are you saying you're going to marry me?" I asked.

"I know I'm going to marry you, Jade. I can't picture spending the rest of my life with anyone else but you. You are the love of my life and nothing is going to change that. Never." Beck stated. My smile was so big right now. "And I mean we don't have to get married right now. We can wait until we are older, but I just want you to know that I am going to marry you one day."

"You are the love of my life too, Beck. And I can't wait until that day comes, then." I said back. He leaned in a kissed me on my lips, slowly moving his lips with mine. I could feel his love and passion for me in his kiss. In all the kisses he gave me. And I returned it back too. I love him so much. And he knows that. Maybe I don't say it often in front of people, but I do say in to him. And that's all that matters. I don't care who thinks what about us. It's Beck and I only. No one else. It's us against the world, I guess. And I wouldn't want to have anyone else as my partner other than Beck. I pulled back and whispered against him lips, "I love you, Beck. Forever."

He whispered against my lips," I love you too, my Jade. Forever and ever."

I leaned in once more and kissed him with all the passion I had for him and I could feel him returning it too. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was meaningful.

"For making me happy. No one else makes me happy like you do. That's what I thank you for. And I can't—and I won't ever—thank you enough for that, my Beck."

A/N: Good? Bad? Please let me know! PLEASE REVIEW! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Did you guys see Tori Fixes Beck & Jade?! OMFG I died. That was just too much for me to handle and I exploded and died. It was like an explosion of BADE! That was the best night of my life. My babies are back together and happy again having each other by one another again and they gave me the inspiration to write another chapter for this story.

Okay, so as I said in the beginning author's note, I needed to tell you guys something important. And it's about this story. I have abso-freaking-lutely no idea where the hell this story is going. I am just blank. I have nada! NADA! I don't know what to write about, so I didn't know if I just end this story or continue it. I really don't want to cancel it, but if I am not updating because I have nothing to write about, then what? So I was thinking if you guys can give me ideas of what you want to see happen in the story, please let me know. It can be ANYTHIG! ANYTHIG AT ALL! (Remember this story is rated T.) You can put it in your review or PM me or you can DM me on twitter. My twitter is Nati1039. Just ask for a follow if I don't already follow you and DM me idea(s) please! I need your help! I really, really, really, really don't want to have to cancel this story! Please help me! Thank you for reading. I hope I'll see you guys again.
