Almost finished reuplading all my fics.

Warnings: torture implied, noncon implied, and future one-sided slash. Now, off to upload chapter 2.




You can feel the flames lick the soles of your feet and the smoke coat the insides of your lungs like acid. You can't stop coughing as tears begin to once again flood your eyesight, from the sadness, betrayal, or the smoke, you're not sure. Either way, you're broken. Your mind and body are broken, and all that is left of you is a bruised, beaten, violated, bleeding former shell of yourself bleeding all over the pole you're bound to.

Your hands strain against the metal bindings that are keeping you and your magic to that pole, where you will breathe your last, as your hands and body are shaking, reminding you of your pain. But you're not in pain. No. You're too busy straining your neck to find the stoic, golden figure above you on the balcony. The golden god you were promised to since the day you were born, 'my magic is yours.' But he rejected you, abhorred the very sight of you once he found out what you were. He eyes once sky blue went very dark that day, looking at you, accusing you, of being a monster.

Oh how the gods must be laughing at you now. To think it was divinity, 'destiny', that gave you to him. All those promises, all those praises. 'Emrys…'

But all of that died that day. First your love, then your friendship, trust, hope, bond, 'destiny', gone the minute he pulled his sword to your neck. No regret, remorse, nothing of your former friendship shown in his eyes as he watched the guards drag you away. Nothing as you were forced to kneel before his father as he condemned you to death. Nothing as he had the guards beat you, torture you, violate you to prove to his father that he cared nothing for you. Only disgust shown in his eyes as he watched the guards put their hands all over you.

And now with those same eyes he's going to watch you burn.

Tears cloud your vision once again as you scream in agony, the fire consuming your feet and the smoke your lungs. Magic burns the back of your eyes as it tries to save you from your fate, only to be caught again and locked away by the metal cuffs, 'gifts', specially forged for you. Darkness replaces your tears, consuming your vision, 'his stoic, emotionless gaze,' and you fall into the abyss right before you feel your magic shoot into life once more.