"And who can tell me the name of the strongest shield charm?" Professor Goodwin asked.

Remus lifted his hand almost immediately, though not so quickly as one of the Hufflepuff boys, who seemed to think, that he had to answer all of the question, no matter how many times he had had his hand in the air doing the lesson. Not that I'm much better, Remus thought.

"Yes, Mr. Lupin?" The professor said. She seemed at bit tired, Remus noted. That wasn't that surprising, considering she had used a whole hour taking care of everyone who was hit, when they hadn't been able to make the Protego charm properly. Or those or them who yelled about it, anyway. Remus had practiced with Sirius, and both of them had been hit a couple of times, but didn't feel the need to disturb Professor Goodwin just because of that.

"Protego Maxima, Professor," He answered.

"Well done, Mr. Lupin. 5 points to Griffindor. You see, the Protego Maxima charm is much more difficult…"

Remus was about to write notes, when he got pushed in the side by Sirius. He looked at Sirius, who grinned at him and pointed at a piece of parchment. Remus looked down at it, and rolled his eyes at a rather badly sketch of Miss Goodwin, praising Remus, and himself, with a cocky smile and the words 'Know-it-all' in his forehead. Remus was about to turn back to his notes, when he suddenly stiffened, and looked back at the still talking Professor Goodwin.

"… Werewolves next week. I expect you all to read the chapter on the subject…"

Remus seemed a lot paler than he had just a few moments ago. He bit his lip nervously and looked down at the desk. This was one of the first times he really, really wanted to truant. He did not want to be at that lesson. He did not want to sit there and hear the teacher talk about werewolves like she knew anything about it! It was going to be awful, Remus was sure of it. She would say a lot of wrong things, maybe even prejudiced, and he wouldn't dare to say anything, because of the fear of a reveal. Don't be so stupid, Miss Goodwin's not like that, she's not prejudiced… How would you know? Most people are, why not her?

He felt a hand at his shoulder, an turned to look at Sirius, whose mischievous grin had turned in to a frown. Sirius captured his eyes and they seem to tell him not to be afraid. But how could he not be? It was little more than a year since the rest of The Marauders had figured it out. He still had trouble believing, that they truly did not care. Sometimes he would wake up from a nightmare, and he would have to stand up from bed and look at the photograph at the bedside table, to assure himself that they really was still his friends.

Remus blinked surprised a couple of times. Sirius had led him out of the classroom with the others, and he hadn't even realized.

"Quite shocked, isn't he?" James asked.

They were in the boy's dormitory, luckily as the only ones. Remus was still very depressed about the upcoming lesson; he just sat there at his bet, with both hands around his knees and his head buried down in them, trying very hard not to cry.

"Shocked? Of course he's shocked! What does he look like, you dork," Sirius retreated.

"But he must have known, right? That'll come up some time…" James said with a shrug.

"Remus? Hey! It'll be all right," Peter said, ignoring the two others discussion, while jerking Remus' shoulders a bit.

"Yeah, 'course that's going to help," Sirius remarked wryly.

"Well, why don't you try to calm him down then?" Peter asked annoyed.

Sirius seemed to take that as a challenge. He step over in front of Remus' bed in a couple of long steps, sat down at his knees, lifted Remus' head, looked him close in the eyes, and said:

"We don't care, Remus! We don't freaking care, neither should anyone else!" Those was the excact same words, he had said when they discovered Remus' 'Fury little problem.' "You're going to go to that class, behave as you normally do, answer the questions and stuff, and no-one will have clue. If Miss Goody-Goody starts talking nonsense about werewolves, then James, Peter and me will all lift our hands and correct her!"

Remus cracked into a smile while the tears he had struggled to control started to flow.

"Yeah! No-one shall come here and insult our Remus!" James yelled and Peter mumbled something that sounded agreeing.

Remus quickly wiped the tears away with his sleeve, hoping they hadn't noticed.

"You guys are amazing," He said with a smile.

"We know!" James and Sirius said at ones.

Peter sighed, as Remus would have normally done it, but he was too busy smiling about how amazing and understanding his friends was. Though their talk hadn't removed his nervousness completely, he wasn't in a dark hole of depression anymore. He felt like he would be able to make it through. Once again, his friends had proved just how remarkable they were. He wouldn't exchange them for anything.

Notes: Hey! Please tell me what you thought of it, either in a PM or a review :) I might make a second chapter to this, about the actual class, but it depends on what you people think of it ^^' No reason to continue something horrible, is there? Please tell me about wrong-spellings or weird grammar as well, if you like, I would appreciate it very much!

I was actually very close to make this slash xD Like, when Sirius is 'challenged' to calm Remus down, I couldn't help imaging him going over to Remus and kiss him cockily XD I might write an AU to this, were he does exactly that. I don't know. Again, I wanna know what people think of this first.

I really, really wanna know if you find them out off character as well... This is actually the first fic I write without an OC as main character... though I've been thinking about Remus short-stories for a while. I'll probably make more of them ;) Remus is my favorite character, so it wouldn't surprise me if I did. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! :D

- July