Fan fiction: Spice and wolf
Title: Eternity and wolf
Chapter#10- Wolves and...
They left the small village of Ultyse and walked down the man-made path winding down the plains. They walked side by side in silence, smiling and content. Beneath their cloaks their hands remained joined together, with their fingers intertwined. Their tails swished about under the safety of their robes. The moonlight made Holo's skin pale, so much so that if Kraft had not known her he would've been sure she was just a beautiful apparition.
"So, what now then?"
"What shall we do now? Really, I see no point in walking all the way home when we can just change and run all the way there."
"And then, there are those wine skins you're carrying in your pack. Remember, you said I could have your share, Kraft! You cannot take it back!"
Holo growled irritated and detached her hand from his so that she could stand directly in front of him, hands on hips and eyes creased in annoyance.
"Is that all you're going to say to your mate? Nothing but a series of affirmative grunts and the like? Speak up now? ...Heh! Or is it..."
Holo twirled away from where she stood and went a little farther up the road as a milk maid would frolic among the tall grass. Once she was at a distance, Holo let her tail slip out from under her robes and she wagged it slowly to and fro as she went on.
"...Or is it that I have bewitched you yet again, Kraft? Has my unparalleled beauty driven you mad with want of me? Or perhaps it is my fiine fur that has caught your eye? My femanine charms? Come now, I can't very well keep guessing now."
To this Kraft smiled wryly. Clearing his throat, he set their belongings down onto the ground and walked up to her, his eyes soft and lit with a blue hue. He came to stand in front of his wise wolf and went on to cup her face in his hands. Holo looks into his eyes and her own eyes begin to glow like lively embers. She feels his fingers move against her skin and she is swayed by them, closing her eyes contentedly and holding his hands there with her own. Kraft bends a little and rubs his cheek against hers, almost forcing her hood down at the same time. Holo acts in kind, reciprocating the loving gesture with her own appriciative nuzzling.
Kraft pulls away then, and pulls Holo into an embrace. She feels his heart beating through his cloak and the air his tail was kicking up as he continued to wag it about. Kraft was happy, amazingly happy. Even if he had contained his body gestures, his smile was proof enough.
"It's all that and more, Holo. My dear Holo."
The intensity in his voice said it all, and Holo felt it. She felt it run through her so deeply, she thought she would weep just from that alone. His voice was low and loving, and his eyes glowed brightly as he spoke to her. Kraft comes close to her again, this time touching his forehead to hers before he runs his tongue over her lips. Their noses touch briefly before they pull away. Her eyes were dim and lidded, making Kraft laugh heartily.
"Mm, I would be more than willing to point out to you what has me so distracted. First..."
Kraft turns to retrieve their belongings and holds out his hand to take hers.
"...Let's go home. Together."
Holo looked as though she were about to say something sharp but the way he had said "home"...struck a cord in her. It was nostalgia that had made her homesick, but it was loneliness that had driven her to act. Kraft, too, once spoke of wanting to belong to a town, settling down and finding a wife. They were both after the same goal: to be rid of their loneliness. And they had accomplished this objective only when their hearts synchronized and the two became as one, in more ways than one.
Holo took his hand and nodded in agreement.
"Yes. Let's our home."
No more "I", "Mine" and "Me" for either of them. It was now "we", "ours" and "us" from that day forward. Her home became his home. And he became hers. They belonged to each other and no one else. They would walk the earth side by side, without fear of loneliness. Together, they faced this thing called "Eternity" and where they once cowered before it, they now smiled smugly as they sauntered over it casually. No one and nothing else mattered, for they now had their own little place in the world, and that was in each other's arms.
Letting the pen in his hand fall from his fingers, the young man raised his arms and stretched out while letting out a yawn. Groaning, he looked to the round clock hanging by the doorway of the now dimly lit department. His eyes went wide to see that the clock read 11:45 pm. Frantically the young man put his paper work away, shoving it into his desk drawers and practically ripping the edges. He groaned again as he finished with the open window on his computer screen, click and save! Sighing, he turned off his computer and attempted to tidy up his desk. His pen rolled away from the desk top and fell onto the carpeted floor. He was able to see it from the corner from his eye and he chased after it. Just as he thought his hand had closed around the thin neck of the pen, his fingers close around something else.
"Huh? Uh, OH! M-Mister Pireon! Uh, e-excuse me, sir!"
The young mans' hand had come down onto Italian leather dress shoes, missing the pen entirely. His young eyes traveled upward to see a tall man wearing a black fedora hat with a white ribbon going around the base, where a very old looking feather was tucked into. The older gentleman, Mister Pireon, stood with his hands in his pockets and sporting black pin stripe slacks with a grey dress shirt and white suspenders. His tie was undone and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He had his jacket tied around his waist and he looked calm.
"Oh, you must be the new guy. Walter, am I right?"
Mister Pireon said as he stretched out his hand to help Walter up, a gold band on his finger. He took his hand sheepishly and pulled himself up. Getting a closer look at the man, Walter could see that Mister Pireon had scars all over his face! Three long and jagged one's going down his left cheek, three more over his right eye- wait, when did he have an eye patch? And his face seemed...wild. Not insane wild, but for a lycanthrope kind of wild. His chin had a white neatly trimmed beard with some of it raised at the corners of his mouth. His eye was a dark blue that seemed to be piercing if you looked into them too long. And though he looked intense, he didn't look any older than himself. Realizing he was staring too much, Walter turned his head away and sputtered nervously.
"Aren't you part time here? You were supposed to be off at five in the afternoon."
"Y-yeah. Sorry, but I was just getting done with this paper work, and-"
"I see. Who passed all this onto you? Was it Sean? Or Avery? Mm, this looks more like Sasha's hand writing."
"I volunteered, sir. I wanted to make a good impression."
"Trust me, letting yourself get hazed is no way to make a good impression. However, if an impression is what you're aimin' to make..."
Mister Pireon rummages through his pockets and produces what looks like a VIP pass of some sort and holds it up to Walter.
"I hear you make one hell of a presentation, you wowed them over at Harvard with your presentation on vintage wine. You really know your stuff!"
"Thank you. Uh, but what's this for, sir?"
"That is your pass for the wine tasting party at Pineon estate. You seem to have an eye for quality wine, so I want you take part in the tasting of newly imported wines from around the world."
He saw the young mans' eyes beam at hearing the chance to attend such an event. It was as if he had just won the lottery. Walter smiled widely and began shaking Mister Pireons' hand vigorously. The vice grip he had on his hand made Mister Pireon wince slightly.
"Thank you, Mister Pireon! Oh, thank you very much for this grand opportunity! This is just great!"
"Y-Yes! You're welcome, Walter! J-ust...don't snap my hand in half!"
Walter releases the mans' hand and chuckles nervously.
"It's fine. Now go on already. I don't want to see your face here in the morning. Have a good night."
"Good night, Mister Pireon!"
Mister Pireon saunters to the office door and disappears through it, the clacking of his shoes echoing throughout the hall. As he nears the elevator, a small electronic chime rings out from his breast pocket. He pulls out his cell phone and sees that he has gotten a text message. He rolls his eye and breathes out a laugh.
"Are you done yet?" It read.
With nimble fingers, he types in his reply.
"Getting on the elevator."
"Well, hurry up! I'm getting tired of waiting for you!"
"Missing me already?"
"You promised yourself to me this evening, and I'll not let you forget it."
"But you have me every night."
"This night is special!"
He gets to the first floor and exits the elevator. Mister Pireon leaves the main lobby and walks into the waiting limo. He motions for the driver to drive and continues with his texting.
"But isn't every night special?"
"Every waking moment is special. But...surely you haven't forgotten what tonight is."
He shakes his head and types.
"I could never forget. ;) "
" Lol! For your sake, you better not! Otherwise..."
She always did this. When she wanted him to guess or when she wanted to keep him on the edge of his seat, she would put those damn dots.
"Otherwise, you won't get to see my new 'outfit' I bought just for you."
His brow arched in interest and his grip on his phone gets a little tighter.
"Nope! Not until you come home, you naughty boy X3 "
A plethora of images raced through his mind as Mister Pireon thought of what kind of garment was purchased, and he was so caught up that he almost didn't hear the phone chime a second time in his hand.
"Btw Does your wife know who you're texting so late at night?"
To this, he smiles wickedly.
"Probably has no clue. It's late, so she's most likely to be asleep right now. She snores so loudly, I doubt that she would hear if I called her right now."
A moment passes, then another and then another. And entire two minutes has gone by before he hears the chime of the ring tone.
From the drivers seat, the driver could hear the man back there laughing out loud while slapping his knee. He rolls his eyes, groans, and rolls up the window.
"Man, keep that crap in the bedroom."
Mister Pireon enters his home and tosses his briefcase lazily to the side. He noticed that inside the entire interior of the house was dimly lit, candlelight lit. It seemed nostalgic and it served to be quite the turn on. It reminded him of the old times. A faint rustling noise caught his ear and he looked to the stair case. At the top stood a beautiful young woman with shoulder length auburn hair and dog ears. She donned pale purple baby doll lingerie and, from what Mister Pireon could make out in the dim lighting, a pair of naked skin tone thigh high stockings with garters poking out from beneath the skirt of the baby doll garment. He stared up at her, slack jawed and dry mouthed. Even in the low lighting, he could make out her triumphant grin. She moved away from the railing and started descending from the top of the stairwell, something long and fluffed trailing behind her. With captivated eyes, he watched her climb down every step, her bare feet making light slapping noises against the cool tiled floor.
The young woman came to stand in front of him, smiling proudly as she whipped her hair behind her shoulder. The long and fluffed appendage, being her tail, moved from side to side expectantly, waiting for him to remember himself and say something. Looking more closely at her, he noticed that she was also wearing a dark red satin ribbon tied around her lovely neck. She had on red lipstick and a hint of rouge on her cheeks and eyelids. Her nails were done and from what he could smell, she used her best shampoo and perfume. On her hand she wore a small gold band, and he smiled at seeing it.
"Ma'am, does your husband know that you are up late at night with a stranger in his house?"
The young woman standing before him merely grinned coolly, coming closer to him and flicking her tail defiantly to the side.
"My husband is an old fool who cares not a whit for the importance of dates and special events. However, he does have his moments. And we, my good sir, shall have ours."
She closed the distance between them and draped her arms lazily around his neck, flicking off his fedora with her index finger. It flew off of Mister Pireon's head and landed on the floor, sliding into a halt. Atop his head was white hair that was pulled into a small pony tail and dog ears similar to her own. He chuckled and drew her in by her chin. Their kiss was languid and loving, savoring each other as tongues danced. He pulled away from her soft lips and smiled, brushing his nose against hers.
"Your husband is one lucky bastard to have a gem like you all to himself."
The girl smiled, with sharpened teeth showing. Her eyes were getting hazy and a blush rose into her cheeks, the rouge making it appear darker.
"Mm, yes. But I feel sorry for your wife. Such a troublesome man she has to put with. Troublesome...and yet, I bet that even she can't get enough of you."
They looked into each other's eyes and began to laugh, unable to hold up their little game any longer. When their laughter had died down, he captured her lips and reinitiated the kiss, making it deeper and meaningful. She came closer to him and let her hands slide down his chest. Smiling into the kiss, the young woman takes hold of his tie and tugs playfully on it. He chuckles and moves his hands around her waist to take hold of her tail, making her let out a surprised yelp. He tugged lightly at the base and tangled his fingers into the fur. Both of them were giggling through their throats as they played.
She pulled at his tie and began to walk backwards, leading him along as she moved. He followed her as she pulled him, taking her lips into his from time to time to keep their new game of chase alive. A few times she nearly fell backwards, more so when they struggled with the stairs. It was getting a bit infuriating for him, so he gathered her into his arms in a sudden sweeping motion and bound up the stairs with mischievous energy.
They disappeared at the top of the stairs, their little games going on into the dead of night...and well into the morning light.
A/N: And so, I end this fan fic on this note. I'm pretty proud of this one, my first completed multi-chapter fan fic! (*sigh*...I've neglected my Zelda fan fic for a long while now...poor baby!) I want to thank all of you who followed this fan fic and reviewed almost every single time (talkin' 'bout waffle dude and renielle14, TJ2 and a new one, crisisdestriX!) As well as every single person who was gracious enough to leave a review! You have all been so wonderful and a great help with this one! If there's anything I can do to help any of you in the future, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Well then, I hope I delivered a finale worthy of everyone's' expectations, though I will admit to purposely leaving out some very crucial tid bits, so I apologize if I make someone upset with this. PM me if I have done that and I'll explain more.
*Takes a bow* Thank you all very much! =^w^=