"...wait, what?"
Tyson's mouth dropped open as Kai's demand of removing his pants. His face colored in thought of why he'd need to do such a thing. The thought process in Tyson's mind was quite clear to Kai, who struck him with another smack to the head. The younger boy gripped his head and muttered a quiet 'ow' before Kai continued.
"Don't be such a pervert," he scolded. "I'm going to see if I can massage the muscle so it can relax and stop it from retracting so much. And to do that, I have to get into the skin. Why do you think you have to be half naked to get massages in spas?"
Tyson gave him a large, devious grin as he allowed his face to color again. "Weeell..." Before he could even give a reason, he earned his third and last skull smack. "Oooow! You could lighten up, you know? I probably lost thirty brain cells on that one."
"To lose brain cells, you need to have them first." Tyson opened his mouth to defend himself, yet was cut off with, "Do you want me to help you or not?"
The younger blunette paused, thinking about it. While he did was the horrendous throbbing of his leg to go away, that meant having to comply with Kai's demand of taking off his pants. He's been around everyone in his boxers before, but it's a whole other situation when you have someone's hands wrapped around your leg. It's uncomfortable to say the least. However, accepting the massage means no pain. He had nothing to lose he supposed, so he agreed.
All Kai said was, "For once you made a good decision."
Tyson scowled, but unbuttoned his jeans, feeling the embarrassment developing already. Luckily, Kai's eyes were focused on the little bottles beside him, mainly the one that he had opened only moments ago. Tyson slowly pulled down the zipper, revealing the top of his underwear. He paused when he stared down at the red sneakers on his feet. Since the latest style for both women and men has been tighter pants, that's what Tyson has been wearing. There was no way he could pull the tiny ankles over his large sneakers, so he kicked both off before tugging down the legs of the pants. He pulled the jeans off his feet before letting them plop onto the tile floor. Now he was down to a shirt, his boxers, and his rather smelly socks.
It was the moment the scent of rancid foot sweat struck Kai's nostrils, the older boy whipped around and gave a look that was painted in disgust. "Do you ever wash your feet?"
Of course Tyson wasn't going to pass up a reason to disturb his captain. "My feet, yes. These socks, no. You're smelling four months worth of built up sweat and dead skin cells."
Kai looked a little green when he heard the explanation, tossing out the command of, "Take those fucking socks off and put them in the trash. Now."
The younger boy squished his lips together in a playful pout, but followed the command. He sat down and removed the horrid socks, flinging them into the closest garbage can which was by the first aid area. They missed the can, but he wasn't going to get up and put it in. Instead he turned towards Kai, giving him a smile. He had no idea why he was acting all cheerful when moments ago he had been spaced out and confused about Kai's behavior. Perhaps so Kai wouldn't notice the younger boy being so introspective out of nowhere. Before he could think anymore about the situation, he was given another command.
"Lie down on the bench. Put your left leg on the floor, keep the right leg on the bench." Tyson blinked for a moment, yet did as he was told. He turned his butt and lied down on the cold bench. He let his left leg drop onto the floor. Kai lifted his left leg over the bench so he straddled the bench. He scooted closer to Tyson, reaching for the injured thigh before he paused for a moment. The older boy cocked an eyebrow, letting a tiny smirk graze his face. "Snoopy?"
Tyson glanced down to where Kai's eyes had fallen onto: his boxers, which proudly donned Snoopy's face repeatedly, including a large print over his manhood. His face flushed, feeling that that was where his eyes were staring at. "Yeah, it's Snoopy. Is there a problem?" He snapped, furrowing his brows. Maybe it was unnecessary to snap, but there for no need for the captain to question his choice of underwear. It's HIS underwear.
Kai shook his head 'no' and reached for Tyson's leg once more. His left hand wrapped around his knee as he murmured,"Move closer." Tyson slid closer to Kai, lifting his right leg to wrap around Kai's waist. He gripped Tyson's knee, tugging him a bit more close before pausing his movement. "Good." Kai grabbed the little bottle near him and poured a bit of it into his hand. Tyson assumed it was oil which only gave him worse thoughts. Fortunately, it didn't read in his face since Kai hadn't given him another smack. Kai rubbed the oil between his hands and reached for Tyson's right leg. His hands gripped around the throbbing thigh, left hand above the knee, right hand mid-thigh. Tyson immediately hissed at the compression of the muscle.
"I know it hurts, Tyson, but it's the only way to help lessen the pain," Kai stated, rubbing his oil slicked thumb up and down the underside of the thigh. His applied pressure to the middle once more, gaining a painful groan from Tyson. "Is that where it hurts the most?" He asked.
Tyson looked up at Kai and mumbled, "Well it doesn't feel the best." The older boy shook his head, rolling his eyes at Tyson's stupid response. Tyson couldn't help but be annoying to make up for the awkward situation. He didn't want to sit there in silence while Kai touched hi- Oh God, that hurt!
"Tyson, calm the fuck down. Someone will probably think something bad from the noises you're making." Tyson didn't even realize that he let out either a loud groan or a quick yell when he felt Kai's knuckles pressed hard into the muscle above his knee.
"I can't help it, it hurts so bad, but it also feels good," Tyson started, but started to extend the 'good' as Kai found a soft spot on the inside of the thigh. He shut his eyes, feeling a few fingers circle the area with a firm pressure. He couldn't help it when a groan came out full of pleasure than pain. Wait, isn't that called a moan? WAIT, did Kai just make him moan! He was almost afraid to open eyes to see the facial expression on Kai's face. He opened one lid only to see Kai focused on the leg thrown over his shoulder. When did his leg get on Kai's shoulder?
The younger boy closed his eyes again, not wanting to watch his captain touch him, even if it was tempting to see what exactly he was doing. He figured he could focus on the feeling and mentally interpret it. He felt the hand around his knee lower, joining the other hand in wrapping around the thigh. They kept squeezing and sliding slowly up and down his leg, pressing the thumb into the underside as the fingers softly circled on the sides. Tyson let out a few groans when the thumbs hit the hard spots. Kai responded with a flurry of painful thumb circles over the area and would rub his palm over once he felt the knot was gone. Tyson didn't even want to know how Kai could feel every muscle in his leg just with his thumb. It had to be some weird Russian secret thing. Every so often, he felt the knuckles graze over the constricting muscles, almost kneading them like dough. Once again, he let out a pained groan and tossed his head back. That one had REALLY hurt.
Tyson felt the warm hands leave his leg. Curiosity took hold of him as he opened his eyes. He saw Kai with the second bottle of oil. He dripped a few drops before placing it back behind him. He took notice of Tyson's stare and said, "Now it's time for the painful part."
The younger boy dropped his jaw in shock. That wasn't painful? Did he not hear the agonizing moans that slipped from his mouth? "It gets worse?" He shouted.
Kai growled and started to rub his ears with the back of his hand. "Must you yell? You're seventeen, not eight." He took a deep breath before continuing. "Anyway, yes. It does. That first part was to see which areas of the muscle needs the most focus. Eliminate the worst part and the rest will be a breeze."
"But it hurt so baaad," Tyson whimpered, trying to put on his best puppy face.
Kai merely shot an icy glare at the younger boy. "Wow. You really must be eight to think you can get out of this with a stupid face."
"It's not stupid! It's the cutest of all human puppy faces."
"Not in the least," Kai mumbled, eyes drifting back to the Snoopy on Tyson's boxers. "His face looks better."
Tyson blushed knowing Kai's eyes redirected onto his crotch. He let his right hand hover over the area. "First off, Snoopy is a dog, not a puppy. Two, he's a cartoon, he doesn't count. And three, no need for the visual aid when you full on know what Snoopy looks like already."
Kai gave him a small smirk. "All I did..." He started in a low voice. He dipped a finger into the waistband of Tyson's boxers. Tyson felt his face pool with heat as Kai's eyes met his with what almost constitutes as lust. "...was rely on the evidence in front of me." He pulled the band and let it snap against the younger boy's stomach. He yipped as it slapped down. The older boy's smirk widened to see the sputtering, embarrassed Tyson in front of him.
"Y-you're a jerk, you know that?" Tyson managed to get out, rubbing his abdomen.
Kai's smirk faded into a tiny smile, letting his left hand touch the knee cap at rested on his shoulder. "I know." Tyson stuck his tongue out in retaliation, only to be snagged by Kai's right thumb and point finger. He groaned, trying to pull his tongue away from the older boy's hand. "Don't stick your tongue out unless you plan to use it." Tyson ripped his tongue out of his hand, safely placing it back in his mouth as his face flushed for what seemed to be the millionth time. How was Kai having this affect on him? He didn't even have time to think about it when Kai's hands started getting to work on his thigh.
Kai was right. It was painful. No, scratch that, excruciating.
His knuckles burrowed deep into his skin, into the muscles, right into the most painful areas and would not stop no matter how many pleas Tyson gave and groans of misery. Tyson hands kept gripping the bench below him, trying not to let out any more yells than necessary, but it was so hard not to. He ached and Kai seemed like he was making it worse than better. The knuckles dragged towards his knee and rubbed the sore muscle at the base. It was more agonizing than the thigh since it was a small concentrated area. "Fuuuuck..." Tyson groaned. He bit his lip and let another groan out when Kai's knuckle pressed into a tendon.
"Low pain tolerance?" Kai asked, replacing his knuckle with his thumb so it was a bit more gentle.
Tyson gave a quick sigh, feeling the pain being lessened. "No, not usually. I think it's just because you're doing individual spots instead of the whole thing like you did before."
Kai gave a quick 'hm' before sliding his hands back down the thigh. His knuckles pushed into the muscles in different directions, but with the same intensity that Tyson really didn't want. He surprised himself when he noticed that it wasn't as painful as it was before. He assumed that from the constant pressure, the muscles numbed out on him. In that case, he didn't care how aggressive the massage was now that he felt nothing. Tyson was ready to relax instead of tensing at the pain when he saw Kai's slippery hands heading closer to his crotch, still rubbing with the same pressure.
"Hey, the pain is in the middle," Tyson gulped, a bit nervous about the direction.
Kai glanced down at the younger boy with empty eyes. "Thigh muscles are notoriously long, starting almost near the rear and ending just above the knee cap." He applied a deeper pressure to the top of Tyson's thigh. He winced at the change of massage since Kai was only doing the underside before. "I'm only going to massage up to what I'm comfortable with."
"You don't have tooooo, ugh," Tyson's response was cut off by the heavy thumb into a bruise from last week. Kai mumbled a quiet 'sorry.' "Anyway, what about what I'm comfortable with? I'm the one who has to be massaged."
The older boy rolled his eyes, expecting at some point that he would whine. "You seem pretty comfortable so far. You let me touch you more than any girl probably touched you," Kai stated, letting a little smile appear on his face.
"Hey! You don't know about my private life," Tyson pouted. Who was Kai to make insinuations about Tyson's love life... even if it was true.
Kai's finger fell towards the soft spot Tyson reacted to before. He applied a softer pressure into it, making Tyson squirm and bite back a moan. There was no need to travel back to that spot. Kai pressed harder, circling it while his other fingers seemed to dance around the spot, barely making contact with the skin. It was horrible in the best way. He couldn't fight the moan that left his mouth and the other that followed when Kai didn't stop massaging.
"I'm probably making you moan more than any girl has," Kai smirked, eyes looking more sinister than they had before.
Tyson bit his lip and responded, "You're touching a sensitive are- aaahh," once again, the moans. For Christ's sake, why was Kai doing this to him? It should be awkward to make another guy moan in pleasure, especially your teammate/friend/rival.
Kai's smirk grew a bit bigger when he said,"The saddest part is that you have to face facts that you're getting turned on by a guy."
The younger boy's face grew red as he spat out, "No I'm not!" Of course he wasn't. Why would he turned on by Kai? Just because of the 'bad boy' look the fan girls swoon over? Or the muscles that made girls perverts, saying how much they want to 'lick them?' Then he realized he didn't mean turned on by a guy, he meant the way Kai was touching him was turning him on. Wait, no one is getting turned on!
The older blunette's eyes fell downward again. "I'll believe that when Snoopy stops lying..."
"When Snoopy stops... what are you-?" Tyson looked down where Kai's eyes sat. They rested on the giant Snoopy head which now donned a prominent nose. Fucking Kai made a Pinocchio reference. On any other occasion, it'd be hilarious to know that Kai made Disney references, but in this case, it was all too embarrassing to know that it was made about his semi. The realization dwindled it, along with Kai not massaging the spot. Tyson felt his face flush to such an extent, he probably looked like a tomato.
Kai's smirk resurfaced once he saw the deflation. "Lying doesn't suit you, Snoopy." Was Kai talking to Tyson's (now) flaccid manhood? The younger boy was a mixture of confusion, shock, and a hint of glee to see Kai having fun, even if it was in a sick, twisted way.
"You should be the one embarrassed. You just got your jollies getting a guy off. What does that say about you?" Tyson protested, crossing his arms in both embarrassment.
The smirk died as he stared down the younger boy. "That you're easy to manipulate?"
"No, that you probably have to like guys to enjoy something that... intimate," Tyson replied, baring a smug smile as if he embarrassed the older boy. However, he didn't see the offended face he was looking forward to. Instead he saw the face Kai made last night when he pulled away from their kiss. Shame, desire, guilt. The older blunette just kept looking at Tyson, only blinking. "I said, you probably have to like guys to enjoy something like that." He repeated himself. Instead, Kai's eyes drifted off to the side, staring at the floor. Now he was really confused. Kai usually held his stares, even awkward ones like this one, but instead he broke it off. Was it something he said? Something he...
"Kai...?" Tyson softly called. His eyes slowly drifted back to the younger boy, letting his bangs shield most of the eye contact. It was weird to see the older boy so off put. "Do you like guys?"
While Tyson was used to Kai's lack of responses, it was a whole different one. Like he just uncovered some deep dark secret that Kai didn't want to admit to. It didn't matter to him if he did, that's his own business. It shouldn't be something to be embarrassed about.
"Yeah..." Kai finally responded, letting his bangs cover more of his face. Tyson wanted to push them out of the way, but with him lying down, he didn't have the arm span. He took his leg off Kai's shoulder and placed it onto the floor as he tried to sit up. When the foot made contact to the floor, he felt a sharp jolt through the leg. He gave a hiss as he lifted it back off the ground. He was pushed back down onto the bench and had his leg placed back onto the shoulder. "Idiot, I wasn't done," Kai growled, opening the third bottle. He put a few drops before shutting it and placing it behind him like the rest. He quickly rubbed his palms together. "Last part." He simply stated as his hands slipped back onto Tyson's thigh.
Tyson clenched his jaw, expecting the same pain to be applied again. Instead he was greeted with the soft, but firm pressure from the first part. He relaxed his mouth as he just started to feel the gentle rubs on his muscles. It was definitely a good ending to the process, yet he felt bad about outing Kai's secret. He felt like he needed to be comforted. He looked at the captain's face to see his eyes focused on the leg, but he felt bad regardless.
"Kai." His eyes met Tyson's, still appearing guilty. "Why...I mean, last night...?" The younger boy let the sentence drift on, feeling Kai already knew what he meant.
The Russian looked off again, murmuring, "I'm sorry..." His hand got close to the spot again, so he lifted the fingers over it and continued to massage the thigh. At least he had the courtesy to avoid that area.
"No, don't be. Just... why me?" Tyson managed to ask without letting the nervousness in the pit of his stomach string along. He wasn't sure why he was nervous to begin with. All he was trying to do was get the reason Kai had made a move on him, even if Tyson had said he should have (taken out of context, of course).
Kai gave Tyson's thigh a quick squeeze before saying, "First off, don't get any ideas about me liking you or something." Ah, the sharp-tongued captain had reappeared.
"But I'm irresistible," Tyson interrupted, giving Kai the cutest face he could. He had hoped he'd get a quick grin out of the older boy. Instead he got a punch to his other leg. "Ooooww! Why'd you do that?" he whined, rubbing the sore spot on his left leg.
"Thought it'd be nice to have matching charley horses," Kai said, frowning at Tyson's odd attempt at humor. He took a deep breath, massaging near Tyson's knee before continuing. "Anyway, I've been attracted to guys for awhile. I guess annoying stalker fan girls also helped in the repelling of women."
The younger boy gave a giggle, fully knowing how much he resented fan girls. The worst experience for Kai had to have been the blonde who took off her underwear and chucked it at him while they were leaving the arena. It gracefully fell upon his head. Usually he'd scowl at the broad and move on, but the girl failed to realize she had just gotten her, urm, "time of the month." What sat on Kai's head was the epitome of a man's worst nightmare. The rest of the gang were both in hysterics and mortified. Needless to say, Kai managed to find a way to ban the female from all beyblade tournaments that had the Bladebreakers name involved.
"I just needed a way to make sure I was... gay. I figured the easiest way to go was to kiss someone on the team," Kai stated, letting his fingers get more involved in the massage than they did before. They drifted over the top of his thigh, pushing downward into the muscle.
Tyson couldn't stop his stupid question. "Couldn't you get a fan BOY?"
"Yeah, because I want to ensure my sexuality with a stranger who will most likely tell everyone and gain me a whole new level of media exposure for being into guys. Dumbass." He pressed into Tyson's bruise briefly as retaliation to the ridiculous comment. Ignoring Tyson's pained facial, he continued. "It's easier to get over an awkward situation with friends than fighting off rumors for the rest of my beyblade career."
"They wouldn't be rumors if they were true," Tyson pointed out. Once again, a brief push into his bruise silenced him.
"Moron, do you know anything about the media? Take a controversial topic, add a popular figure in pop culture, and out comes dozens of lies and rumors. I go from an outed beyblader to assuming every man I'm within one foot of in a photo is my new lover. Stories about my first time, people who will lie and say 'I slept with him when he was in Russia' and since I wasn't hounded by media in Russia, they can only gladly accept the new information. The whole thing is fucking ridiculous!" Kai's grip around Tyson's leg grew tighter and tenser as he spewed his rant. The once numb muscles he was enjoying were flurried with agonizing tingles. He lashed at Kai's hands, grabbing them roughly in an attempt to prevent the older boy from cutting off the blood circulation. The older blunette immediately paused when his hands were taken hostage by Tyson's. He looked at Tyson who merely wore a relieved facial expression.
"Geez..." He faintly smiled. He slipped his hands off of Kai's, placing them onto his own stomach. He was glad he stopped Kai from brutalizing his leg. Just because he was worried about the media didn't give him a right to give him real dead legs. "I think that's the most you've said without giving me a grunt." Kai frowned, probably a little ashamed that he lost his cool for a moment. Tyson understood his reasons, then frowned himself when he replied in a grunt. "Come on, don't ruin it now." The older boy ignored Tyson's plea, letting his hands knead the muscles gently. The younger boy watched Kai continue on with the task. He wanted to know more. Tyson had poured his heart out to the older boy, he even cried to his dislike. Couldn't Kai just open up a bit more?
"You never finished your answer," Tyson said quietly, not wanting to feel like he was intruding too much.
"You cut me off before," was all he replied. When Kai didn't say anything else, Tyson continued.
"I'm not doing it now."
Kai didn't reply, but Tyson assumed it was to make sure that he didn't have any extra comments to add that would take them off topic again. He seemed pleased with the silence and answered. "To be honest, you were the last one on my list. Well, correction, Chief was, you made it above him, congrats." Not the heart to heart Tyson wanted. "I would have went with either Ray or Max, but their reactions may not have been the best. Ray would probably stop me and then we'd have some long, philosophical discussion about it. Max on the other hand, would probably stop me, yet be supportive of my 'discovery.' However, he's not only a cheat, he's a gossip. You guys would know before I even got to put in my two cents."
"How did I make it above Chief?" Tyson pondered.
"Would you ever want to kiss Chief?"
"No!" The images that flashed in his head of his mouth ever touching Kenny's... disgusting.
"Exactly." He paused for a moment, appearing to collect his thoughts. "I figured you'd be the best option. For starters, I wouldn't have to deal with your over the top reaction to things you didn't expect if you were confronted face to face with it. And you have the habit of ignoring all embarrassing moments and treating them like they never happened. If I kissed you, you'd freak, I'd explain, and then we'd never talk about it again." Kai ran his hand down Tyson's thigh. "Then I heard you in the locker room... it gave me an chance to steal the kiss and blame it on you."
"Hey, I said that out of weakness! I was thinking of anything for you to do other than kill me," Tyson pouted. He felt cheated that he had planned to put all the blame on him for slipping out a weird statement.
"Ignoring that, you gave me ample opportunity and I took it. And well, don't let your ego get ahead of itself, but you had the benefit of being more appealing than the others..." Kai trailed off, letting the annoyance of what he admitted drip off the statement.
Tyson felt the giddiness in stomach reappear. Kai confessed that he found him attractive. Even if it clearly annoyed the older boy that Tyson HAD to be the best looking of the bunch, it still meant he was appealing in some way. There was no way he could let Kai off with this, even if he wanted the heart-pouring confessions of an outed teenage beyblader. A cocky smile grew on the younger boy's face. "So, I'm appealing, huh?" He wiggled his left eyebrow playfully as he watched the vein in Kai's forehead throb.
"What did I just say?" He gritted, hand clenched around Tyson's leg.
Tyson gave Kai a sweet little pout as he innocently replied, "That I'm appealing?"
The captain looked like he was going to give a pissed off reply before he cut himself off. Instead, he placed Tyson's leg around his waist, leaning forward over the younger boy. A devious grin perched itself on Kai's face as his eyes turned into the almost lusty ones from the 'Snoopy incident.' Tyson gulped while his body seemed to sit up half way to meet Kai's lerching body.
"Yeah, I did," he started using the same appealing low voice. The younger boy couldn't help but lose himself in the red eyes in front of him. It was like he could see some small fire in them that was all but ready to consume him. His face probably flushed when the word 'consume' passed through his mind. Kai let a slick finger glide up from Tyson's Adam's apple to the tip of his chin, smirking when the boy shivered at the touch.
"But the thing is, I seem to have attraction to idiots." The enticing spell Kai had put over Tyson broke when he gave the younger boy a hard flick to the nose and pushed his face down, forcing him down into the bench. Once again, Tyson couldn't believe how the older boy could affect him like this. The moment he seemed nice, he should have known Kai was just messing with him.
The lusty smirk dimmed into an amused smile as Kai watched Tyson's flustered reaction. "You really are too easy to manipulate. Perhaps there's something more going on than what you're telling me." The younger boy's jaw dropped in shock at Kai's implication. What did he mean by that? "You can't honestly tell me that you're not attracted to me in the least."
"What? I am not crushing on you! No way, man," Tyson denied, shaking his head furiously. He couldn't be, Kai is too much of an asshole to feel anything towards.
Kai rolled his eyes. "I didn't say crush, I said attracted to. I know you could never crush on me, in your mind I'm too much of an asshole, correct me if I'm wrong?" Well, at least he hit the nail on the head. "Besides, all evidence shows otherwise."
"What evidence?"
"The most obvious being that you never pushed me away, both last night and today when I was clearly making you uncomfortable." Tyson's eyes widened in surprise. "You think I didn't notice? The fact that you didn't kiss me back but you didn't push me off either? Hell, YOU kissed ME back the moment my thumb touched your hips."
Tyson crossed his arms, refusing to allow Kai to infiltrate his head with lies. Well, the truth, but twisted around to make him seem like the liar. "That was just a reaction to the touch."
Kai tilted his head in disbelief. "Oh? So, anyone can touch your hips and you'll make out with them?"
Tyson flushed as he yelled, "No!"
"So, you'll only kiss me?"
"What? Wait, no, I mean, I don't know. UGH!" Tyson buried his face into his hands both in confusion and to hide his painfully blatant face of embarrassment. It would be easier to just realize facts: Tyson has been admiring Kai more intensely than usual. He didn't stop Kai's kisses, but instead mirrored them. He had allowed Kai to touch him in a sensitive area when he could have easily swatted the boy's hands off and yelled at him for being weird. He even fell victim to Kai's teases. He could hear Kai's voice ring in his ear. 'Just admit it, you're attracted to me.'
"So what if I am?" He murmured to himself.
Kai cocked an eyebrow. "Pardon?"
"So what if I am attracted to you? Is that a problem?" Tyson asked, holding the same stubborn attitude when he denied the attraction.
"Not in the least, although I'm curious to see where attraction ends and when intimacy begins," Kai softly replied, letting his thumb graze over the sensitive spot on Tyson's thigh. It wasn't enough pressure to elicit a moan, so Tyson assumed he had done it on purpose. The older boy's eyes drifted onto his. There wasn't a cold or smug or even amused expression to them like usual. Just a blank canvas which he assumed meant 'I don't know what to do now.' It was actually pretty funny to see the great Hitawari being thrown off guard. He always seemed able to predict the next move, but in this situation, he was as dumbstruck as Tyson. It was out in the air, both found the other attractive.
Tyson smiled, deciding to be merciful to Kai's confused state of mind. He sat up, letting the other boy's eyes watch in suspense of the next action. He wove his hand into Kai's dual-tone hair and gave it a gentle tug before sliding it to the base of his neck. He nudged the older boy forward towards him. Kai got the hint and met him halfway, pressing his mouth against Tyson's. It was definitely different from the first kiss which was soft and gentle that left Tyson's stomach fluttering. Oh no, this time Kai pushed with a needy force, hands sliding up and down Tyson's side, leaving him with shivers. They kissed at a slow pace, but Kai picked it up as he pushed the younger boy onto the bench. The younger blunette opened his eyes to see his captain hovering just above his body, not ready to fully press on. When it seemed like Kai was coming back for more kisses, he suddenly said:
"This is uncomfortable." Tyson felt the excitement in his stomach dull. How was it uncomfortable? He had just been kissing him. It must of read in his face when Kai added, "No, not this. I mean the bench." The younger boy made an 'o' with his mouth, understanding what he meant. It was skinny, cold, and didn't leave much leverage for Kai to engulf him like he wanted. Before disappointment hit Tyson, he heard Kai suggest, "Maybe we should save it for tonight." The way he said it sent shivers down his spine, making it sound like a lustful promise.
Tyson took a deep gulp, hoarsely stating, "But I room with Max and Kenny."
Kai placed a kiss onto the younger boy's mouth, letting it linger. He leant into Tyson's ear and whispered, "Not tonight..." If Snoopy had a big nose before, Tyson didn't even want to know what it looked like now. The younger boy felt his body grow cold as Kai sat back up and swung his legs off the bench. "Now get your pants back on, we're done with the massage." For a moment, he had forgotten the reason they were in the locker room to begin with. Tyson bent the bad leg, still feeling a few knots, but over all, a lot of the pain was relieved. He swung his leg over the bench, reaching for his jeans. Once he grabbed them, he quietly stood up and slide them on, watching Kai put away the little bottles into their original case. Kai walked towards a little room near by and placed the case away by two other large white cases. He turned back to Tyson and asked, "Is your leg good now?"
Tyson gave a quick nod. "Yeah, thanks a lot."
"No problem," Kai started, letting his signature scowl reappear. "Next time, how about you stretch and warm up like I said and not bitch about everything?"
"What?" Tyson muttered, grinding his teeth. Why did the captain have to be so hot and cold? He asks how his leg is and then tells him not to bitch about it. He had to be bipolar or something.
"You heard me." Kai walked past Tyson who just stood and watch him almost exit the locker room before he stopped at the doorway. He didn't look back when he said, "This stays between you, me, and Snoopy, got it?"
Tyson didn't let it register that he mentioned Snoopy when he mumbled, "Yeah."
"Good, now hurry up." He nodded quickly, limping over to the older boy. As they walked back to the arena in silence, there was only one thought that plagued Tyson's mind:
'I'm spending the night with Kai. Alone. And he's going to have his way with me. Fuck.'
Hm. Tyson has seemed to realize the severity of the situation. Oh well, he'll have oodles of fun in the last part. It may be a longer time for the last part. When I write, sometimes I suck and I have to go over the piece over and over and over again. (Like this part and I still don't like it.) Thanks for those who fav'ed and reviewed.