One Long Day
Chapter 1:
They were in the car on the way home when it all went wrong. Will had been staring out of the window, next to Magnus and the Big Guy was driving. They'd only been moving for about a minute, not even in Old City when Magnus doubled over suddenly. Will almost didn't notice when he heard her gasp. The Big Guy caught his eye in the rear view mirror and Will frowned.
"Magnus?" he shifted closer, "You okay?"
She was silent for a moment, her face hidden behind a curtain of hair. Will realised her arms had wrapped around her stomach. As he watched, her hands clenched into fists.
"Magnus?" Will touched her shoulder lightly.
"Stop the car." It was barely above a whisper but both Will and the Big Guy heard it. They exchanged another glance.
"Stop the car now." Magnus growled.
The Big Guy obliged and braked abruptly. Thankfully there was no one on the road. Almost before the car was fully stationary, Magnus was out of the door and bolting for the tree line. Will saw her drop to her knees.
Back in the car, the Big Guy grunted, concerned. Will shrugged in return and climbed out of the car to follow his boss. As he approached, he heard the sounds of retching. His stomach twisted uncomfortably; hadn't Magnus been through enough for one day? Without a word, he knelt beside her and swept her hair away from her face and held it back. Magnus coughed and tried to speak.
"It's fine." Will murmured, his other hand resting on her arm.
She looked up at him, looking more miserable and pathetic than he'd ever seen her. Her eyes were watering, so much so that a few tears had slipped down her cheeks and her face was flushed from the cold. Will felt a rush of sympathy and protectiveness.
"Hey, are you okay?" It felt like a pretty redundant question but it seemed better to say something rather than nothing.
Magnus swallowed thickly, several times. She looked almost dazed, her eyes unfocussed. "Dizzy..."
"Is this the parasite? Could it still be in your system?" Panic rose up again and Will had to concentrate hard to stay focussed on Magnus.
She shook her head, taking a deep breath. "No, I checked the blood work twice. This is..." she lurched forward, heaving violently.
Will was desperate for her theory but he held her hair carefully and waited patiently for her to finish. After a minute she sat back, shaking and swaying ominously.
"Done?" Will asked.
Magnus blinked. "I think... I think it's the anti-virals... the drugs I took to fight it."
"You said they could make you ill." Will recalled.
"Parasite must've been blocking... the effects..." She was getting breathless. "Need... dialysis..."
Will frowned. "We need to get you back to the Sanctuary." He glanced back at the car. "Can you get up?"
Magnus nodded distractedly. Will stood, his hand still on Magnus' shoulder. She staggered to her feet and began to stumble towards the car. Half way there though, Will stepped up beside her, unable to watch her continue to struggle.
By the time they got to the car, Magnus was white, slicked with sweat and almost unconscious. She dropped onto the backseat and Will slid in beside her, shifting her so her head was on his shoulder.
The Big Guy grunted from the front seat, his eyes on Magnus. Will looked up and caught his eye. "Step on it."
The Big Guy obeyed and they sped towards Old City. Will explained what had happened, as much as he knew and understood, including Magnus' instructions. As he spoke, he suddenly realised how long the day had been. Magnus informing him that they were heading to the Bermuda Triangle felt like such a long time ago and he couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten. His stomach rumbled as he came to that realisation.
At his shoulder, Magnus moaned, her eyelids flickering. Will touched her cheek and felt the car speed up beneath him.
A moment later they were pulling up at the Sanctuary. The Big Guy was out of the car in seconds, lifting Magnus carefully into his arms. She groaned softly but didn't pull away. The Big Guy rushed inside, calling back over his shoulder to Will. "Inform the others."
Will nodded. He closed the car doors, locked it and then followed the Big Guy inside. But instead of heading to the infirmary, he ran up the stairs, heading for Ashley and Henry's rooms on the top floor. It was nearly eleven pm so they were probably there, getting ready for bed. He knocked on Ashley's door.
"One second." Ashley's voice was muffled by the door.
"Ashley?" Will called impatiently.
The door flew open. There Ashley stood, dressed in pyjamas, halfway through tying up her hair. "Hey, you're back. Where's Mom?" she asked.
"Ashley..." Will winced. "She's in the infirmary. She's sick. The Big Guy's with her. He told me to get you and Henry."
Ashley's face morphed into an expression of shock. She pushed past Will and charged across the hall, banging on Henry's door. "Hey, Henry. Open up!"
A sleepy 'what?' drifted through the door.
"Henry, come out. Mom's sick."
The door flew open much as Ashley's had and Henry appeared, sleep rumpled but alert, eyes freaked. "What?"
Ashley turned back to Will, gesturing wildly.
Will blinked and then composed himself. "I'll tell you on the way." And they sped off, sprinting for the elevator.
When they finally made it down to the infirmary, the Big Guy had Magnus in one of the beds, hooked up to a dialysis machine. She still had her eyes closed but she did look slightly more human with skin a few shades up from white.
Ashley pushed past Will, who had stopped in the doorway and sat down on the side of the bed, taking Magnus' hand in hers. Will was touched by such a gentle gesture despite the conflict between them.
The Big Guy grunted behind him and he jumped. "How is she?"
"Should be fine in twelve hours."
Will nodded, relieved. He could breathe again. He could relax. He saw Ashley's shoulders sag too.
"Man, what the hell happened?" Henry asked.
Ashley turned around too, still holding Magnus' hand. "Yeah, you told us the facts. What actually happened?"
Will sat down, suddenly exhausted. He scrubbed a hand across his face and sighed. And told them. told them about the mermaids, the parasite, Magnus in pain, killing Magnus...