a f t e r g l o w


The ice goddess disappears in a swirl of white mist followed by crystalline shards akin to pearls, hovering in the air for a while as they catch sunlight and flash intermittent sequins. Shiva always leaves the battlefield cold, but for once Squall is grateful for it, and this mess doesn't look as bad as it's supposed to be with icicles protruding from everywhere like ancient pillars of an ice castle.

No blood, or if there's any, it's not red but purple like the color of bruise. And inside their winter prison, these soldiers look almost peaceful… frozen in time, sleeping forever. And cold.

He staggers to his feet and pain promptly pulsates from the back of his skull. An alien voice echoes in his head as he chooses to press onward (grueling though it may be). His fingers feel numb as they slither around the hilt of his gunblade; his left shoulder, where a stray bullet had planted itself in just moments ago, despite already being healed by his last stock of Cure, still aches dully.

There's a loud, booming voice overhead. Its order is to find the Commander and arrest him. Squall turns another corner, ducking under overturned pillars and trudging his way across the dead. He will be fine, he keeps telling himself, adjusts his gunblade, and without a moment's hesitation, junctions Eden.

But they make you forget.

It's Rinoa's voice, coming from far away (probably four years ago), in her blue dress laced with delicacy and confusion and concern.

I know. But we have no other choice. We have to be strong.

Was his answer, and still is until today. He rounds a charred building toward the sound of engines. The air begins to shudder. He junctions Diablos. And then Doomtrain as an afterthought. Inside his head, voices begin to whisper, incomprehensible words sounding like spells and mantra, secrets of angels and gods digging a hole in his mind.

I will never forget.

He never said it to her, but it's a vow as important as his life and honor as a Knight. He will not break it.

"There he is," the loud voice chirps gleefully at the sight of him revealing himself, and all guns turn in unison to mark his spot. "Surrender now, Commander Squall Leonhart."

He junctions Cerberus.

"And then what?" he takes three steps to the right. "Kill me?"

A chortle.

Squall's grip on his gunblade tightens. By now countless soldiers, all armed with guns, have surrounded him, waiting for the command to shoot.

He closes his eyes and imagines the place where he should be, the place of promise,

(because he will never forget)

and readies Lionheart.


(the field of flowers, the endless sky, his love, his life, his promise, his vow)


(he will never forget he will never forget he will never forget)

The sound of gunshots is deafening.


The world bursts into an explosion of white and he sees Rinoa, smiling and dancing across the cerulean sky and flower fields and vast space and stars—

so if you come here, you'll find me.

The world turns still.

I promise.

And black.

"We make a promise. We promise to see shooting stars together. But the thing is,
I can't remember where I'm supposed to meet you."


a/n: Honestly, I don't know how many chapters I'll put here, but for the time being I'm aiming for either 10 or 15 (or is it... too few?). I've also realized how it's been a depressing/angsty journey so far, but like I said, I suck at finding fluffy ideas for them - I think Squall/Rinoa's relationship is beautiful and dangerous, which can be both sweet and destructive. I hope I'll be able to write something heart-warming in future installments!

Prompts used:
I. "Never let me go"; II. "Fate"; III. "Somewhere only we know".

Please tell me what you think so far? Reviews would be greatly appreciated.

- Ryfee