Disclaimer: Do not own any of the BTR boys or company.
Pairings: Kogan
Warnings: AU/Swearing/major sexual situations/boy x boy.
Note: So this isn't a request either, but I stumbled across a really cute story in the Shake it Up Fandom by Ryura Ryin called Sugar High and I had to put it into the Big Time Rush Fandom cause it was just to much fun not too. Thank you Ryura Ryin for letting me borrow your idea! And I hope everyone likes it. I still have a couple more I have started and just need to finish!
Note2: Again, just to remind everyone, I am not taking any more requests but thank you for your comments and reviews! I am so glad that you like my stories and I love that they make you so happy! Thank you so much for your support!
Story: The Candy Shop
Pairing: Kogan
Wearer: Kendall (Alternate Universe!)
Outfit: Kendall/Old Fashioned Candy Shop Outfit
"What do you mean you're not coming back?" Kendall exclaimed into the phone, his stomach dropping and his heart beating fast.
The woman on the other end sighed and said, "I'm sorry Kendall. The order was completely messed up so I have to go to the warehouse outside of town and straighten it all out. It'll take me hours. You're just going to have to man the shop and close tonight."
Swallowing a lump that had formed in his throat, Kendall looked around him, his eyes wide with fear. "But...but this is only my second day!" His hands trembled as he gripped the store phone.
"All the instructions are in the manual beneath the register. Text me if you have any questions, but I really got to go!" Kendall could hear her shuffling, and knew she was about to hang up.
"But-" He tried, but was to late. The line clicked and went dead. Softly Kendall put the phone back on the receiver and took a deep breath. He could do this. He could totally do this. How hard would it be to handle running a candy shop?
Charlies Candies was a relatively new shop in his town...and owned by his aunt, Charlie. He had needed an extra job besides working after school at the local grocery store. After his mothers hours got cut back at her work, his aunt offered him some weekend hours, but he was not expecting this. He was a senior in High School and was slowly counting down the next six months until he graduated...but until then he would make as much money to help his mother out as he could before he left for college on his Hockey Scholarship.
All around him was an explosion of rainbow colored candies to fill a sweet tooth's deepest desires. Lollies, smuckers, taffy and much much more, were now in the sole care of Kendall...and he felt they were exceptionally screwed.
He sighed and grabbed the instructional manual under the register as his aunt said, placing it on the counter next to the register. He opened it up and began leafing through it, "Okay. Here goes."
Three hours later he felt he had a good handle on things. Had already restocked most of the merchandise, checked the expiration dates, and even had rung up a few customers without making a complete fool of himself. All in all Kendall was beginning to feel more comfortable, and decided he might just be able to do this without any trouble-
Suddenly a loud bump echoed from behind him, and he turned around to face the large glass window in the front of the store that allowed those who passed by on the street to see inside the store. A face was pressed up to the window, just under the Charlie's sign. A Latino boy, about Kendall's age, and his breath was fogging the glass and his small hands were leaving long streaks onto the window.
Kendall gave the boy a curious glance, wondering what this kids deal was, when the boy suddenly pulled himself away to dash inside the store. The bell jingled as the Latino entered, but Kendall didn't need to be alerted. The boy was already stomping loudly to get the snow off his boots as he entered, his mouth agape as he let out a loud, child-like, "Wow!"
Amused, Kendall watched the boy walk around in a small circle until his eyes settled on Kendall. The boy blinked a few times, then said, "How long has this place been here?"
Shifting nervously, Kendall said, "Um...only a couple a months-"
"That's why I've never seen it before! I'm home on Christmas break from school and-" The boy began, then jumped when the bell jingled again, signaling another customer.
This new boy was nearly as tall as Kendall, but towered over the Latino by a couple of feet. His brown hair hung over his blue eyes in gentle waves, framing his narrow but highly attractive face. But that face held a scowl that matched the narrowed blue eyes regarding the Latino.
"Carlos!" The newcomer exclaimed, walking into the store and trailing snow on the floor as he moved, not bothering to kick if off on the snow mat like Carlos had. Kendall sighed but kept his mouth shut, knowing he would have to mop up the snow, again, after they left.
"What did I tell you about taking off like that?" The taller boy continued, walking up to Carlos who was pouting and hanging his head slightly down. "You scared me half to death when I couldn't find you."
"Sorry Jamie." The boy said abashedly. Kendall watched with a small smile. Even though Carlos was most likely his own age, possibly a bit older, the taller boy, who also seemed to share their age, acted like an older adult watching over a small child.
But that analogy quickly fell to pieces with Carlos suddenly lifted his head a bit, tilted it to the side, then batted his eyelashes prettily at the other as he said quietly with a hint of naughtiness, "Can you forgive me James?"
Whatever frown James still held melted the moment Carlos moved his head. Suddenly Jame's resolve was gone and he pulled Carlos in close to his body, kissing him gently on the lips. "Okay. Just don't do it again." James muttered, then kissed Carlos once more. "I'll make sure Santa doesn't punish you to badly for being naughty this year." He said quietly before smacking Carlos's butt.
Smiling brightly now, Carlos let out a little shriek at James's swat before he exclaimed, "I wont. Now help me pick out something!"
James laughed and followed Carlos as the boy eagerly darted around the store, looking at all it had to give. Kendall was happy to let them browse, knowing that most people didn't like having pushy sales people breathing down their necks.
Suddenly James called out, "Excuse me...can you help us?"
Kendall lifted his head from the inventory list he had been going over and walked over to the two boys. Carlos had his arms full of different candy boxes, and was pouting at James, "But I want them all!"
James shook his head and said, "No Carlos. Only three. Any more than that and you'll be up all night." He turned to Kendall and asked, "Are these the only sizes you have? Or do you have some more out back."
Shaking his head, Kendall answered, "Uh, no...that's all-"
The door jingled again, and all three heads turned to regard the person entering. He was a bit shorter than Kendall by only a couple inches, but Kendall couldn't see his face, since he was talking to someone on his cell phone.
Ignoring the man for now, Kendall turned back to James, "Sorry no. We should have some more sizes later in the week, but with it being so close to Christmas, we're a bit short."
Suddenly the new man was right next to James, looking at Carlos with a raised eyebrow, "You think you got enough there Litos? Didn't you learn your lesson when you had that really bad sugar high in our dorm room last month?"
"No. And James wants me to put some back!" Carlos exclaimed, "He's being mean!"
James rolled his eyes and turned to Logan, "The last thing he needs is more sugar." He turned to Kendall, who was watching the scene with amusement, and said, "We're all set now. Thanks."
Nodding, Kendall turned to leave when he noticed the newcomer staring at him. He had pale skin, deep brown eyes as dark as his hair, and was about the most gorgeous man Kendall had ever laid eyes on.
Blinking a bit in surprise, Kendall somehow found his voice to ask the man, "C-can I help you?"
The man seemed startled when Kendall spoke, and quickly shook his head, "Uh no. No. I'm all set." He suddenly shot out his hand and said, "I'm Logan...by the way."
Surprised that a customer would do this, Kendall tentatively shook his hand and said, "Oh. Uh...Kendall."
He turned his head when he heard James let out a scoff than a sigh, and Carlos began snickering. Blushing, he let go of Logan's hand and said, "Uh...just let me know if you need any help."
"Don't worry." James jumped in as Kendall began walking away, "Logan will."
Kendall knew he was now completely red faced, and that redness spread when he heard the sound of a fist hitting flesh and James saying, "Ow Logan!"
The three boys hung around a few more minutes and every time Kendall looked their way, Logan was always staring back at him. This only made Kendall blush more, and quickly look away.
Carlos eventually came bouncing over to the register, dumping his large bundle of candies onto the counter. Kendall quickly rung him up, avoiding Logan's stare as James paid for his boyfriend.
"You realize you are sharing that with us right?" James said as he handed over his credit card. Carlos gasped and grabbed the bundle tightly into his arms.
"Then why didn't we just get more!" Carlos nearly wailed, and while Logan laughed James shushed his boyfriend.
As they began to leave Logan said to Kendall, "It was really nice meeting you."
"Um...you to." Kendall said, closing his hands into fists to try and squelch down the blush he knew was rising. His stomach was doing flips! He had never felt like this before. Sure he had gotten a few kisses from some girls over the years, but he was still a virgin and was waiting for the right person to share that part of himself with. But he had never been hit with such an intense attraction to someone before. Especially someone he had just met!
"I'll see you around?" Logan asked, to which Kendall could only nod and watch the boy as he left with his friends.
When the bell jingled again and the three left, Kendall let out a loud sigh. He then looked down at his pink and white apron and frowned sadly. Like someone as hot as Logan would ever want to date someone who looked like a candy stripper at a hospital.
A few long hours later, closing time finally came and Kendall couldn't be happier. He was exhausted, tired and hungry since he never got to have his lunch break. All he wanted to do was just drag himself home and into bed where he could just die. The only thing that got him through the day was thinking about Logan's smile and how it made Kendall's stomach do flips.
Currently Kendall was in the back office of the store, locking up the money from the register. Just as he shut the vault and locked it, he heard the bell to the store jingle.
"Damn it." He muttered to himself, "I knew I should have locked up first."
Standing he walked out into the store, "I'm sorry but we're clo-" but he stopped when he saw who the customer was, "Logan?"
The pale boy smiled up at Kendall as he regarded the boy. "Hey. You're still here." He tilted his head to the side and said charmingly, "Told you I'd see you around."
Kendall had to suppress the giggle that was rising in his throat as he regarded Logan. "Um...yep. I- uh was just...closing up." He held up the keys and showed them to Logan, completely unsure what to say or do in this situation.
Walking up to Kendall, Logan said, "Can I help?"
Kendall's hands began to fill with sweat as he gently shook his head, whispering, "Oh. N-no, you don't-"
But Logan grabbed the keys and walked over to the front door, turning the Open sign to Close before locking the door. The sound of the door locking was loud in the room, and suddenly Kendall realized what kind of situation he was now in. Alone, locked inside a store with a man he barely knew.
Logan turned back to Kendall and said, "You should get the shades to the windows Pull them down." He walked up to Kendall and placed the keys back into the boys hands, "I assume that's the next part...right?"
Swallowing, Kendall just nodded and went over to do that, wondering just what Logan had in mind. As he went over to the large windows to pull down the shades, he could see Logan watching him in the reflection, staring at Kendall's every movement. As much as his mind kept telling him that this should weird him out, he actually felt very comfortable with Logan here. He knew he should be worried...but for some reason he wasn't.
When the shades were down, Kendall turned back to Logan. "Um...other than the lights...that's just it."
"Really?" Logan said, shoving his hands into his pockets to walk over to one of the candy filled walls, "You don't have to restock the shelves or empty the register...or anything like that?"
Kendall walked over to Logan, not sure what to do. "I-no. I already did all that."
Logan turned away from regarding the various candies and said, "Oh? So...you don't feel like...sampling the merchandise?" He held out a hand and fingered Kendall's multicolored apron of pink and white, then looked up at his matching cap, "Being around this candy all day...you don't feel the need to...sneak a taste?" He stepped up closer...then even closer...and whispered into Kendall's ear, "Don't you want...something sweet?"
Kendall let out a shuddering breath at Logan's closeness. He had never been this close to another man like this before, and his mind was quickly fogging up as he whispered back, "Um...I don't know. I-I've never really been all that into candy before."
Logan pulled back a bit, and Kendall had to mentally hold himself back from whimpering at the loss.
But Logan made up for it by gently placing his hands on Kendall's hips, then slowly pushing him backwards so that his back hit the wall. The candy jostled behind him, but Kendall ignored it to regard the deep brown eyes staring at him with such passion and intensity he was sure to drown in them.
"You mean to tell me...you don't want anything sweet?" Logan began, his voice the tone of confused teasing. He then took a step forward and pressed his body up against Kendall's, hands still grasping onto the blond's narrow hips with a tight possession. "Because Kendall...I'm sure in the mood for something sweet."
Logan's eyes settled onto Kendall's pink lips and he leaned closer to whisper, "Do you mind...if I try a sample?"
"N-no." Kendall managed to stutter out before Logan smiled and leaned in, closing his mouth over Kendall's.
Even though Kendall was suddenly drowning all things Logan Logan Logan, his mind was in a panic. Was he kissing back okay? Did he smell all right? What did Logan want from him? He suddenly was all to aware of his being new to this situation, and desperately didn't want to fumble around and make a fool of himself in front of his sex god.
But when Logan shoved his tongue into Kendall's mouth and pressed his hips into the blonds, his hard on very much evident, lust clouded over Kendall's thought's and instead he kissed back with just as much intensity and want as Logan was giving him.
When Logan pulled away for a breath, he whispered, "I want you Kendall."
"I want you too." Kendall answered back, unsure where that came from. He had never done this before, and was just going with whatever Logan wanted. A small part of him was shouting slow down! Don't give this up so easily! But he ignored it as lust clouded his mind.
Growling at his words, Logan lunged forward again, kissing Kendall deeply. He ran his hands all over the boy, then settled a hand to cup the blond between his trembling legs. "You like that baby? Like it when I touch you?"
"Ah yes." Kendall moaned out when Logan began to rub. He held onto the brunettes arms to keep him upright, but the pleasure surging through him was something he wasn't used to, and could quickly feel his legs going weak.
Logan seemed to suddenly sense Kendall's weakness and gently began to lower the boy onto the ground. He took off his own North Face winter jacket and laid it down for Kendall to rest upon, "Here. Lay on this." Logan whispered before he crawled on top of the blond.
"Oh. You-you didn't-" Kendall began, but Logan cut him off, attacking his lips once again with no intention of letting go. But Kendall was fine with that. They both groped and rubbed at each other, their hands instruments of pleasure, bringing each other closer to the lust that was attempting to consume them whole.
Logan eventually sat up and began working on Kendall's pants, a wicked smile on his face. He pushed up the apron and pulled off Kendall's khakis, shoes and socks. The blond shivered as the cool air caressed his naked skin and half hard member.
To Kendall's surprise, Logan suddenly stood and began walking over to candies near them. "W-what are you doing?" Kendall asked, confused at Logan's behavior, leaving him half naked on the floor.
Smiling back at the boy, Logan said, "Something naughty."
Kendall shivered again from his spot on the floor, not from the cold but more from Logan's words.
He watched as Logan grabbed a red cone shaped lollypop from one of the containers. It was large and long, about five inches.
"W-what are you going to do with that?" Kendall asked nervously as Logan walked back over to Kendall.
Smirking, Logan said, "Shush. We're going to have some fun." He knelt down and pushed Kendall's legs wide open before he settled in between them, opening the plastic covering on the lollypop. Kendall blushed, having never been like this with anyone ever before. He was embarrassed and almost wanted to cover himself.
But Logan just looked down at him and licked his lips like Kendall was the most delicious thing he had ever seen before, "You are so luscious." He whispered as he reached into his back pocket. He pulled out a small tube and opened it with a thumb.
"Y-you're not g-going to d-do what I think you're going t-to do...right?" Kendall asked, watching as Logan overturned the bottle and poured the lube onto the lollypop.
"Shh." Logan whispered, then leaned over Kendall and began kissing the boy. The blond was hesitant at first, not sure what to expect, but began loosing himself into Logan's kisses. His tongue begged for entrance, and Kendall tentatively allowed it back in. Lust fogged into his mind again, and all thoughts were pushed to the side-
"Oh holy shit!" Kendall exclaimed as he felt the cold head of the lolly poking into his entrance. "Logan!"
"Sh. Sh." Logan whispered as he pushed the object further inside Kendall. For a moment Kendall brought his hands up and almost pushed Logan off him, but then Logan pushed the object even more inside Kendall, causing the boy to hiss and then moan in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Suddenly he was grasping onto Logan's shirt, not sure if he wanted to throw the boy off him or pull him closer.
"Shhhh." Logan whispered again, peppering Kendall's face with soft kisses, "It'll get better soon I promise."
Gently, Logan pushed and pulled the lolly in and out of Kendall, allowing the boy to become more used to the feeling. When Kendall seemed to relax, Logan sat back onto his knees, whispering, "Now here's the fun part."
Opening up bleary eyes, Kendall looked at Logan, and watched as simultaneously Logan thrust the lolly deep inside the boy, then took the boys member in his mouth and sucked on it the tip hard.
"Logan!" Kendall screamed out, grasping onto the boys jacket beneath him as he felt the object deep inside him mixed with the incredible warmth of Logan's mouth. Quickly Logan fucked Kendall with the lolly while he sucked him off, getting hard off the loud moans and quick breaths tumbling out of Kendall's mouth.
"Oh yes Logan yes feels so good yes baby more." Kendall ranted, his mind gone to the pleasure surging through him so fast and so good. He could feel the lollypop melting, and it's liquid running down between his legs. But he was able to ignore it as Logan licked the tip of his member, then swirled his tongue around the flesh before taking him deep inside his throat.
All to soon Kendall felt a hot burning in his abdomen and said, "Oh! Oh Logan I-I'm coming!" And before he could stop himself the pleasure pushed him to the limit, and he unloaded himself into Logan's mouth as the brunette pushed the lolly hard against Kendall's prostate.
That last push wrecked Kendall, and made his orgasm last longer than he had ever come before. He rode the waves, watching as Logan took everything the whimpering and trembling boy gave him.
Breathing hard, Kendall lolled his head to the side, feeling sweat tricking down the side of his head. "T-that was...amazing Logan." Kendall breathed out, closing his eyes when he felt Logan pull the object out of him.
The sound of Logan tossing the lollypop into the nearby trashcan caused Kendall to open his eyes back up and regard Logan. The brunette was taking off his jeans, the lube back in his hand. "Don't pass out on me now baby. It's not over yet."
Suddenly Kendall got nervous all over again. He watched as Logan opened up the lube and coated his rock hard member that was way, way bigger than the lollypop. He tossed the bottle aside, then in one swift movement, grabbed Kendall's legs and threw them over his shoulders.
"Logan!" Kendall exclaimed, not expecting this. "I-uh-I-" Kendall began, but Logan was already lining his member up to his entrance stained red.
"Gonna make you feel amazing." Logan whispered just as he was about to slide inside.
"I'm a virgin!" Kendall suddenly exclaimed, closing his eyes tight as he expected to feel the flesh be pushed inside his wet hole.
But there was nothing. Kendall slowly opened his eyes to regard Logan, who was looking at him with confusion.
"What?" Logan said. When Kendall just trembled beneath him, Logan lowered Kendall's legs back down to crawl on top of the boy. He cupped Kendall's face and said sweetly, "Are you serious? You've never done this before?"
Biting his lip Kendall shook his head, "I-I'm sorry-" He began but Logan shook his head, kissing the boy gently on his forehead.
"Don't be sorry baby. We can stop if you want-" Logan began, but Kendall reached a hand up to Logan's hand touching his face.
"No! No-I-I just-I wanted to let you know...so...you'd go slow..." Kendall said, feeling like his excuse was super lame.
But Logan just smiled and said, "I promise to go slow. But are you completely sure? I promise it's okay if you don't want to."
Warmth filled Kendall's stomach at Logan's sweet words, so he leaned up and kissed Logan sweetly. As he pulled back he said, "Yes. I'm completely sure."
Nodding, Logan kissed Kendall on the forehead once more before resuming his position between Kendall's legs. He threw them over his shoulder and lined up his member, still hard as diamonds for the boy trembling below him, before slowly sliding into the tight flesh.
Kendall threw his head back in pleasure again as he was filled to the brim once more. Logan waited a moment before whispering, "You okay?"
When Kendall nodded, Logan began to thrust into the boy at an even pace, making sure to hit his sweet spot each time.
"Touch yourself Kendall." Logan commanded, and the blond obeyed by grabbing his member and stroking it in time with every thrust.
"How does that feel baby? You like it? You like how I feel?" Logan asked, pressing hard against Kendall.
"Yes! Ah Logan yes you're amazing!" Kendall cried out, meaning every word. "Harder baby. Please harder!"
Logan obeyed as well, pushing forward so he could thrust more steadily into the blond. Their pants and cries of pleasure echoed in the shop. After a few minutes Logan yelled, "Fuck Kendall I'm close."
"Come for me Logan!" Kendall cried out, speeding up his movements on his member.
But Logan shook his head, "Uh uh. You first." And with that he batted Kendall's hand away and took over the movements, expertly bringing Kendall over to the edge faster than the blond thought possible.
"Ah! Ah Logan!" Kendall cried as he spilled himself all over the brunette.
"So...fucking...sexy." Logan said, watching the boy come undone. It was perfect, and it was just what he needed to reach his own release.
Breathing heavily, Logan gently pulled out of Kendall before lowering his legs to the floor. He laid down behind Kendall, and wrapped his arms around the boy, pulling him close to his chest so that they could spoon.
Other than their heavy breathing, silence filled the shop. Both boys reveled in their recent actions, sharing soft kisses and light stroking to keep the connection alive. After a few minutes Logan whispered, "Is there a bathroom here?"
Half asleep, Kendall answered, "Yeah. In the back office." He felt Logan give him a soft kiss on the back of his neck, then stand and walk away.
A minute later, Logan came back and soon Kendall felt a cold wetness at his entrance. He lifted his head and said to Logan, "What are you doing?" He noticed Logan was fully dressed again as well.
Smiling down at the boy, Logan said, "I made a bit of a mess down here. I've never done anything like that before, but I bet it get's pretty sticky real fast." He wiped away the last remnants of their lovemaking, along with the lolly, and said, "You should still shower when you get home though."
Suddenly Kendall's eyes widened and he sat up straight, "Shit. Shit I'm so late I've gotta get home. My mom's going to kill me."
Logan smiled and gave a soft laugh before he said, "You're mom? Please tell me I didn't just fuck jail bait."
Kendall sucked in a breath, the words hitting him hard. He didn't know why he should have expected this to be anything more than what it was, a passionate but quick one time thing. For a moment he wallowed in his own misery. He was a virgin less than an hour ago, and suddenly gave it up for a guy he barely knew. No matter how amazing it was, it didn't change the fact that this was probably going to be the last time he ever saw Logan.
"Shit. Sorry. That came out way harsher than I meant." Logan said, suddenly realizing what an asshole thing he had just said, "I didn't mean it like that."
But Kendall avoided his gaze, quickly grabbing his clothes and pulling them back on, "Don't worry about it. This was just a one time thing right?" He wanted to get out of there fast so that Logan wouldn't see him cry, but suddenly his arms were being gripped tight and Logan was now crouching in front of him.
"No. This wasn't a one time thing." Logan said, his voice serious. When Kendall tried to look away, not believing it, Logan grabbed his chin and brought it back to that they were facing each other, "I didn't come here tonight to have...this happen. I honestly just came back to see if I could get your number and ask you out on a date."
Kendall chanced a look up into Logan's brown eyes, and was relieved to see sincerity there.
"It's your own fault that you look so damn irresistible in that outfit." Logan joked, trying to get a smile out of the boy. It seemed to work because Kendall gave him a small, soft smile.
"As soon as I saw you...I just...I don't know what took over me but I had to have you right now." He sighed and sat down next to Kendall, then pulled the boy into his arms, "I don't care how old you are. I'm taking you out on a date, and then after that date you're going to be my boyfriend. Deal?"
Now fully smiling, Kendall traced a finger down Logan's shirt and said, "How about we just become boyfriends now?"
Chuckling, Logan said, "Fine by me...but I'm still taking you out on a date." He pulled back and said, "When's a good time for you?"
Now that things were settled, Kendall's stomach suddenly rumbled loudly in the room. Logan raised an eyebrow to the blushing boy who said nervously, "How about now? I haven't eaten all day."
At that statement Logan frowned, "Why not?"
Kendall pulled away and finished putting his shoes and pants back on, answering Logan's question with the store of his aunt and the mixed up shipment.
As they finally exited the store, Logan grabbed Kendall's hand and said, "Well if that happens again you have a boyfriend who will happily come by with some food. Or you can teach me how to work the register and I can cover for you."
Kendall laughed, "I don't know. I think Carlos might take that opportunity to come by and take advantage of you being there. I don't want to come back from my break and find the store empty."
Logan laughed as well, "Okay...you got me there. But...I mean it. I want to be your boyfriend, and a damn good one. If you need me, all you have to do is say the magic words.."
Smirking, Kendall said, "Okay...so what's the magic words then?"
In response, Logan smiled and said, "They're easy. Just say...I want candy."
You+Reviews=Love! I hope you all enjoyed this!
xoxo BA