A/N: okay, I'm taking a short break from my multichapters to write '5+1' story. All chapters will be posted within two weeks! Hope you'll enjoy!

Beta: Pilikia18

The rain was drumming a steady beat against the living room windows and Sherlock sighed deeply, closing his eyes and leaning back in his favourite chair. The flat was too quiet for his liking, but, bored as he was, he had absolutely no inclination to correct that.

The reason of his apathy was quite simple – John had gone out and probably was spending his time in the cinema or some restaurant, trying to 'get off' with another boring, dull, predictable woman. Not that Sherlock was jealous; jealousy was a feeling after all, and feelings were too messy and complicated to deal with. But still, John's presence in the flat was something Sherlock found himself already growing accustomed to...

Anyway, back to the point: John had been gone for three hours, and with each passing moment Sherlock's mood deteriorated more and more. So it was no wonder that when he heard John's key turning in the lock, a caustic remark was already on the tip of Sherlock's tongue.

However, the words seemed to freeze on his lips when John stepped into the room, carrying a small bouquet of violet irises.

"Evening, Sherlock," John slurred, yawning. "Mind if I use one of your beakers for these?"

Sherlock simply nodded, smiling slightly.

John brought flowers. John smelled of beer. The date had gone bad.