First Transformers fanfic EVER! I hope you guys enjoy it. I wanted to wait until I'd also completed my second chapter, but I couldn't really wait. This sudden idea just hit me because I was moping around in my house. I'm not allowed to go on my field trip to Disneyland, so I decided to start out by giving my character some time to enjoy one of the happiest places on Earth. Criticism is helpful and welcomed, but please, nothing that will hurt me and delay me in updating for those who do enjoy the story. Mind you, I turned fourteen only recently and while I may not be the best writer, I'd like to give this story a try. Also, I'd like to thank my friend, Reese, who was happy to take her time in editing this chapter.

I do not own Transformers. Only my OC.

Chapter 1

She believed that, somehow, an incredible power was hidden out there in the universe. She knew that it existed and believed that it would someday meet her face-to-face, finally revealing to her its true intentions for her existence. After all, Katrina Danielle Montez was one of those people who believed that everyone was born for a reason. But she had yet to find out whether said power was a good thing… or if it absolutely hated her.

(Kat's POV)

I groaned as I felt arms trying to shake me awake. Ever since the accident, I haven't been able to sleep peacefully. The nightmares wouldn't let me.

…fire everywhere…

…being squeezed tightly by metal fists…

…blood-red lights highlighting my horrified expression…

I curled myself even more tightly inside my blanket, but the shaking became more persistent as the owner of the hands growled, "Kat, you better wake up." I cracked an eye open in annoyance.

"…Or what?"

"I'll dye all your whites orange."

Agitatedly, I turned my head to the window, watching the redwoods and grassy plains zoom by. "We're on a bus, possibly another two-hundred miles from the nearest Laundromat."

"I'll steal twenty bucks."

"Is that all you've got?"

"I'll kiss you." My head snapped to the side at that particularly scarring comment. I smacked the no good bastard.

"Ryan, what the hell?"

You know what the ass did? He shrugged—shrugged!—and went on nonchalantly, like he didn't just say something that made me want to puke. "I had to wake you up somehow." Total. Ass. Sighing, I tossed my blanket on my unsuspecting "bus buddy" and straightened out my wrinkled, red t-shirt.





I groaned. "I guess that was a good thing. Ms. Karl's doing roll-call."

The best thing since the accident was taking place right now; my field trip to Disneyland. Everyone, whether you're in kindergarten or college, looks forward to the last day of school. Unless you're one of those people, like me, who finds friends and adventure while receiving their education. There are kids out there who actually enjoy the prison that is school. Is it because of the teachers? No. Is it because of the guys? Um, definite no. Is it because of the work? Hell no and I'll tell you right now that I absolutely hate homework. No, the people that actually like school are the people that have an even harder time at home.




"Yo!" Leo's such a dork… sorry. I couldn't resist.

Anyway, yeah, my life's been tough. I've been raised as an orphan, ever since… ever since last year. I've been abandoned by my dad who didn't give a shit about me or my well-being when I was younger, and I've experienced hell. My mom was driving to Tranquility, Nevada that day; she never made it. The police came knocking on my door the next morning, told me that my mother had died in car accident. Apparently, the offending driver had run a red light, but I was suspicious. Why... because every night since that day, I've had the same dream.


Kenny G. played softly from the car radio. Melinda Montez was quietly humming to the music as she drove the streets towards Tranquility in her silver, 2004 Acura TL. Beside her in the passenger's seat, I was staring out the window, looking out at all the plantation and livestock. The sky was beginning to change into that light gray, letting the people know that rain would soon fall.

I loved my mother to death. All my life, it's been me and her; no dad and no siblings. I've always wanted an older brother, someone who I could have friendly arguments with, but who'd also have my back. Mom would always tease me that I was hard to take care of without having to deal with another child; we'd laugh after the conversation.

The sky was turning darker, the clouds turning black and growing larger. It started raining, harder and harder. I was getting nervous and I heard a raven in the distance. The trees around me were shaking in distress from the wind and I knew something bad was going to happen. I glanced at my mom worriedly, but she continued to hum. That was Melinda Montez, not worried about too much and always staying strong.

I heard the car the same time my mom's eyes went wide. I screamed.


The Acura continued to tumble across the road for a few meters before coming to a complete stop. I dragged myself out and away from the wreckage. I felt pain, my breathing labored and my head badly bashed. I couldn't stand the white spots that danced across my vision. Mom, I thought. I shakily got to my feet and stumbled over to the destroyed vehicle. Subconsciously, I heard an angry revving drive further and further away.

"Mom?" I choked out. I grabbed the door handle and yanked and yanked. It flew open and I collapsed as I let out a sob. My mother laid broken and lifeless, blood pooling around her body. I tried to help, tried to pull her out of the car, but my hands would go through her. I couldn't touch her at all… couldn't touch her, feel her, or even help her. Not only did I figure out that this was a dream, but that this is what had happened to my mother. The police were partly right, except that there wasn't a traffic light in sight. What I did hear, however, was an angry revving, getting closer and closer. When I turned my helpless self around, I saw a police cruiser, and I saw nasty dents in its headlights…

…This was the car that had killed my mom.

I was devastated, I was pitiful, and I was enraged. How dare he come back? How dare he come back after he'd killed my mother? What did he want? Did he want to apologize? The damage was already done! Before I could even shriek a word, the car made a strange whirring and clanking noise.

"Fraggin' fleshling!" And I assure you that wasn't me.

"W-what?" I asked in disbelief. A living gray machine that had white plates reading "Police" on its arms was looking very menacing. Standing in front of me was a fucking, metal monster. Dammit, it was the police car! The police car was fucking alive! It pierced me with its blood red eyes and I swear it was looking right at me.

Barely a second later, I felt nauseous and crushed. I tried to scream, but I could barely breathe. A nagging at the back of my mind told me to stay calm, to not look down. And what did I do? I looked down! I looked down and saw that I was fucking twenty feet or higher from the ground! I panicked and whipped my head around, accidentally looking back at the metal killer. I'd never felt so afraid. It raised its free hand and blasted what was left of the car and my mom.

"You're dead, fleshbag."

(Kat's POV)


Bingo, that's me. My name's Katrina Danielle Montez, but I prefer Kat. I'm seventeen and—


Oops. "Here! Sorry, Ms. Karl, I was a bit distracted."

"Don't worry about it, Sweetie. It's understandable since it's loud on the bus. Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth." Ms. Karl finished off with a wink. I chuckled as I combed my fingers through my hair, trying to remove as many tangles as I could.

I'm part of the orphanage's orchestra group and proud to say that I play the violin. Not as good as Mitch, but awesome enough. All of the students on the bus right now are coming in from Reno, Nevada. It'll be such a relief for the other orphans and me. I'm being honest when I say that life hasn't been so kind lately. Damn, I'm being such a motor-mouth.

Reaching into my backpack, I pulled out my iPod and let Paramore, Linkin Park, and All Time Low blast through my ears for the rest of the trip.

If I'd known about what was coming or had any idea about the events that were going to take place, I can't say that I still wouldn't have gone. I mean, who can pass up the opportunity to go to Disneyland? Then again, I had no idea that cars could talk.

The good news… I finished the day—and school year—with another perfect attendance.