Hey guys, bluecinderella4 here. Wow, we've all survived 11 chapters. Because us authors prefer even numbered chapters, we got 2 more chapters coming and this story will come to a close. So if you guys think you can survive these final 3 chapters we'll make it worth your while.

Speaking of even numbers and coming to a close, I'm so proud to say I've come to a close on the 'teens' and as of 3:38 pm on Saturday October 27 I am now officially 20 years old! So as a sort of belated birthday present from me to you, and a sort of Halloween gift, we give you a mini celebration with chapter 12.

Please enjoy!

Sarah Smiles

Chapter 12: Help Me

The gang, sans Robbie, was gathered in Tori's house in the living room. Tori sat in the center holding the baggie that Alex had gave her earlier. Cautiously, she pulled out the blank DVD and held it up. "This DVD is the key to saving Robbie Shapiro and bringing down Sarah…Sarah…hey, do we even know her last name?"

"Continuing on please," Jade bitterly snarked.

"No need to be ganky."

"Speaking of not knowing something," Beck began, "you didn't tell us who gave you this stuff."

"How do we know we can trust whoever gave it to you?" Andre added.

Jade was smirking. "And what are you hiding about him."

Cat looked at Jade. "How do you know it's a him?"

"I could smell that nasty Axe crap the guy left behind." Jade was staring at Tori. "Tell us Tori."

Tori paused for a moment before speaking. "I don't want to tell you who he is."

"Why not?" Cat sort of pouted.

"Tori's got a boyfriend," Jade slyly teased.

"Boyfriend?" did Andre seem jealous.

"He's not my boyfriend," Tori defended. "I don't want to tell you who he is because he knows Sarah…"

"Every boy knows Sarah," Jade put emphasis on and air quoted the word 'knows'.

"…and I don't want this to be traced back to him so Sarah can hurt him."

"It's Alex," Beck casually stated.

"How did you know?"

"I didn't until you told me."

"Jade taught you that didn't she?"

"That, and that's one of the oldest tricks in the books."

Cat looked unsure. "Can we really trust him Tori?"

"Everything we thought we knew about Alex was wrong," Tori explained. "He's a really cool guy and has no police record. That record we were looking at belonged to Travis Alexander. The names were backwards and there were no pictures."

"I told the moderator of that sight to put up pictures," Jade grumbled.

"Back on topic please!" Andre tried to bring back focus.

"Right," Tori set the DVD on the coffee table in front of the couch. "This DVD has everything we need to bring down Sarah. We have the difficult task of watching whatever is on here and editing it down so that we expose Sarah for the true person she is."

"Stop stalling and put the damn DVD in!" Jade barked.

"There is no need for your potty mouth."

"Just put the damn DVD in."

"Well!" Tori turned on her DVD/VCR combo and put the DVD in. The five of them sat around and watched for sixteen minutes as Sarah spilled her secrets. Once it was over, Tori took out the DVD. "What do you guys think?"

"Dang, this chick is worse than any of us thought," Andre commentated.

"Couldn't she get arrested for any of this?" Beck inquired.

"I guarantee seven of those things she said she did are illegal," Jade remarked.

"Hey, isn't your dad a cop?" Andre asked Tori.

"Yeah!" Cat seemed excited. "We can show him this and he can put her in jail with all the other bad people who go to jail. Ooh, one time my brother went to this special jail where-"

"NOBODY CARES!" Jade rudely interrupted.

"That was mean."

Tori pondered what Beck and Cat said. "Well, yeah I mean if my Dad saw this he would have more than enough evidence to arrest Sarah."

Andre remembered something. "Aren't a couple of cops coming to our school tomorrow to give tips on being a cop to the actors in this year's play?"

Beck snapped his fingers. "I'm in that play, Beantown Buddies. Our instructor asked a couple of cops to come in to give some tips and info on being cops."

"Seeing Sarah getting arrested could be useful for the actors as well," Jade slyly smiled.

"Wow, we're having a lot of lucky or coincidental things happen to us aren't we?" Cat observed.

"I don't know if my Dad's going to that," Tori informed. "He's busy enough being an actual cop. I can ask, but no promises on his part."

"Just remember," Beck began, "before we edit Sarah's confessions into the project video, save a backup copy of the video so your dad can see the full thing. Just let Robbie and the other kids see her say she doesn't love Robbie and that Hollywood Arts sucks."

"Good idea. Now…" Tori quickly ran upstairs, and then came back down almost a minute later with her laptop which she set on the coffee table, "…let's get editing."

"Hey Officer Vega!" Andre, Beck, and Cat greeted as David Vega came home.

"Dad," Tori ran over to David. "We need your help."

"Umm," David raised an eyebrow, "define help."

"We have proof of this girl in our school saying she did a bunch of really bad stuff she did and tomorrow a couple of cops are coming to our school for something so-"

"So you want me to come to school and arrest this chick?"

"We have this plan all worked out. All we need is an arresting officer."

David didn't have to think this through too long. "Sure, I'll do it."

"Great, thank you Dad!" Tori hugged her father.

"Were you coming in tomorrow Officer Vega?" Andre inquired.

"Actually no," David admitted. "But one of the officers coming in had to cancel last minute and I was asked to fill in. He was really looking forward to it too."

"Why can't he go?" Cat asked with curiosity.

"His nephew Alex was hospitalized this afternoon." The room became deathly silent and all eyes were on David. Secretly, they were waiting for more hoping that it wasn't who they thought it was (Alex was a common name after all). "Poor kid was about your age. Alex has always had heart problems and his heart gave out and he was rushed to the hospital. Hopefully he'll be okay."

"Oh my God," Tori's voice was quiet and breathy.

"Did you kids know him?"

"Kinda," Andre spoke for Tori who was too stunned to speak. "We know him through some other people. He's a cool kid."

"Poor kid. Well, I'm exhausted. I'm going to turn in early," David went upstairs.

Tori was still standing there sort of emotionless and shocked. Andre went over to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "You okay?"

Tori snapped back into focus. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay." She let out a sniffle to keep tears from falling. "Come on, let's get this done for Alex."

Everything was quiet for a short while before Jade quietly spoke up. "You liked him didn't you?"

"Let's just get this done for Alex!"

"And for Robbie," Cat innocently reminded with a soft, sweet voice.

Jade stood at Tori's level and looked her dead in the eye. "Sarah is not going to win."

Now it was the big day. Everything should run smoothly, according to Jade. It was finally the tech period, and Jade had a plan for sneaking into the room. She, along with Beck, walked into Tori's songwriting class.

"We need Tori Vega. Lane wants to speak with all of us." The teacher reluctantly let Tori go, no questions asked. Tori thanked her before walking out into the hallway.

"That was easy."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jade said as they quickly rushed towards the tech room. They peeked inside, Cat and Andre were just finishing up. Jade waited for Andre's cue. Andre went up to the teacher, discussing some aspects of his project, he threw a thumbs up sign behind his back and the three teenagers, quickly entered, scattering in the back row amongst the other students.

"Okay, now Robbie Shapiro and Sarah Fisher. Your project please."

Yeah, this is a kind of filler chapter. But did you really think we would spoil what was on that DVD without Robbie there?