A/N - Alright, I'd just like to say thank you to every single person who has read/reviewed/alerted/favorited this story! It means so much to me, I love you all! I can remember posting this and getting really excited over my first review and then when it reached ten hits, now I'm nearing at two hundred (keep them coming) and over fifteen thousand hits. WOW!
Thank you to Gina and Lynne, stuck with me right from the beginning and gave me all sorts of help. I owe you so much, Gina was my Beta for like three quarters of the story. Thank you for everything, reading and telling me what you thought of it. I really hope you two read my sequel, it would mean so much to me. Just thanks :)
Jawsome, herstorynerd89, Kana117, Eliza Jane Kelly, twilightlover212, Jessvamplswolvessoulfinders, Haunted Emptiness - Thank you all of you, you've stuck with the story from the very beginning and even when it was getting dry you still stuck by Lily and Scorpius, thanks :D If I've missed any of you out, I am so sorry but there's to many of you to thank individually. These just stick in my head.
SpeedsONEandONLY - Where to start with you? You have practically co-wrote this story and given me so much support, I am so gratefull for your help. THIS STORY PROBABLY WOULD HAVE BEEN CRAP WITHOUT HER HELP! I LOVE YOU!
BeccasophX, MhParkerx - Thank you so much, you two have been great also - CHECK OUT THEIR PROFILES THEY HAVE AMAZING STORIES!
A Trail Of Whispers - BRILLIANT! That's all I can say about her writing!
thenameistannasaur - has one of the best Dominique fics ever! Go check it out!
I am doing a sequel and speedsONEandONLY is the only person who knows what's going to happen, like I said she's my co-author practically haha, but I won't be uploading that until I finish New Me, my Scorpius/Dominique fic, but as a little present to you all I'm going to post a part of it instead of an epilogue.
Thank you again, so so so much XD
Here is a part of a chapter from the sequel which will be called Getting What You Deserve;
"So that's everything?" I sighed, walking out of the bedroom Scorpius and I used to share. He was sat on the sofa, nursing a bottle of the muggle beer he liked.
"I think so. I'll send anything on for you if you've left anything." He shrugged, looking around at the room, which was noticeably emptier. Pictures, books, ornaments and a few pieces of furniture were missing, the things I wanted to take with me.
"You're staying at your parents' house aren't you?" He asked me, standing up.
"No, Dominique's. I didn't really want to move back home. I'm at Dom's for three weeks and then I leave." I shook my head and told him, feeling slightly awkward.
"Three weeks? I'm surprised your family isn't throwing you a leaving party." He chuckled, trying to make conversation.
"They are. Of course it's at the Burrow. If it won't be weird for you, you can come." I offered him, just because we broke up doesn't mean he isn't a part of the family. "I know Gran was saying the other day she misses you." I told him softly.
"I didn't know if I was welcome." He shrugged, moving his gaze to the floor.
"Scorpius, I broke your heart. Not the other way round." I whispered, he looked up and met my eyes.
"You don't have to leave you know." He stepped close to me and put his hand against my cheek, stroking it with his thumb.
"I do."
"What happened with Olivia, we will get over it -" He said softly, I felt the tears fill my eyes at the mere mention of her name.
"Scorpius, how will we ever get over that? How will we get over what happened?" I asked him, stepping back, letting his hand drop. "We've been through this. Olivia, she's in the past. We can't change it, but it changed us. It's been a year and this is one of the only conversations we've had without screaming at each other."
I saw him bite the inside of his cheek, he too had tears in his eyes when he looked at me. I didn't say anything, just nodded at him once and turned away from him. I refused to allow myself to look back at him, if I saw him crying it would destroy me. I'd seen him cry to many times this past year.
When I shut the front door, I leant against it and dropped to the floor. I closed my eyes when I heard and felt a smash against the back of it.
"I love you Scorpius." I whispered, before standing up and walking away. Walking away from my home for the last four years, from the man I've loved for the past six years.
Walking away from everything I've ever known.
I didn't deserve anything.
So? What do you think? What happened? Who's Olivia? Where's Lily going? Why doesn't she deserve anything?
speedsONEandONLY, don't be telling! :D