Pre A/N: Hi everyone I posted this a few days ago, and there was a weird update to i Re-updated and now everything should be better so REVIEW now on the the original Authors note.

A/N: Hi everyone! I'm darkkiss15 and this is my second bleach FANFIC! The first one I wrote was just a one shot, and this one was, but over the time I realized it could most definitely be a story! So technically this is my first bleach story! I find this an accomplishment! Okay as you read this a romantic/hurt and comfort/ minor angst in possibly future chapters. But bare with me I'm gonna throw in some cute fluff here and there. Okay! So read this and review because my other bleach fanfic didn't do so hot in the review department, oh and go read that too if you really wanted! I also want to say that if this is a hit (I'm hoping it is...) I just wanna say right now that it will take a while for updates, because school is WAY more troublesome then I thought I would be, so if you like this then don't give up on it and REVIEW! So that I know what you guys all think! On to the story! Disclaimer: I don't own bleach or its characters!

Rukia's POV

I woke to utter and complete bliss. The sun was shinning brightly on my face, the blankets surrounding me were as fluffy, warm, and comfy as possible, and my personal pillow of a boyfriend was just an added bonus.

I snuggled closer to my orange haired strawberry and inhaled that intoxicating spicy, masculine and with a hint of sweet aroma that was Ichigo.

He moved closer to me, pressing his body to mine, completely embracing me in his warm arms.

I felt lip on the crown of my head, "Mornin' Rukia" a smile spread across my face, if I could wake up like this every morning I would be happy.

"Good morning Ichigo" I closed my eyes and just lay there, in complete and utter bliss.

Ichigo and I have been dating for almost two years, it was love at first sight.

Well kinda.

We meet on a rainy day, that's an understatement, it was pouring! I bet you could classify that dang storm as a hurricane!

I'm serious, it was that bad.

Well anyways, I just got out of work at the law firm I work at, and I was walking home, with great difficulty, my lack umbrella threatening to blow away with every gust of wind when all of a sudden BAM!

Next think I know I was in a puddle of water completely soaked.

When I looked up there he was, him and all his soaking wet glory.

I'll admit it I was smitten, but being the Kuchiki I was I wasn't going to openly admit that, so instead I gave him my best Kuchiki glare and yelled in a demanding voice, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Have a bit of class and watch were your going you orange haired giant!"

When I look back at this memory I wanna slap myself, knowing what I know now to think I treated him with such harsh words and especially when it's raining.

If I only knew how the rain effected him.

Well anyway, there I was soaked to the bone on the ground, in a puddle, at least I was smart enough to wear black and water proof make-up or this situation would have been much worse.

His face already in a scowl , his mop of hair sticking to his face, water droplets sliding down his skin, deliciously soaking his white shirt under his black leather jacket, showing off is god-like body.

Instead of yelling back at me like he would have done any minute of any day now, he simply stuck his hand out to me and waited while I looked at it dumbstruck.

After four seconds I grabbed his warm large hand and as it perfectly in-laced with mine I knew I never wanted to let go.

"I'm sorry about that" his voice was like silk.

"Well I guess it's okay..." I wanted to say more but what does a person say in a time like this?

He took care of that for me,"Hey I know we just met but I live right in this building and I feel bad that I got you soaking wet, so would you join me for an apology dinner?" YES!

But keeping my cool exterior I said,"Yes that would be nice" I gave him a small smile and I saw the tip of his lips twitch.

Still holding my hand he dragged me into a large apartment building.

He dragged me up a few flights of stairs till we were on the 6th floor.

"Did we have to take the stairs? My feet are killing me!" now that I think about it saying that was out of character for me, I mean Rukia Kuchiki does not whine, and especially not to a complete stranger.

As he put the key into the lock he turned his head towards me and said, "Well midget you should think twice before wearing heels to look remotely normal" I saw a small smirk play on his lips. Midget? Oh he did not just comment on my height.

"Midget? well let me tell you mister i am of AVERAGE height you on the other had are freakishly tall, so you and you giant self open this door because I'm cold, in pain, and hungry." I pouted like the three year old I felt I was.

"Yeah yeah midget whatever you say" my eyes slightly narrowed but I said nothing, "Welcome to my humble home."

It wasn't large or glorious like my apartment was, but it was...homey.

I stepped inside and looked around. There was a small living room, and rather large kitchen/ dinning room, and a hallway with four doors.

The man rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Um sorry about what happen outside, I was, um, distracted" he looked down at me and gave me an apologetic smile.

"Nah its okay I love being soaking wet on a cold day its completely okay" I told him sarcasticly.

Now that I look back at this day I have to wonder, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!

The Rukia Kuchiki I was raised as would never talk to anyone in this manner, or complain, or accepts dinner form a complete stranger, even if he was god-like and completely and utterly sexy.

"Oh yeah, I forgot" he left me and walked down the hall to one of the doors and came back with a woman's dress in my size.

It was a soft blue, with soft white flowers scattered around I raised an eyebrow at him and asked, "Girlfriend's?" I gratefully took the dress and stood there.

He looked confuse, "No my sisters visit every so often so they leave there clothes here" Oh, "The bathroom is the first door to the right.

I nodded and walked over there.

"Oh by the way my names Ichigo" strawberry?

I smiled and turned back, my hand on the door knob, "Rukia" with that I entered the bathroom and changed into the dress that fit me perfectly.

And the rest is history.

After that night Ichigo and I were inseparable, of course we bickered and teased each other mercilessly.

Then October 15th came around, the day that made my life better.

It was the day he asked me out.

Okay it sounds like I'm over reacting right? Well I'm not, if you fell in love with your best friend but didn't know how to tell them then have them ask you out is just about the greatest thing EVER!

It was fall, my second favorite season to winter, because of all the colors, its also Ichigo's second favorite season for the same reason, the colors. The orange, reds, yellows, and browns of fall, that crisp taste in the air. I loved almost everything about fall.

It was really cute when he asked me, but don't tell him that, he might try and deny it.

But there he was all nervous and blushing like a high school student asking a girl to prom.

It was cute really!

I accepted of course and we have been together since!

We have our fights, and almost break ups, but now that I think about it those always end up with a really passionate kissing.


Yeah, I'm not going into that, but back in the present and still in Ichigo's arms.

"I have to go to work" he mumbled into my hair.

"No you don't, call in sick" I grumbled back.

"You know I cant do that, Kenpachi would have my ass on a platter if I'm as so much a second late." I could hear the scowl in his voice.

"Then I'll just sue him for domestic violence" I was one of the top defense lawyer in all of America, I think I could defend my boyfriend in a court of law.

"Domestic violence? That makes me sound like a wimp" I rolled my eyes

"Ichigo you of all people should know that that is know true, domestic violence is a very serious thing" You would think that a divisional specialist working for the FBI would know these things, but NOOOOOOO Ichigo thinks this is all fun in game.

"Aw Rukia don't go all lawyer on my, plus Toshiro would have your ass for not being there" I frowned.

"He is not my boss Ukatake is, and he doesn't mind, I should talk to Karin and see if she can do anything about the stick up Toshiro's ass, I mean I'M the Kuchiki and he's the one the the stick up his ass, I don't get how your sister puts up with him" I pondered this thought, Toshiro really isn't that bad, but kind of a stick in the mud.

"Come on, we have to get to our respected jobs, lets go catch and put away bad guys" I smiled, I do love my job.

"Fine" I got up from my warmth and walk to my closet to get changed, Ichigo followed and got into his required dress pants, shirt, and jacket.

He grabbed the black tie he always wears and put it on loosely.

I got dressed in a designer suite and started my make up.

"Hey Chibi remember were going out with Renji, Tatsuki, Orihime, Uryuu, Chad, and Rin tonight" oh course I didn't forget, we have been planning this dinner for months now.

"Okay, I wont forget, our are you going to drop me off at work and pick me up like the gentlemen I know your not?" he smacked my arm, almost making me mess up my make up.

"Whatever midget, come on lets go" grrrr, he never waits!

I finish my make up and grab my purse and run after him in my heels.

I find him in the elevator waiting for me.

I get in and then begins my hectic day.

Ichigo's POV

I just dropped off Rukia at her law firm and was heading to FBI headquarters were we were getting a new case to work on because we just wrapped up a case about a week ago.

I pull up into the drive way and walk up to the door and open it to see our receptionist, Orihime Ishida.

"Good morning Kurosaki-Kun!" she said in an overly happy voice, I roll my eyes and grabbed the coffee that she has prepared on a small table every morning.

"Orihime I told you call me Ichigo, by the way, how are Uryuu and the kids?"Uryuu was the neurosurgeon at the local hospital, he took after his father and was chief surgeon.

They had a two daughters a son, and a baby on the way.

"Oh there are great, thank you Kur, I mean Ichigo" I smiled and told her, "That's good, Rukia and I will see you and Uryuu tonight at the restaurant okay?"

"Oh yeah that's right!"

"You forgot didn't you?" I shook my head and said my farewells.

I headed for the elevator and went up to my floor.

Once I got up there I headed for the conference room that I knew everyone was in waiting.

Once I got in I saw Renji, Hisagi, and Kira all talking in a corner of the room while the other agents sat and looked at their papers.

"Yo, Ichigo you finally decide to show up!" sigh, leave it to Renji to keep things quiet, the red head stuck out like a soar thumb with his ridicules red hair, what Tatsuki sees in him I don't know.

"Yeah yeah I know I was late whatever. Is Kenpachi here yet?" all of a sudden a felt a arm draped around my shoulder and a another guy stand on my other side.

"Ichigo its your lucky day because the boss is here late!" I looked over with great irritation at the bald headed man who was currently draped on my shoulder.

"Ichigo its so UN-beautiful being late, that's why Ikkaku and I were early, that what beautiful people do" Yumichika said.

"Yeah Ichigo why are you late today, its so not like you" Kira said from his spot.

"Yeah well I woke up late this morning, that's all" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, waiting for them to start the teasing.

"OH, so Rukia made you drop her off at work huh?" damn Renji and his right answer!

"Yeah pretty much"

"Oh Ichigo when are you gonna man up and pop the question?" I glared at Ikkaku.

"When I'm good and ready" these guys need to butt out.

"Ichigo you know she might not wait forever" Hisagi told me, leave it to him and Kira to bring things down.

"Shut up Hisagi, what are you even doing here?" Hisagi Shuuhei was one of Rukia's coworkers. I just wondered what he's doing here now.

"Oh, Kenpachi told be he needed me here today, don't know why, maybe he just wants to make fun of me, you know Kenpachi" he shrugged his shoulders. I nodded and headed for my seat at the front of the room, closer to the boss and the information then anyone else.

I may be only 26 but I have made it to the top of the food chain in the Bureau easily climbing the ranks from field agent to divisional specialist in no time. All it took was time, talent, and tolerance.

Working for Kenpachi wasn't an easy job.

Back to that question where the hell is the bastard?

Just then the door slammed open making all the newbies jump, but us normal guys tense for his loud voice to come booming through the small room.

"HAHAHA" he laughed like a maniac, "It's seems that everyone is here so lets get to work!" god every time I see him I get a headache.

Just then, Kenpachi's adopted daughter, a pink haired little pixie named Yachiru comes around the table giving us all a cookie and then devouring the rest. Call it a per-case ritual, eat an overly sweet, brightly pink frosted cookie, and liking it or suffering a beating from the 6 year old.

Once this is complete we get down to business, "Okay! Good job with last weeks case you wimps! It could have been done a lot faster but hey we got the bastard. This weeks guys is a real piece of work. His name is Hideki Honda. He's a serial rapist killer. He rapes women, girls and in times of desperation men that he finds on a street. The thing is that he rapes them, kills them and not get caught all in broad daylight! We find his victims with a slit neck and sometime, mostly in men, stab marks in the chest and abdomen. He has killed an estimate of 6 people, but there are 3 survivors, they are traumatized but I need you" he points to Hisagi, "to get to those 3 survivors to talk and testify when we catch this bastard. I don't care how you do it just do it, hey I got an idea! How about we have Ichigo's girlfriend do it! She could probably get them talking! That's what we"ll do!" he wanted Rukia on the case?

"Does he have a specific target?" Renji asked Kenpachi.

"Nah, the sick pervert doesn't give a shit, the only thing we can pick out is that they never go over the age of 30. And he never kills in the same ally." I should warn Rukia, and our friends, and family, they are always walking around all unprotected like.


"Is there a general area that he strikes in?" I asked needing to know.

"Yeah," he gave a dramatic pause, "it's this neighborhood."

There was a moment of silence then an uproar. I was silent for a while before finally adding my opinion, "How the hell has this guy been doing this crap in our neighborhood and we didn't hear about it!" how is it possible that this guy went under our raider if he had killed 6 people and had 3 victims and not come to the attention of the fricken FBI!

"Hey don't blame me, the head cheese thought that the other guy was more important, right now what matters is that we catch this bastard now BEFORE the next victim is a friend or family? GOT IT?" sigh, if I wasn't so mad right now I would be irritated with this mans loud unnecessary yelling.

Some of the guys yelled back a 'YES SIR' the rest of us just glared at the photo of the man.

"Okay let's start the profiling!" this is going to be a looooooong day.

Rukia's POV

Work was like usual, hectic.

But today more than others, because I got a text from Hisagi telling me that I was more or less been contracted by the FBI to go and interview 3 women that had survived a serial rapist/killer.

Apparently these woman were an important part of cracking the case, I was to report to the FBI building right away to get information on the rapist/killer and then in the following days I was to interview them and try and convince them to testify once they catch the guy, it's going to be hard but I have to try.

I had already caught the others up to speed, with that I grabbed my things and walked downstairs when something hit me, I have no ride.

Yes i know there are taxes but I personally didn't like riding them, it's a thing the Kuchiki's said was "improper" yes public transportation is forbidden to the Kuchiki family.

I sighed and got out my phone and called Ichigo.

After two rings he picked up,"Yeah?" his voice was gruff, meaning this case bugged him.

"Hey, could you come pick me up? They want me at your building and I don't have a ride." I was going to add how it was all his chivalry's fault, but I didn't feel like it.

"Really? Okay I'll be right there" I think he likes the fact that I'm pulling him out of work for work.

If that makes sense.

So I hung up and waited.

It was a really nice day, the trees were all different colors, the sky had that biter fall taste that bit at my skin.

After a little while a Ichigo pulled up and took me out of my daydreams. I hopped in and smiled at him.

He have me a tiny twist of his lip.

Sigh, this must be a bad case.

We stay in a comfortable silence, until we reach his building.

We get out, and when I come to stand next to him he wraps his arm around my waist, and I lean my head against his arm, being to short to put it on his shoulder.

Half the time Ichigo and I don't have to talk to know whats going on in our heads. As we walked in I greeted Orihime and we walked the steps that led to the elevator.

Once inside I twisted my head up and looked at him and said, "That bad huh?" he knew what I was talking about, "You have no idea" He said, his eyes throwing daggers into the elevator doors.

We were silent, listening to the boring unnecessary sound of elevator music, and waited for the ding telling us that we have arrived on the the floor that held the distress that seemed to hold Ichigo's attention.

I pouted a little bit, was this going to interfere with tonight's plans? If I did I might just punch Ichigo.

We have been planing this dinner for the past, oh I don't know, two months? I mean there wasn't really a special occasion per-say, but the eight of us came together by fate. All of us becoming fast friends almost three years ago.

The day I meet Ichigo was the day that changed our lives. Well Ichigo, Tatsuki, Renji, and mine at least, I personally don't think that meeting Ichigo really changed the lives of Orihime , Uryuu, Chad, and Rin.

For those of you who don't know Rin is Chads girlfriend of 6 months, they really are cute together, but don't tell anyone I said that they might hit me.

Not that I wouldn't hit right back but that's not the point here is it?

The whole point of this dinner was to catch up and see what was up. I mean Renji and Tatsuki were married for 3 months and she was already pregnant with there first child, did I mention she was three months along in the pregnancy?

And they make fun of me for liking bunnies, well at least I don't act like one.

I don't think.

Well talking about rabbits don't get me started on Orihime and Uryuu, they are on there fourth child! Not that they don't love them all, and Uryuu makes enough money to support them all, so I guess that's okay,I wonder if Ichigo will ever propose.

I think that stupid strawberry can tell that I want him to get on his dang knee and ask me to be his wife by the way I look at Orihime and Tatsuki's ring, I mean Renji proposed faster then Ichigo, and Renji is kinda an idiot when it comes to relationships, I thought my strawberry was better then that.

Apparently not.

Oh well I have a feeling he might soon, I mean he has been very secretive lately.

I heard the ding of the elevator door and the pressure of Ichigo's hand on the small of my back.

Next thing I knew I was standing in a room of men, yelling at each other trying to get organized.

Man these men really were a mess without Tatsuki keeping everyone in check, but with her on maturity leave an all, she was home bound.

Ichigo ran a anxious hand through his hair. He took a deep breath and shouted, "SHUT UP!" leave it to Ichigo to be loud, but it did do the trick, all the men and women in the room, froze and turned to us.

"I got Rukia, lets catch her up to speed, then lets get organized, and hunt down this bastard before he strikes again. Got it?" and this is why Ichigo is at the top of the FBI food chain.

After a good 20 minutes I was up to speed and thoroughly repulsed.

I hated men like him. My job tomorrow was to talk to those three woman and try to get them to talk. I just hope they would.

It was almost the end of the day when Ichigo told me it was time to go and get ready for tonight, I agreed and followed him out of the building.

We reached home and all I could think and see were the faces of the men and women that that sick man had killed, the families that he has destroyed, and I knew that I would do everything in my power to put him behind bars.

I looked at Ichigo's face and say the same expression, one of determination. The way his eyes hardened, his jaw locked, lips pressed in a tight line, even the way he held the steering wheel told me that he wasn't really in the car but in Ichigo world were he analyzes everything and thinks of all the ways to get this guy.

It was this Ichigo that all criminals should fear, the determinant man that didn't understand the word impossible.

That word didn't exist in his vocabulary.

That was one of the things I loved about him.

We finally reached our apartment, and as we walked to the elevator and waited till we reached our penthouse, that I grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

He looked down at me, his expression suggestion he just realized were he was, and all I did was smile, and told him with my eyes that I would help him get this guy no matter what, and that I loved him, by his smile I think he got it.

"Come on Midget, lets get ready for this dinner, I'm STARVED" I rolled my eyes at him, he always found a way to mess up these moments with his stupid male induced comments.

"Yeah whatever" I let go of his hand and walked to the bathroom to get ready.

After a hot shower that was interrupted by a certain oranges hair strawberry I was out and slipping into one of my favorite dresses, it was a deep violet that made my eyes pop, and looked amazing with my pale skin, it was strapless, and hugged my very small curves, making them look larger then they really were. It reached just above my ankles, and on the side there was a slit that reached mid-thigh. The fabric that made the dress sparkled with my movements making it look like stars twinkling in the night.

Not to mention this was also Ichigo's favorite too.

I kept my make up light, but gave my eyes a nice smoky look, I applied a thin layer of clear lip gloss, and put on my heel.

I dried my hair and put it up in an elegant bun, but left a few strands of hair to frame my face. After all this I turned around to see Ichigo waiting for me in the doorway of the bathroom.

There he was orange hair wild, black suit, pressed perfect. There was something about Ichigo that no matter what he wore or how often, he always gave off the same effect, like he wore it for the first time. I took a deep breath and walked to him, my heels giving me a good four inches, but I was still too short.

I grabbed his tie in a flirtations way and looked up at him through my lashed, "Well someone looks nice today" he gave me a sly smile, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well isn't someone a sneaky little vixen?" I pouted.

"Why Ichigo, what ever are you taking about?" he laughed and grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the elevator.

I quickly grabbed my bag and followed. Once we were downstairs we said goodbye to the hotel receptionist and hopped into Ichigo's car and drove to La Luna Bianca, a fancy expensive Italian restaurant that we had reservations at.

"I hope everyone remembers that this is a really expensive restaurant and dressed their best" I fidgeted with hem of my dress, worried that maybe Renji shows up in sweats and a t-shirt.

I bit my lip, the Ichigo reassured me, "Nah, Tatsuki will make sure that he is in his best, or else she might beat the crap out of him" His lips formed a grin, most likely imagining his childhood friend beating the living daylights of of the red head.

I rolled my eyes at his immaturity, but I couldn't help but smile myself at the thought of a pregnant Tatsuki beating a helpless Renji.

Another about our relationship is that we can have a comfortable silence and feel completely at ease.

We don't have to pretend, we can be ourselves.

I love that I don't have to hide who I really am, because growing up as the adopted sister to Byakuya Kuchiki, that's all I did, hide who I was only to be someone completely different, someone that in the end my adopted family still didn't like.

Now that I'm and adult, and make my own choices, I live and act as I please, but of course the Kuchiki family still controls a fair amount of my life seeing as I'm the heiress to the Kuchiki family.

We finally arrived to the restaurant, it was really a hard place to get reservations, but I do have some connections.

Ichigo pulled up to the valet, gave him the keys, and ran to my side of the car and opened the door for me.

I gave him a look, raising my eyebrows slightly, but took his hand as he helped me out the car.

"Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" life wasn't fun if I'm not somehow making fun of Ichigo.

"Oh ha-ha, very funny Rukia, is it so bad that I want to help my poor midget of a girlfriend cross the threshold to this big scary building? Who knows, someone might confuse you with a child and call the police" Oh now's he done it, when will the day come that someone does not comment on my height?

Maybe when hell freezes over, or along those lines.

"Shut up you strawberry the reservations are under my name, and may I remind you I am a VERY good actress, for all they know you are trying to kidnap me, so don't push you luck", I glared at him as he smiled at me.

"What already? Ichigo what could you have possibly done to get Rukia mad this early in the evening?" we both turned to see Renji and Tatsuki.

Renji looked dashing in a black suit, white under-shirt, and no tie, the top button undone, his unruly red hair up in it's classic ponytail, it was a both a combination of sophistication and rebel.

Tatsuki on the other hand look AMAZING in a red one strapped dress, her long hair (A/N: If you want to see what her hair look like just look at her new hairstyle. After Ichigo looses is power) billowing down her back, the dress was tight fitting, hugging her curves, especially the one that was growing. The fact that Tatsuki was wearing a tight fitting dress was like saying "Yeah I'm pregnant and proud, if you want to say something say it to my face" but let me tell you there was something about Tatsuki that just pulled it off. She seemed to glow with happiness.

I smiled, "Hi Renji, hi Tatsuki." they smiled back and we walked to the front desk, "Kuchiki" I told the man, he looked at the computer screen and called over a man that took us to our table.

"Would you like to start off with some refreshments while you wait for your other guests?"

I looked around when Ichigo busted out, "I'll have a cup of red wine please"

I looked at him them ordered myself, "I'll have a tall glass of strawberry lemonade, please"

Tatsuki gave the list of drinks a look and told the young men, "A glass of water will be just fine thank you" the man nodded and looked to Renji, "And for you sir?"

He also looked at the list of drinks and said, " I'll have a cup of dry red wine" he looked up and the man nodded and left with our orders.

Once I was sure he was gone I turned to Tatsuki, "You look amazing Tatsuki, and I'm telling the truth" I smiled at her. "Thanks Rukia, you look good too." she gave me a smile then added, "Although I really do hate dresses, I think this is the 6th time that I have worn a dress" she pondered this for a moment, "No its seven" knowing Tatsuki that was probably true.

I continued my talk with Tatsuki, while Ichigo and Renji talked as well, and knowing them it was about the new case at work. I was getting irritated, "Ichigo, Renji if you two don't stop talking about work I promise that both of you heads will be slammed into this table, and I'm sure that Tatsuki is more then willing to help me," I looked over at said woman, "Right Tatsuki?"

She cracked her knuckles, "Sure Rukia, being pregnant and all I don't get to fight all that much, and causing a little pain to these two might be able to satisfy my violent needs" we both looked at them and they both visibly swallowed, then changed there topic of discussion.

Now that I thought about it, it was strange that Tatsuki was even on maturity leave, I mean she was only 3 months pregnant, usually woman wait till 8 months to go on leave.

I decide to ask, "So Tatsuki tell me why your on maternity leave so early" she turned to me and smiled.

"Oh that, well the doctor said that my job was really stressful, and you know me I get stressed out easily, so I convinced Kenpachi to give me an early leave for the baby's sake, I mean if your pregnant would you want to deal with idiots like Ichigo, Renji, Ikkaku, Yumichika, and Kenpachi all day everyday?" well when she puts it that way...

"Tatsuki don't lie, you also liked the idea of getting to sleep in and watch movies all day" Renji told her.

"Yeah I can see that" Ichigo added. Our drinks came then and let me tell you the guys are lucky because I'm sure if they hadn't then Renji and Ichigo would be leaving with some impressive bruises..

Just then four more people came to our table.

"Orihime, Uryuu, Chad, Rin you finally made it!" I exclaimed.

I must say that they all look simply dashing. I know I said the same about everyone else but it is simply the truth.

Orihime was wearing a halter dress that billowed in waves to her feet, the fabric was a baby blue, the cut of the dress giving her the illusion of grace, even with her round belly.

Rin was tall, with long glossy black hair, she wore a short purple dress, showing off her long legs.

Rin was a shy girl, but once she warmed up to you she was a talkative social butterfly. They sat at the table and ordered there drinks, and then we ordered appetizers, and talked.

We talked about everything, at one point we went around the table and shared something that has happen in the time that we have last spoken.

Uryuu had told use about all the lives her saved, and how the hospital was running, Renji and Ichigo talked about the new case, Tatsuki talked about the baby, as did Orihime.

Rin and Chad had taken the next step in there relationship and moved in together. Me, well I didn't have anything special like saving lives, or putting a dangerous man behind bars, taking the next step in a relationship, or even a baby, no I was just me, Rukia Kuchiki.

"Well" I started, "last month I got promoted to head defense lawyer of my building" that was it, there hadn't been any major cases, nothing special really.

"Don't forget the fact that you got requested to be the lawyer for our case Rukia" Ichigo added.

"That's amazing Rukia!" I gave Orihime a smile, she always had a smile on her face.

The appetizers came and went, when they came back we order the main dish.

Strangely while pregnant, Orihime's craving went from strange to normal, well normal to us that is.

The night passed in a happy blur, this is what we need, we need an escape.

We need to laugh, to be surrounded my friends, old and new. Finally dessert came around and we were getting as fat as pigs. I ate my tiramisu like a lady, but took a taste of Ichigo's chocolate brownie volcano. It was yummy.

Once done we said our fair wells and we all went our separate ways. I was driving, I didn't care what Ichigo said, he had drank at least 3 cups of wine and in my book, and probably his that was one cup to many to be driving.

So when the valet can with the keys and threw it at Ichigo to catch I ran up and snatched it out of the air before Ichigo could grab it.

"Rukia I'm driving" He said in a calm voice.

"No your not, I'm more then capable to drive, plus you were drinking, so the law is on my side, so get in the passenger side or I will have to hurt you" I told him as I made my way to the car.

"Oh no you don't, I want to get home in one piece, not a million"

I rolled my eyes, it seems I've been doing that a lot tonight. "Ichigo your buzzed, I'm driving whether you like it or not, so get to the other side of the car or suffer the consequences." he knew what the consequences were.

He gave up mumbling something about a sneaky little vixen.

I have no idea to whom he is refuting to. I ease into the car and we are off.

It had been a good 10 minutes and Ichigo had said nothing.

I look over at Ichigo to see him leaning back in the seat, eyes closed. "Ichigo is something wrong?"

He usually doesn't act like this unless something is bothering him, and I think I know what it is, but I want him to say it.

"Rukia you know what's wrong, it's this case, I just want you to be safe ok? Something could happen and you could be his next victim, and I don't know what I would do if you died, or were even hurt." my knuckles tighten on the searing wheel, he almost never shows this much emotion.

I gave a small sigh and told the stupid strawberry, "Ichigo Kurosaki, look at me" I look over at him and his eyes are still closed irritated, I decide to pull over to the side of the road.

I put the car in park and turn in my seat. "Ichigo look at me" I used my stern not-joking-around voice. After some time he opened his eyes and looked at me, "Ichigo nothing is going to happen to me, or you. I'm too strong for that to happen, and you wont let anyone or thing hurt me. I know you too well."

He looked me in the eyes, talking to me though his eyes.

I want to believe you, they said.

Then believe me, I told him in my gaze.

"I love you Ichigo, and trust you with my life I hope you know that" I smiled and so did he, then I kissed him on the lips and got back to driving.

"I love and trust you too Rukia" he told me, and grabbed one of my hands, lacing his fingers with mine.

A/N: SOOOOO what do you think! I this is one of the LONGEST CHAPTER I HAVE EVER WRITEN! I hope you all are happy. This is by far the longest on yet! Ha-ha. So now that you have read my first chapter what will you do? Here are your options...

A) Review

B) Read but NOT Review

C) Review this and add this story to your favorites or

D) Option A, C, and tell your friends!

To tell you the truth I like A, C and D... But its not like your reviews are influencing my updating at all, NEVER! SOOOOOO it's up to you! Review and maybe I'll stay up and work on my next chapter (which I've already started working on) and post it super fast. What would Rukia and Ichigo do? Oh and virtual cookie to all those that review! So review its in you best interest!