Tauria: Okay, for once I know where my idea came from. It has been forming in the back of my head for a while now, ever since I read Annime's stories The Time Twister, and the The Time Warp. So, I want to dedicate it to her, because . . . yeah. So I hope she likes this! :DD And I hope she likes this.

Chiro: Yeah, yeah. You said you were going to be mean to Antauri!

Tauria: You hush. And I am going to be.

Disclaimer: I do not own SRMT . . . okay? Please quit making me put this! I get so tired of it!



As the sun set over Shuggazoom City, a shadowy figure stood underneath the safety of the Robot's head. Sapphire eyes watched as all became dark, and the stars shone brightly. The owner of this pair of eyes was thinking back to a past that he had hoped was all over. He hoped it had never had to happen again.

'But it's not . . . and now history is repeating itself . . .' he thought. 'And now they have to pay for it.'

He hadn't thought about his past for a long time, but now was being forced to consider it again. He had done so much since he was that little kid. He had experienced and seen so much. He had learned so much . . . Although he had faced much more terrifying things, he could not bring himself to face his past. He had hoped that they could protect him from it . . . but now they were gone . . . and he didn't know if they would ever come back . . .

But now he had to face his past . . . he had to try to save them . . . He had no choice. And he was all alone . . .

He took one last glance at the Super Robot that had been his home for so long . . . that had been his refuge when he finally couldn't take it anymore . . . Then, he disappeared into the night, taking paths and shortcuts that were unknown to most . . . including the Monkey Team . . .

Tauria: Well, let me know what you think! I hope you like this, and a big shout out to AnimeAdict202, for the great inspiration for this story ^.^ So, thank you Annime!

Chiro: Please leave a review . . .