AN: Hey so please don't give me credit for this story. It belongs to J.K Rowling and I only own the plot and some other characters. Also I own the new dark Harry. Right well In story like Harry's Voldemorts son it always starts with what happened the day the Potters died. That is really boring and annoys me so I'm not doing it. Anyway the Potters didn't die but Harry was kidnapped. Voldemort done a blood ritual and now Harry and Voldemort share blood which makes them family. Voldemort acts like Harry's father and Harry thinks of him as a father. EvilHarry sickHarry. Also Harry's sixteen now.

Xander Riddle, Also known as Harry Potter, woke up early. It was his sixteenth Birthday. Xander's room had black walls and black carpet. The wool on the Black carpet went up between his bare feet. His four poster bed was extra comfy. He had his gold death-eater mask on a stand on top of the dresser. The clock on his bedside locker said 6: 30. He would have to get up in half an hour anyway so he decided to get dressed and practise his unforgiveables. He puck out black robes and black shoes. Most of his clothes were splattered with blood that wouldn't wash out. He then walked down to the basement. There were prisoners down there. Nobody actually knew who he was except a few high up death-eaters. He went down to the basement but, the prisoners weren't there. Xander knew they couldn't escape because they didn't have their wands, they were weak because of not having a lot of food and there were wards on that room alone. He just trailed back upstairs where he found Bellatrix Lestrange on the main stairway. "My prince. The dark Lord is waiting for you in his chamber" Xander nodded and turned with a sweep. He trailed to his father's chamber. On the double doors to the dungeon chamber was a magical snake. Xander hissed 'I am the Dark lordsss ssson' with that it slid around the doors and the double doors opened. Harry entered pitch blackness.

"Who dares to enter my chamber" Harry took a deep breath.

"Father it is I Xander" Suddenly a dim green light filled the chamber. The floor was pitch black oak wood with dark green, nearly black, snakes carved onto the wall so that they stuck out. There was a throne in the middle of the room with a man with pale skin and red eye slits. The throne was again dark green nearly black with a little lighter green cushion on the seat bit and the back. There were all sorts of carving and symbols and emmeralds on the gold stand out of the throne. There were three doors leading of from that room. One was a room with a few seats for very high up death-eaters. Than meeting room was only used for very important meetings. The next was the sankes nest. Voldemorts bedroom. It had many cursed objects in it and a snake like bed. There was a dark green nest for Nagini, Voldemorts Snake, and closed Black curtains. The walls were black and so was the floor. The third room was a plain bathroom with black and green tiles and green hangings on the walls. There was a stand for the green towl and a black bathtub. A black toilet and sink with snake taps. All in all it was a goth's dream home. Very few deatheaters had ever been granted the privilege of entering the snakes nest.

"My son, Happy Birthday. Now your initiation to my inner circle will be in two hours. You shall receive the dark mark and have the privilege of becoming a high prince Death-eater. My son, Soon your time will come. You shall become the most powerful and feared Dark wizard of all time and you will honour my name. You will represent all that is right in this world and the Riddle shall be the most powerful family of all time. My son you will make your first horcrux today. You will live for eternity along with me your father. Now We managed to capture every single order member. We already have the upper hand in the war. Read this list of people we got. Some are just muggles the death-eaters had fun with. I only named the important ones though." Xander smirked as he took the parchment in his fathers hand.

Lily Evans-Potter

James Potter

Courtney Potter

Dylon Potter

Sirius Black

Remus Lupin

Albus Dumbledore

Molly Weasley

Arthur Weasley

Ginerva 'Ginny' Weasley

Fred Weasley

George Weasley

Bill Weasley

Charlie Weasley

Ronald 'Ron' Weasley.

Percy Weasley

Mundungus Fletcher

Severus Snape

Neville Longbottom

Hermione Granger- Mudblood.

Xander let out a maliciouse laugh. "My so called biological parents sister brother and godfather. Oh and look we have Albus Dumbledore.

"My son. You know that you are the only one who can defeat me but, I need your word now son, Are you loyal to me." Xander smirked.

"Father of course I am loyal to you. Together you and I shall conquer the world. We shall be feared among all. We shall kill muggles and muggle borns." Voldemort nodded, He knew Xander would never turn to the light side.

"Now Xander. I 1: 30 hours you will meet me in the initiation room. Every death-eater will be there. Even Severus Snape. He was revealed to be the spy leaking information to Dumbledore. Also every order member we captured shall watch. We also have most of Hogwarts students. They will make a choice today. Those who stay in the Light side shall be killed. Those who turned to us shall be spared. Your Parents and your siblings will watch along with Dumbledore and all of the Weasels. Black and Lupin will watch too. Also today you will meet your future wife. Remember the one we talked about. Her name was Crystal Ad'elè (Pronounced Adalee) Her father conquers asia. She is quite a powerful young and beautiful girl. In two months you shall marry her. You are already betrothed. You may go and get ready. Your robes are on your bed. You may go" Xander nodded and left. He glided all the way up to his room excited about the ceremony.