
Clear like ice, but just as cold,
Bloodshot eyes, they take a hold,
Pierce like knives, down to your soul,
And shake you to the bone.
Insanity and chaos locked in calm,
Those bloodshot eyes inflict a qualm,
A shiver and shake.
Your soul is his to take.

"You won't listen to me, will you?" an old voice asked. I could see her outline in all the shadow, hunched and bent over, relying on a hand-carved staff for her balance. Though it was mid afternoon, the world was dark to me, filled with shapes and shadows that were my only source of sight.

"No," I answered Elder Nyon shortly, "I've already decided."

Elder Nyon shook her head, "But we don't know these men! Sure they helped Luffy, but they could still be bad people. They're pirates after all."

I slung my quiver of bows over my shoulder and urged my battlesnake Pim, to coil around my waist. I instinctively touched the bronze locket that hung from my neck, "Nothing you say will change my mind. I need to find out what happened to me…why I am this way. Surely if I show that I am useful, the captain will let me join him – if only for a while."

"Can't you just forget the past and accept what you are? You're special – you should learn to appreciate it." Elder Nyon placed a wrinkled hand on my shoulder.

I sighed, "I do appreciate it – but that doesn't abate my curiosity or answer my questions. There must be a reason that I'm like this – and that reason isn't here."

Elder Nyon was quiet. Finally she sighed and grabbed my wrist, "Fine then – come with me first…there are a few things you need to know before gallivanting off on a pirate ship."

"I think their vessel is a submarine, Elder."

I could practically feel her exasperation as I'm sure she rolled her eyes at me.