Title: Watching
Verse: TF:Prime
Series: None
Rating: T
Warnings: Minor Violence. Stalking.
Pairings: Soundwave/Arcee
Summary: Arcee keeps getting presents, and is less than thrilled about it.
Note: tf_rare_pairing prompt:Soundwave/Arcee: I've been watching you. I don't own transformers, obviously. No money for me. T_T And lastly...thanks for themadterran for playing my beta.

Miko thought it would be hilarious to create a Facebook for Arcee's holoform-Sadie as Arcee affectionately called her. Arcee was not sure why the human girl thought it was such a grand idea, but she went with it. Sometimes, it was just easier to just go with it and let her have her way. Still, she never she checked it. And Sadie certainly hadn't been friended, liked or ever had a wall post of a lolcat.

At least, Arcee did not think so...

"Someone is posting the oddest things on your profile. Probably just a creeper, I guess." Miko said, pushing the open laptop at Arcee.

"What?" Arcee asked only half listening.

"This." Miko said in exasperation. She rolled her eyes and clicked on the YouTube video posted on the profile in question. "Every Breath You Take" blared out of the laptops speakers.

"...is CREEPY."

"Hey, the eighties," Bulkhead put in, hovering over Miko's shoulder. "Classic."

Arcee blinked, her optics flickering. "Scrap."

"Exactly." Miko agreed. "Super creepy."

Arcee shrugged, "It's probably just a troll."

"Probably a spambot," Rafe offered from across the room as he pushed up his glasses and looked up at both of them.

"Oooo, 'White Wedding,'" Miko laughed, already distracted, following the YouTube recommendation. She jumped on Bulkhead's shoulder, lip syncing to the lyrics.

Arcee, still couldn't help the unsettled feeling her her spark chamber.


She found the first package when she took Jack home. It was propped up on the table in the garage with her name scrawled across it in Cybertronian characters. It must have been a trap, she suspected, but her scan revealed inside there was only a storage cube for holographic recordings.

As soon as she was back to base, she handed the cube to Optimus. Carefully, they watched the cube activate. The scene played out. She remembered it, but not from this angle. She was fighting back to back with Tailgate. It was old footage, when they had first got together. Her spark clenched.

Prime looked as grim as she felt, "Be careful, Arcee, this is-"

She ducked her head, "I know. It is a dangerous situation. I-I'm not going to let whoever it is dictate my life."



"This is a grave situation." He looked down at the cube in his hand and looked horrified. "More so because we do not know their motives."

"Right," She looked at the Autobot symbol on the floor. "I'll try to be careful with this."


Spy-in-the-Sky64: Watching you, fireboltgrlll.
azura_diamonds: Wow! That's creepy Spy.
fireboltgrlll: IKR.
thebeesknees: Creepy doesn't even cover it.
Spy-in-the-Sky64: Assessment: incorrect. Gifts: will continue.
azura_diamonds: ...that is harassment.
fireboltgrlll: Grrrrrrrrrrr...seriously.
azura_diamonds: You should contact the police. Srysly.
fireboltgrlll: Grrrrrrrrrrr. I wish.
Spy-in-the-Sky64" LMAO. azura_diamonds: inferior. Police: inadvisable. Spy-in-the-Sky64: superior. Lol.
azura_diamonds: wtf. What does that even mean?
fireboltgrlll: Just..let it go.
thebeesknees: What a creeper. Who are you anyway?
Spy-in-the-Sky64: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
thebeesknees: -_- I don't see the humor in that.
fireboltgrll: :O :O :O
fireboltgrlll: Creeper.
Spy-in-the-Sky64: ILu2
fireboltgrlll: IHU
/msg thebeesknees: I am...
*fireboltgrlll* I know. T_T It's probably a Con.
/msg thebeesknees Thanks for that. I just want it to stop.


She opened the package, and pulled out the cube. She shivered, pausing before she played it. Her and Bee sneaking through dark hallways. It was security footage from Nemesis.She couldn't help but shiver and wonder what happened to the intruder alarms that day.

Also, when had her chassis gotten so big?


Arcee was still grumbling about it as she took Jack to school the next morning. She didn't mention it to Jack, not wanting him to worry. She figured she was worrying enough for both of them. With her luck it was Arachnid. Stupid bot liked to mess with her processor.

"Something wrong?" Jack asked as they parked.

"No...nothing at all. Better hurry up, you are going to be late."

"Scrap, you are right." Jack said bolting off toward the school.

::Scrap, Bee. Do you really think it is a con in chat last night?::

Bee replied in a long string of Cybertronian beeps and trills, it filled her possessor. He sent her the glyph for assent and care. Even their time off in World of Warcraft wasn't safe.

::Yeah, yeah, I will be careful. You too.::


Arcee sighed, Jack was safe at school, and June had the day off. She made her way back to the Darby house, glum about it all. She called June before she arrived, and was relieved the woman was waiting for her.

"Is Jack okay?"

"Jack? Yeah he's fine. I...ah...need some advice. I have a problem."

June blinked up at her, wondering if this still had to do with Jack. "Such as?"

"I have a stalker. He...she...whatever keeps leaving things for me here. Don't tell Jack, he'd-you know how he is." Arcee scrunched up her face, looking worried.

"Oh, honey, you need to stop it know. I've had one before. The longer you allow it to carry one the worse it will be." She patted Arcee's big hand with her own diminutive one.


"Before Jack was born." June shrugged, "I didn't always have the best of luck with relationships, or...attract the best sort of guys. It wasn't pretty."

"How did you stop it."

June shrugged, "There are a lot of holes in the desert, and Poppy likes guns."


"I'm just kidding. I ended up getting a restraining order."


June frowned as she walked into the house and eyed the gnomes. She knew her front yard, and her front yard did not have one garden gnome, much less two. She had learned a few things in the last few months, namely you simply cannot trust the appearance of things. Especially, seemingly inanimate objects. Her eyes narrowed dangerously, but neither garden gnome made any lunge at her. They say still, just like a garden gnome should. Still her suspicion was raised. She went inside, looking for Jack.


"What, mom?" Jack asked, looking up from his homework.

"Mmm...you didn't buy anything for the yard...did you?"

"Whaaat?" he looked up at her, his brows a raising. "Yeah, no, mom."

June nodded, the frown on her face deepening. "Ah, I see."

"Something wrong?"

"Maybe." June said, making her way back to the garage quietly. That was when she heard the giggling.

She frowned, and watched the two little bots, one red and one blue-just like the gnomes outside. Her eyes narrowed and she watched as they hopped onto the table and left what looked like a letter and a little cube-like device. Her frown deepened when she saw the Decepticon symbols the little mechs were sporting. She quietly hit the button to close the garage door and cursed silently when they slipped out under the door. She slipped back out the house, peaking outside the front, she spotted them-transforming into those stupid gnomes. She watched them for a moment, indecisive before finally slipping back into the house and grabbing her cellphone.

"Oh, hello, Arcee," How to phrase this, June wondered.

There was a long pause, "Is something wrong?"

"We have some-visitors. Do you think you could head over here to the house?"

"I will be right there."


Arcee raced over to the house, fuming. From June's description she at least knew what she was dealing with. A little red mech and an equally small blue mech,could only be Rumble and Frenzy. She barreled up the driveway, grabbing the blue gnome before it could even transform. Frenzy twisted and turned in her servos, but she grabbed him by the armor at the back of his neck. "Little twerp." She watched the red one scuttle away, turning into a little spy drone as it ran.

"Tell Soundwave I have something of his." she yelled after him, before narrowing her eyes at frenzy. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

The little mech whined. "I ain't tellin'you nothin'."

"We will see."

Arcee raised her wrist comm to her vocalizer, ::Ratchet, I need a ground bridge::


"Talk, you little pipsqueak." Arcee ground out, glaring at the little mech sitting on the medical birth. She was somewhat surprised Ratchet had energy cuffs that small.

"I ain't-"

"You keep saying that." Arcee bit out. "But if you don't, we've got some scraplets on ice. Don't think I won't throw you to them."

"She would too." Ratchet added helpfully.

The little bots eyes widened in alarm. "Scraplets...you're autobots... you wouldn't..."

"Try me."

The little mech looked between them, optics widening. Scraplets? Time to squeal with a little dignity.

"I was just doing what Boss told me to. He said leave the cubes, we left the cubes. I don't know why. I don't care why. I ain't built to ask Soundwave questions.

"I get reformatted if I ask Soundwave too many questions." Panic settled in when he realized how much he'd already said.

He was now screwed either way. "Do I get to surrender now?"

"No, you get to contact your "Boss".

Ratchet made a coughing noise with his vocalizer, "We should tell, Optimus."

Arcee glared, "Contact him and tell him to meet me at these coordinates." She pinged them to him.

"I'm not..."

Arcee glared, grabbing the little mech by the scruff of his mech she strode across the base. "Funny thing about scraplets, they don't eat wood." she said, striding until she stopped in front of a large shipping crate. "I'm sure they are hungry."

Frenzy whimpered with every thump coming from the box.

"Fine." He squealed, opening his own Comm line he contacted Soundwave, sending him the coordinates. "Happy now?"

"Yes," Arcee glared at the little bot, still holding him like a dead mouse she was about to put in the trash.

Suddenly, the top popped off the box. "Surprise!" Miko yelled, laughing.

Frenzy let out a high-pitched scream before slumping into a kernel panic and reboot. Arcee looked at him intently, considering if she should just snap his head from his neck.

Somehow, she knew Optimus would not approve of murdering a prisoner.


He watched Soundwave shift nervously. He had never seen the spy convey much of any emotion, but clearly he was nervous. Soundwave paced the deserted strip of highway. Fretting. It was amusing.

A groundbridge opened up and Arcee stormed out, "What do you want?"

Arcee glared, "Well?"

A less-than "3" flashed across his faceplate. Soundwave seemed to be standing taller than he usually did when among his fellow Decepticons.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Arcee said, backing away, running back into the still open groundbridge. It snapped shut as Soundwave stood by, frozen by inaction. He slumped, his face screen white from static.

Starscream watched gleefully, peering over the rocks, laughing inside, and rubbing his hands together. This was too precious. Leaping in the air, Starscream transformed in the showiest manner possible. He banked to avoid a startled shot by Soundwave before jumping to high mach speed.

There would be time enough to deliver the final blow.