I haven't worked on this story in a long time, but a very excited anon asked me in all caps when I'd post another chapter, so here it is. Tumblr stalking for the win! Also, I apologize with anything here sounds funny or off. I haven't written anything on these two in months.


It was almost closing time, and Anzu couldn't be any happier about that fact as she waltzed around Burger World finishing up for the night. Unlike the night before, she didn't have to stay with the manager wiping down tables and mopping the floors, but instead got to leave as soon as the last customer left and the front doors were locked. Being able to leave early wasn't the only exciting thing on her mind, however. She had plans to get to Kaiba Corporation before he left the office, to visit Kaiba as a surprise.

He'd given her a pass ID, in case she ever needed to see him, and she figured security wouldn't kick her out even if she came around nine to the office to see him. Kaiba said he would be working late, which usually meant not coming home until around eleven, and not wanting to sit around her apartment stir crazy waiting for him to arrive; Anzu made up her mind to do something nice for him.

The buses were still running thankfully, and changing out of the cheap uniform once the time came to leave, Anzu headed downtown, running in heels before stopping by an interesting looking cake shop. She would have missed having dinner with Kaiba, but since she wasn't dieting anymore and could stand to gain a few pounds, Anzu certainly wasn't going to look past some dessert.

Looking at the different bake goods they had to offer, she didn't find anything immediately that appealed to her. The desserts generally looked more appealing than they tasted, compared to the more sugary stuff back in New York, but ice cream was another matter completely. Black sesame ice cream in particular would probably be more appealing, for the nutty flavor and distinctively Japanese origin instead of the pseudo European desserts that just failed to do much for her.

Buying a pint, Anzu carried it happily out of the store with two plastic spoons, ready to find the Kaiba Corporation building. It was right in the middle of the city, which made it easy to figure out. The huge, bright letters of KC were in the sky and the building itself was huge. Kaiba Corporation was a beacon, for as long as anyone could remember, and heading towards it, Anzu couldn't help but smile.

Hopefully her treat would be thawed out enough to eat easily once she got there. It was still a bit warm most days, so the dessert wouldn't go unappreciated, and she easily got to the entrance of the corporate building, where two guards stood. They were staring at her coldly like Anzu was some threat in her trench rain jacket and heeled shoes, but once she flashed her ID badge, they waved her inside.

She wasn't exactly sure where she was going, though. No one was around, or at least not anyone who could help. The security team was all in suits with wires hanging off their ears, and they looked too busy to be bothered with, which was fine by Anzu. She planned on wandering around Kaiba Corporation until she finally bumped into Kaiba's office. If Kaiba was planning to leave, early he would have texted.

Which he hadn't done yet.

There was an elevator in the lobby, and deciding to just go all the way up to the highest floor, Anzu gasped a little when it started moving. The sides were made of glass, and she could see each level pass by as she headed up towards the last floor. It gave her slight vertigo, and she wandered how the staff dealt with it when they had to use it each and every day.

Maybe they had a less showy elevator. She hoped for their sake that was the case.

Once she managed to get up top, she was pleased to see easy signs that led to the executive office. Following them, she noticed a few janitors cleaning and the security guards walking by. Kaiba must have been really paranoid to have so many around, but then again, Kaiba Corporation had a bad history of security breaches. Too many people trying to take over. Concerned, Kaiba must have stepped up his efforts to keep things running smoothly, and heading down the lobby past the general seating area, she crossed through several offices before making it to the very end.

The spot where the front desk staff must have usually worked was completely empty. No one was there answering phone calls or assisting with people waiting for meetings. There was just the beautiful modern podium and the steel emblem of the Blue Eyes White Dragon behind it, one of many Anzu saw around the building.

Kaiba certainly had a thing about those dragons. His obsession was legendary, and snorting over the choice of décor, Anzu walked past it before going back behind the counter.

There were two empty desks right in front of the doors that had to lead to Kaiba's office. He must have let his assistants go home already. Computers turned off and desks cleared of paper work, it was like no one actually worked there, except for the small picture one desk had. A pretty dark-haired woman and what looked like her son. Anzu pondered over it, but then she heard someone clearing their throat.

"I was just looking!" said Anzu nervously, trying to smile to appease the guard, "I'm on my way now."

He didn't say anything back, but just turned away and left without a word. Whatever. Once his back was facing her, Anzu just stuck out her tongue at him before opening one of the steel doors, walking into darkness except for the glass skyline towards the back of the room and the glowing of a computer monitor.

She could barely make out Kaiba, who was typing furiously on his computer. He seemed busy, more focused and concentrated than Anzu had ever seen him since Battle City. Instead of even greeting her, he continued working after looking up once, a little surprised by the way his eyes widened, but nothing else hinted at him paying Anzu any attention.

"I brought a dessert," she interrupted, taking a seat on the empty portion of the desk before taking the ice cream out of the plastic bag and opening the top, "since we missed out on dinner."

"I got to finish these programs", replied Kaiba, not looking up, "I've been trying to get this done since noon. And if I stop, I'll lose my train of thought."

"What kind of programs?"

"An improved holographic generator. It allows duel monsters to interact and become attached to their player by how many times they are used in a duel. The duel disk remembers the player's favorites and from there, creates a relationship with that card to the user. It would completely change the nature of the game, having monsters being loyal to the duelist, but it requires an expansive matrix just for the graphics alone, and trying to engineer an AI program is a headache..."

His face looked tense, illuminated by the screen of the computer. For a few seconds, he just stared at the monitor before turning his attention back to typing programming codes. Sighing in frustrating, Anzu didn't appreciate being ignored over work, even if it was important. The noise of her exhaling did nothing to stray Kaiba's concentration, so she slowly took off her jacket and dumped it on the back of his chair.

Still didn't work, though. He didn't seem all that distracted from her being in the room with him, and his eyes just continued staring at the computer without even glancing up at her face.

Well, Anzu wasn't going to settle with that. It was already close to ten and she wanted to go home. He could get back to his work the next day, like what normal people did, and trying to gain his attention, she slipped her shirt off over her head and pulled down her skirt, only wearing light blue lace underwear beneath.

Yet the man still hadn't noticed.

"Kaiba, why can't you just stop for a second?"

"Too busy," he replied back, "Just give me another hour."

Yeah, that wasn't happening. Getting completely fed up, Anzu snorted before unclasping her bra and throwing the entire thing at Kaiba's head. He appeared disgruntled, his face twisting in discomfort before pulling off the bra, but once he looked at it and realized he had underwear of all things on his head, he glanced at Anzu with a quizzical look…

And stared.

"I didn't come all the way from Burger World," announced Anzu loudly, moving up towards Kaiba's face while holding his chin with her thumb and forefinger, "For you to sit there and ignore me for another hour. Would you please have some dessert with me?"

"What kind of dessert?" He asked, smirking up at Anzu lazily before she flicked his nose, making him grab it while narrowing his eyes at her as she opened up the carton of ice cream.

"The kind you eat, genius."

"Tch," responded Kaiba back, rubbing the end of his nose dejectedly, "That doesn't narrow down my choices, Mazaki. I think you mean to say the edible kind. Because I could certainly find other things to devour that don't include your ice cream."


She knew she was blushing. Anzu just couldn't help it, and taking out a spoon to help cool down the warmth growing on her cheeks, she gasped when Kaiba grabbed her wrist, taking it and directing it into his mouth instead, taking a long time licking the ice cream before finally letting go.

"That was unnecessary."

"I'm just enjoying myself," he teased, grabbing the other spoon, "Don't be so cross because I'm not ignoring you now."

He was far too full of himself. Taking a large spoonful, Anzu stuck it into her mouth, not even trying to be sexy about it like Kaiba had. She was just staring at him with an irritated expression on her face, but it melted a little when she tasted the ice cream. It was so thick and creamy, the texture surprisingly smooth and clean, with the nutty flavor of black sesame in perfect balance. There was no strange after flavor, and taking another spoonful, Anzu started eating it rather eagerly, looking down at the almost black looking dessert in awe.

"I like green tea ice cream," said Kaiba, who looked like he was enjoying himself too, placing his elbows on the desk while scooping out the treat for himself, "but this is still pretty good too."

"I hoped you'd like it."

Kaiba seemed content. His grin was still on his face, but it looked more like a relaxed sort of smile than him trying to make sexual jokes at Anzu's expense. He usually didn't go that far, compared to someone like Jonouchi or Honda, who both shared the maturity of a thirteen year old boy, and Anzu eventually found herself taking the last spoonful, dumping the carton into the trash once they had finished.

Then, sliding off the desk and grabbing her bra off from the edge, she placed it back on before hooking the clasp, Kaiba passing her the skirt and shirt off from the floor. He also handed back her jacket, grabbing his own and the metal briefcase he seemed to take everywhere before leading them out.

They were heading towards the parking garage. Anzu was glad to be out of the brisk fall air; it was getting chillier now and she was happy that Kaiba would probably be driving her back to her apartment. With winter coming, she knew she wouldn't want to be hanging around waiting for buses to take her back home. Hopefully Kaiba would continue giving her a ride from Burger World once winter began…

When she sat down on the passenger side of the car, though, she suddenly felt her phone buzz. Picking it up, she was surprised to find a text from Yugi, "Just wanted to let you know I'm back home." Her stomach dropped and immediately Anzu felt guilty for it. Last time they'd seen each other, he tried to ask her out. It hadn't been a comfortable situation for either of them.

Feeling her face tighten from the memory, Anzu wasn't aware of Kaiba watching her as he turned the car on.

"Yugi's back in town…" she said neutrally.

Kaiba snorted before turning his attention back towards the front window of his car, "You don't look too happy about it."


How was she even supposed to explain herself? While she loved Yugi as a friend and wanted to have him back, she didn't want to deal with the awkward situation of knowing that Yugi's feelings for her were more than she could return. It wasn't what she wanted, and then Yugi would eventually find out about Kaiba…

That would only cause more grief.

"I'm really glad that he's back, he's my best friend after all…" Anzu started, clearing her throat, "But-"


"-Last time I saw Yugi, he asked for a relationship. I hadn't seen him in months, and he just sprung it up on me like it was nothing. I don't know how he's dealing with the rejection, because we haven't talked since, and he doesn't know about you."

"I don't see how that would even matter," snipped Kaiba, rolling his eyes, "this is high school crap."

"Of course it matters, you jerk! You don't even like Yugi, Kaiba. If you had the chance, I know you'd use this as an opportunity to get back at him. Don't even lie and say you wouldn't."

Huffing, Kaiba didn't answer back. They both knew he had a mean streak, and while Anzu had already accepted that it would probably never change, she didn't want to enable it either. If Kaiba was going to be an ass, she wasn't going to stick around and watch.

"He's still one of my best friends. I just don't know how to handle this situation. He's going to find out, and when he does, he'll be crushed."

"Yugi's a big boy, I'm sure he'll get over it."

Anzu glared, not even caring that Kaiba was actually driving out of the building when they came onto the road and she punched him square in the arm. He hissed, narrowing his eyes at her before using his free arm to rub the injury.

"That hurt."


Kaiba made an irritated noise before looking back at Anzu, still not over the punch, "How else should I feel about him showing up feeling sorry for himself? You might be friends with him still, but I'm not. His interruption into my life caused me a lot of grief, so I'm sorry if I'm not feeling all that sympathetic for him right now."

Now it was Anzu's turn to roll her eyes. She didn't know how to make Kaiba realize just how childish he was sounding. He didn't have to feel sorry for Yugi, but he didn't need to be a brat about it either.

"He's not your enemy, Kaiba. Yugi's been nothing but supportive of you, and you're just being as rude as ever."

"I don't like him."

"Oh?" Anzu asked, laughing a little as her face got heated up, "Why not? Because someone you couldn't beat a kid's game used to share the same body as him? It's a silly thing to be still caught up over."

"You don't seem quite over Atem either, Anzu. Pot calling the kettle black…"

She could feel herself becoming upset, and getting more frustrated by the minute, Anzu crossed her arms and stared out of the window. She couldn't exactly say she was over Atem. Sometimes he came into her thoughts and dreams, Anzu waking up confused and forgetting that the man had already passed over. It was a horrible, remembering that sense of loss, but Yugi must have been suffering even worse. They were much closer and Anzu couldn't even imagine the pain he must have been feeling after losing someone who was almost a part of his inner being…

"Yugi's my friend. I'm going to see him if he wants and I'm not looking for your permission to do so, either."

"I wasn't saying you needed it. You're an adult. You'll do what you want whether I like it or not."

Kaiba didn't sound so happy to hear that Anzu did plan on seeing Yugi, though. Well, he could get over it. They might have been dating, but Yugi had been friends with Anzu longer. She wasn't going to abandon him to let Kaiba keep her away like some toy he didn't want to share.

"I think you should come with me, Kaiba."


Anzu smirked, glancing back at him as Kaiba gave a look of disbelief before turning his eyes back towards the road.

"I think you should come with me. It would do us both some good. Yugi would want to see you, and it would be the grown up thing to do."

"I don't need your approval over what I choose to do and not do."

"But I know you want it."

Kaiba made the most indignant sounding sound of irritation Anzu had ever heard, but he didn't argue against that. They both knew how he was, and it was no surprise when Kaiba began to sulk in his seat.

"Fine," he muttered, narrowing his eyes at the cars in front of him while Anzu smiled, self-satisfied at Kaiba's reluctant admittance, "I'll come see him then."

"Good," answered Anzu back, texting Yugi back and smiling more broadly when she got a return message quickly, "He said he'll be happy to see you again. Oh, and Jonouchi will be there too."
