Alright, alright. I gave in and started writing Yu-Gi-Oh fics. Really, that was the only logical thing to come after fanart.
I noticed, while browsing, that a lot of puzzleshipping fics tend to be AU, or at least involve Yami having his own body for no adequately explained reason. So I got the urge to try and write something that centered around the two of them sharing a body. It's a notion I find fascinating, and I'm disappointed that more writers don't consider it.
But anyway, here's my foray into the YGO fandom. I don't know how long the series itself is supposed to last in terms of real time, so uh... Yeah. Call it alternate-timeline if it doesn't fit.
- x - x - x - x -
Moonlight washed over the teen's sleeping face, illuminating the golden highlights in his dark locks. His hair behaved like strands of silk, fluttering with each exhale, then floating down to rest once more on alabaster skin. His lashes twitched as his eyes darted about in REM sleep, and his pale pink lips moved slightly as if attempting speech.
Yami simply gazed upon the boy before him. Truly, he was an incredible sight. It had been a mere two years since the boy had completed the Millenium Puzzle and unlocked the spirit within it, and in that short time, Yugi had matured into quite a handsome young man. He was taller now, closer to the height that Yami achieved in his form, and he'd developed a more slender frame. It was more difficult to tell the difference between the two, now. But Yugi still had wide, innocent, childlike eyes, and a round, gentle face - whereas Yami's eyes had more of an almond shape, and his jaw a more angular build.
The spirit let out a quiet sigh as he hovered above the teen's bed. Having dwelled in the young man's mind for such a long time, Yami had grown rather attached to him. He knew of his host's deepest fears and hopes, understood the way he processed thoughts, and could predict his actions with striking accuracy. Tilting his ethereal head slightly in thought, Yami wondered if Yugi ever paid as much attention to his subtleties. The pharaoh never pried into his thoughts; he only knew of those that Yugi chose to share with him. Nor did he look into the boy's dreams - those, too, were private, unless willingly divulged afterwards.
During the many long years locked away within the Puzzle, Yami had not only forgotten his past life, but how it felt to be alive. Tastes, smells, physical sensations... In the form of a spirit, he could indeed experience them, but compared to a living human, his senses worked as though underwater. He settled behind the sleeping Yugi, spooning him (Yami had never understood this term, as the act did not remotely resemble a piece of tableware), his ghostly arms wrapped around the boy, and could almost feel the warmth of his body. A transparent hand lifted to Yugi's head, and Yami felt the shadow of a tickle as he caressed the other's hair.
Within the labyrinth of their shared mind, his senses were as acute as any human's - they had discovered this one day when Yami had tripped over something inside Yugi's Mind Room, and crashed into the clueless boy. The pharaoh still recalled that incident vividly; it had been the first time their "bodies" had made contact, and it had felt very peculiarly unique. Of course Yami had had physical contact with others while in control of Yugi's body, but this was completely different. Even for such a random, accidental touch, it had felt... intimate.
There had since been many times that Yami had considered reaching for Yugi while inside their shared mind. He yearned to be close to his partner, his aibou; he longed for a chance to touch and hold him in a physical form. His desire, oddly enough, had no sexual drive behind it whatsoever - the spirit's attraction was born solely of his emotional connection to the boy. And oh, how he wished he could press himself close to Yugi, and simply experience his physical existence, the way a real, human lover could... Oh, yes, how he pined for that privelege.
But Yami was well aware of Yugi's poorly concealed crush on Anzu. There was absolutely no way he could even hope to compete with her; she was beautiful and kind, and female... And also, she was real, she was material, she could be touched. And she would be around for, most likely, the duration of Yugi's physical existence. Realistically, Yami doubted he would stay on the mortal plane much past Yugi's twenty-first birthday, if that.
Yugi stirred in his sleep, rolling onto his back. His hand landed palm-up on the pillow beside his head; it would have smacked Yami in the face, had he been solid. The spirit shifted slightly and placed his wispy hand over Yugi's. Only the slightest murmur of sensation reached him as he tried fruitlessly to entwine their fingers. He craved the touch of the one he loved, and cursed every god he knew of that he couldn't have been reborn in this era. Mild frustration overcame him, and he sat up, again taking the opportunity to gaze upon the slumbering youth.
"Aibou," he murmured, an intangible hand curling over Yugi's slightly flushed cheek. He leaned over and kissed the young man, his discarnate lips begging for the sensation of his beloved's reciprocation. Disheartened, he pulled back - and saw the corners of Yugi's mouth twitch into a smile, as he hummed a soft, content "mmh..." He snuggled deeper into his pillow, seeming to glow with a happiness that Yami was not sure whether he caused. Had Yugi somehow felt his kiss...? No, it had to have been a coincidence... Either way, the complacent aura about Yugi seemed to lull the pharaoh into sleep, his spiritual body resting on the mattress beside the form of the sleeping human he had come to adore.
- x - x - x - x -
This... this whole thing is just really reminiscent of Kuroshitsuji. Except that Yugi isn't a whiny bitch who sits around on his little shota ass, drinking tea all day. And Yami isn't a perverted, child-molesting demon butler. (I mean seriously, Ciel is like, twelve :U at least Yugi is like fifteen or something in canon.)
Anyway, I'm planning on writing more to this, because well duh you know me, I can't have a fanfic without AT LEAST a little snogging. Because sucking face is sexy, dammit.
I can has reviewburger?