Chapter 1 - Kiss
Oh man! How did it happen? Why did it happen? I thought to myself as I walked through the corridors of Hogwarts.
I was in the library with my potions tutor; I was just above failing that subject so Professor Carmichael suggested a tutor for me. Scorpius Malfoy was the best potions student in the entire school so obviously he was to be my tutor. He'd been giving me lessons three times a week in the library for the past two months and in today's lesson I got my essay and sample back.
"Scorpius!" I shouted, ignoring the disapproving look Madam Pince shot me, as I ran to our table at the back of the library.
"I got the highest in class! I even beat Hugo!" I smiled as I practically jumped up and down in front of him.
"Really? Well done Lily!" Scorpius smiled at me.
"Are you ok?" I asked him; even though he smiled at me he looked depressed.
"Maisie and I broke up." Scorpius shrugged.
"Oh no." I gasped, sitting in the chair beside his.
"Why? Are you alright?" I asked him straight away.
"She cheated on me. Don't know who with I just saw the marks on her neck." Scorpius shrugged.
"Scorpius, I'm not surprised really." I shrugged, not meaning to sound harsh.
"This is Maisie Warrington we're talking about. She cheats on everybody." I told him. It was true, Maisie cheated on every boyfriend, which was a lot, that she'd had. Including my brother Albus.
"Suppose you're right." Scorpius smiled slightly.
"I am right. I'm always right." I grinned, making him laugh.
"There you go! Come on you're better off without Maisie and this way you can get together with somebody who won't cheat on you." I smiled at him.
"Is there actually a girl out there who won't cheat on her boyfriend?" He asked me dramatically making me laugh.
"I love that sound." Scorpius suddenly whispered.
"What sound?"
"Laughing, I don't know it just makes me smile." He shrugged, leaning in close to me. I didn't really know what was happening, or who moved in first. But suddenly, we were kissing. His lips met mine and kissed me hungrily. It felt right, instead of wrong kissing my older brothers best friend. After about a full minute I pulled back.
"Lily, I'm sorry. I am so sorry." Scorpius muttered, looking mortified.
"I, I -" I stuttered, I could feel myself blush.
"I'd better go, I'm sorry Lily." Scorpius whispered before gathering his books in his bag and running out of the library. I sat in shock, for what felt like hours until Madam Pince, the librarian came and shooed me out.
"Lily? Are you ok?" A voice from behind me asked, I jumped out of my flashback and turned, James and his girlfriend Selena were emerging from a classroom holding hands.
"Not as good as your feeling I bet." I smirked, laughing when Selena blushed.
"Are you ok? You look a little, flushed?" James paused, thinking of the word.
"I'm fine, I just ran out the way of peeves." I lied.
"Oh right, you going back to the common room?" Selena asked me.
"Erm, yeah I think so. You?"
"Yeah, we'll walk together." Selena smiled at me. I nodded and followed them out of the corridor.
"Where have you been?" James asked me.
"Library, it's Thursday, Scorpius tutors me on a Thursday." I reminded him.
"Oh yeah, Hugo said you got top in class?" James asked me, he knew how much I hated Potions and began to tutor me in October, until I poured my cauldron and the contents over him after he shouted at me for getting the ingredients wrong.
"Yeah I did." I shrugged.
"Well done, you've really improved then. Scorpius must be a really good teacher?" Selena wondered.
"Yeah he is. He gets me to understand things that Carmichael can't." I laughed, everybody knew that Professor Carmichael and I didn't have the best relationship and he often sent me to Professor Longbottom at least once a fortnight.
"There's a surprise." Selena muttered rolling her eyes.
"Hey, James?" Selena asked as we climbed a flight of stairs.
"Did Albus mention if Scorpius was coming to yours this year for Christmas? His parents are going away again." Selena asked.
"Yeah he is, I forgot to tell you. Mum's picking us up from the platform on Monday and then he's staying until New Year's Day, then his parents are coming to spend a few days with him." James scoffed; Scorpius wasn't really close to his parents. They hardly ever spent any time together, near enough every year since Albus and Scorpius were in second year, Scorpius had come to ours for the majority of the summer, Easter and Christmas Holidays.
"Scorpius is coming for Christmas?" I asked quietly.
"Yeah, you actually surprised? He always comes over." James shrugged; he walked up to the Portrait of the Fat Lady and told her the password.
"Lily? Are you sure you're ok?" Selena asked me.
"I'm fine, there's Dom and the others, bye!" I muttered before smiling at my three cousins and best friends, Lucy, Dominique and Roxy Weasley.
"Are you ok?" Dominique asked me straight away once I practically jumped on the leather sofa in front of the fireplace where we always sat. My parents and Dominique's parents always said we were more like sisters than cousins; we were definitely best friends and could often tell what the other was feeling. Like this past summer when she got dumped by her boyfriend via Owl when she was Holidaying in France with her family, I could feel something was wrong and waited patiently for her letter explaining everything. I glanced at Dominique who was smiling slightly, Lucy who looked up from her book and Roxy who looked bored. I took a deep breath and glanced over my shoulder for protective brothers and cousins. James and Selena were sat kissing in the corner. Albus and Fred were sat with a group of their friends playing chess on the other side of the common room. Hugo and Louis were sat playing Gobstones with two of Louis' first year friends beside the portrait hole.
"I kissed Scorpius." I whispered after motioning them to come closer. Dominique grinned, Lucy gasped but Roxy was the worst.
"YOU KISSED -" Roxy practically screamed, until Lucy placed her hand over Roxy's mouth. I groaned and turned my head. Every single person in the common room turned to look at me with their mouths in grins, except my brothers who looked furious.
"Lily?" Albus fumed.
"What did you say Roxy?" James asked quietly.
"Nothing, she didn't say anything." I said angrily, frowning at Roxy who looked ashamed.
"Who've you been kissing Lily?" James demanded, making several people snicker.
"Nobody! Besides, even if I did it's none of your business!" I told James.
"Yes it is my business!" James shouted, Selena grabbed his arm as he stood up, I saw Albus stand up too and that made me even angrier.
"No it's not your business! Or yours!" I added to Albus who opened his mouth to speak.
"If our little sister has been passed through the -" James began before everybody gasped, Albus groaned and I whipped my wand out of my sleeve.
"How dare you?" I whispered, though everybody heard me.
"I didn't mean it like that -" James began, looking to Albus for support.
"'If our little sister has been passed through the-' what James? The school?" I asked, I felt a tear falling down my cheek but I dismissed it.
"I've had one boyfriend James! I'm fifteen!" I shouted, making several people jump.
"Who?" Albus asked straight away.
"Frankie." I shrugged, nodding to Frankie Longbottom, one of Albus and James' friends in fifth year.
"WHAT?" James and Albus shouted at the same time, making Frankie pale.
"Please, it was last year for a month!" I shrugged again.
"How dare you say something like that? Is Selena your first girlfriend James?" I asked, nodding to Selena who looked worried sat alone. James opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before sighing and hanging his head.
"And it isn't true that you've been meeting up with Lavender Thomas for the past three weeks every night Ally?" I asked, using the childish nickname James, Teddy and I used to tease Albus with.
"Don't call me that, and it's none of your -" Albus warned me before I started laughing, I don't know why I laughed I just did.
"Business? You two are pathetic, one rule for me and one rule for you two? Doubtful." I smiled at them before taking a step closer to them.
"I'll do what I like, with who I like, when I like. Problem?" I asked, looking at each of my brothers.
"And if you do have a problem, I'll have to practice that hex Mum showed me during the summer." I smiled, raising my wand.
"What hex?" Albus asked me, eyeing my wand cautiously.
"I can't remember something about bats?" I lied, smiling when I saw the both of them pale. I glared at the pair of them before turning and running out of the common room and up to my dormitory.