Hello everyone. Ok so it's been way too long since my last update, but I haven't really had a chance to sit down & just write. A bit of writers block too, so excuse my delay. Firstly, if you read/are still reading this story, I would LOVE for you to review just once, it will encourage me to actually update!

Oh and also, Naya is sexy. That is all. REVIEW!

CHAPTER 10- How to Love

I hadn't heard from Puck in a few days, so I was surprised when I saw two missed calls from him. As Brit sat on my bed, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and called him back.

"Lopez, glad you've found time for the old puckasaurus! I'm kind of struggling with math and we haven't studied in a while"

I've been occupied with other things…

"Sorry Puck, I've had a bit on my mind lately"

like Brittany…

"It's the hot blonde isn't it? You two seem to be getting pretty close lately"

"shut it Puck. Do you want my help or not?"

I knew he was joking despite his suggestive tone, but I had to defend myself a little bit. I don't want him getting the wrong ideas about Brittany and I. but what ideas would be the wrong ideas? That we are hooking up? That we went on a date? Because they wouldn't be the wrong ideas.

"I'm kidding Santana, don't get so defensive! Can I come over?"

Shit! Brittany is here, and that would definitely give him the wrong idea.

"San, I'm bored. Can we do something?" Brittany announced.

"She's at your place? Oh this is good. I knew something was going on" Puck teased.

"she is staying with me for a while. I'll explain tomorrow".

"oh I better let you two get back to whatever you were doing" he said rather suggestively.

"ugh whatever Puck"

I quickly hung up the phone and made my way to the bed where Brittany was.

"what did you want to do B?"

she wiggled her way closer to me, and planted one small kiss to my neck. I shivered, but moved slightly closer to her. She kissed my neck again, this time a little more aggressively, as she moved up and down my neck trying to kiss every spot.

I shuddered. I wanted her to do more, but I didn't want her to stop kissing my neck, so I let her continue. I pulled my neck away, and she gave me a questioning look. I wanted to kiss her and make her feel like she made feel. I gently inched towards her and placed a small peck to her lips.

I kissed her again, but more fiercely this time. I leant against her, slowly pushing her towards the mattress. I wanted to go further, but the memories of the previous night ran through my head.

She had pushed me off her, and I had comforted her afterwards as she broke down. As much as I didn't want to, I knew that we had to talk about why she had broken down like she did.

It takes such a strong person to show their emotions and expose themselves like she did. She noticed my hesitation, but didn't question it.

"Britt, I... did I do something wrong last night?"

"I'm so sorry that I freaked out. I'm not used of people touching me the way you did. My dad… he…"

I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"Britt. Listen to me. You have to tell me if he has made you do anything sexually with…"

"No! San no that's not it. I know my dad has hit me before, but he's never done anything like that to me… and sometimes its my own fault. So I should be punished"

"Britt, you should never make excuses for your dad. He should hit you! You are perfect!"

My voice became shaky, and a muffled sob escaped my lips. I couldn't cry though, this was about her.

"sometimes you might do something wrong, or say something he doesn't like. But he should never hit you. Its not normal B!"

"I know San…"

a stray tear fell form her cheek, and I wiped the next tear away from her face.

"But if it wasn't that, then why did you push me off?"

I wanted to take the question back. It felt a little too personal. I avoided eye contact as I waited for Brittany's response. She fiddled with my fingers for a few seconds, inhaling a deep breath, until she finally whispered her response.

"I have been with guys… and it was all about them when we did it. And when you were making it all about me, I didn't know how to take it. I thought you were some stupid boy. I forced you off, because I don't want to be with another boy. I just want you…"

I must have been silent for a little too long, because Brittany started to look nervous.

"I… I don't know what to say Brit. I'm so unsure about what's going on. I've never been with a girl before, but I know that whatever this is… it feels right. And I want this"

I let out a heavy breath that I didn't realize I was holding onto, as my hands started to shake slightly. I could feel her grab my hands even tighter to steady them, and I gripped her hands back.

"I'm so scared Brit"

I felt like I had over shared. I didn't say anything else, and I think she understood exactly what I meant.

"I know San, but it's all going to be ok. We have each other right?"

and at that point, I felt like nothing else mattered. She made me feel so safe, yet she had her own battles to face. For the first time ever, I felt as though I had someone taking on the world with me.

"Yep Brit. We have each other"

a comfortable silence filled the room, as I inched closer to her. We didn't need to do anything sexy at that point. She wrapped her arms around me and held me so tight. And it was then that I realized, I was in love with Brittany.

I was getting restless, as I ran my hands up and down her arms. I moved to her stomach, resting my hand over her shirt. I wanted to feel her skin, but I didn't want to startle her.

"Hey Brit?" I whispered.

"yeh San?"

"Maybe I could touch you again? but we can go really slow, then when you're comfortable we could do other stuff another time?" I asked, as I felt my cheeks turn pink.

She nodded.

I slowly lifted her shirt, and placed my hand on her stomach. She flinched from the sudden contact. I rested my hand on her bare skin until I could see that she had relaxed. I wanted to reach further up, so I inched further towards her chest.

"Can I take this off Britt?" I asked, as I reached the bottom of her bra. She nodded, and helped me take the offending item of clothing off. I cupped her left boob and she flinched, soon relaxing. I squeezed and she let out a slight moan. She liked it.

"take your shirt off Britt" I requested.

She obliged, and within a few seconds, her bare chest was exposed.

"You're beautiful, you know that right?"

She blushed, and leant into my lips, kissing me as I continued to squeeze her breasts. I pulled away from her lips, and placed several kisses on her stomach, moving up to her ribs and towards her breasts. I placed a kiss in between them, then swiped my tongue across her nipple as she shivered and let out a moan. I moved back to her lips, and placed a small kiss on them.

"so, so beautiful" I whispered into her mouth.


Decided to end it there. PLEASE review, I am hoping the story is getting better, because I know that its not that well written. I just hope I am improving. Let me know by reviewing! You might be rewarded in the next couple of chapters if you do ;)