Will's POV:

When I had gone upstairs to check on Rachel I was expecting to be met with a door slammed in my face instead I was met with a sobbing teenager hugging me as tight as she could. I was taken aback at first but quickly gathered myself and hugged her back, whispering that everything would be okay. Eventually her tears slowed to a stop as I led us over to sit on the edge of her bed.

"Sorry about your shirt and…" she starts to tell me referring to the tearstains on the center of my shirt.

"Hey don't worry about it. It's just a shirt. Now do you want to tell me what's going on in that mind of yours?"

She sighs "Nothing…everything. You wouldn't understand. It's just it was nice to talk to Emma at first. But it just seems as though certain suspicions of mine are coming true and I'm somewhat glad to be figuring things out but it just makes everything all that more complicated. I just want my life to go back to normal. Whatever normal is."

"I wish I could take away all this confusion and frustration you have and if there was a way I would do it in a heartbeat. But for now just take everything one-step at a time and eventually, hopefully soon, everything will become clear. Now what do you say to joining Shelby and I for a movie night. Get your mind off of all this and just relax." I tell her standing up.

She smiles "that sounds nice I'm just going to clean up first I'll join you guys in a bit."

Half an hour later Rachel came down and joined Shelby and I in the living room. We let her pick the first movie, after some thought she put the disc into the player and sat down on armchair across from us. When the credits started to play I was surprised to see she had chosen a horror movie.

"Nightmare on Elm Street?" Shelby asks her.

"Yea I love scary movies and I've never seen this one. Its okay that I chose this one right?"

We both tell her it's fine and then return our attention to the movie. When the movie finishes we decide to eat some dinner before starting the next one.

"Ok that movie was a lot scarier that I thought it would be. Can we watch something that's like the complete opposite of that next?" she asks as we finish up our food.

"I know the perfect movie." Shelby announces as we walk back to the living room. As Shelby sets up the movie I let Rachel know that she's more than welcome to sit on the couch.

"Oh thanks but I'm good with the arm chair." She responds sitting down. "So what movie are we watching?" she asks as Shelby takes her seat next to me.

"The Wizard…"

"Of OZ?! Oh I love that movie when I was little I would watch it whenever I had a bad day it always managed to cheer me up." She tells us excitedly with a huge grin in her face, before grabbing the remote that was on top of the coffee table and starting the movie.

We're in the middle of Judy Garland singing "Somewhere over the rainbow" when I hear someone start to sing along softly, at first I think it's Shelby but when I look at Shelby, she shakes her head than gestures to Rachel. I look over at Rachel to see that she is indeed singing along with the movie just like she used to, when she was a kid.

As the movie credits roll I notice that Rachel's fallen asleep. Shelby notices too and walks over and gives her shoulder a little shake trying to wake her up so she can sleep on her bed. But Rachel doesn't budge; nope why would she. She was a deep sleeper as kid and it looks like she still is now.

"Hey I'll just carry her upstairs." I whisper to Shelby.

As I pick her up, she cuddles in a little closer to my chest and I can't help but reminisce on how she would do that when she was little too. Some things really never change. When I get to her room, Shelby's already there, with the sheets pulled back on the bed already. I lay her down gently, before helping Shelby pull the sheets and blanket back over her.

"I've missed doing this." Shelby comments quietly. As she sits on the bed and brushes back some of the hair that fell in front of Rachel's face.

"Me too, I think this is the most peaceful I've seen her since we got her back."

Shelby nods before leaning down to kiss her on the forehead, I kiss Rachel on her temple as well before we both go back downstairs.

"So what did Emma have to say?" I ask Shelby as we clean up the living room.

"Well she wouldn't tell me exactly what they talked about but she did tell me that Rachel's having this internal battle with herself trying to figure out who she is, and every teenager is stressed out about trying find themselves but she said for Rachel that stress is probably doubled due to her life being flipped around so suddenly."

"Well did she say what we could do to help her get her memories back?"

"She said to just treat her like she was never taken. Act as if she's grown up with us this whole time. But how do we do that? And what if she never thinks of us as her mom and dad again? We may physically have our daughter back but…"

"No! Don't think like that our Rachel is still in there. Didn't you see her earlier this evening when you put in "The Wizard of Oz" how excited she got? It was like she was five again heck she even started singing along and she then proceeded to mouth every word that Dorothy was saying on screen! Now I know for a fact that is something only our Rachel would do because that's exactly what she would do when we would put it on for her remember?"

Shelby closes her eyes before nodding "yea I remember, I just get so scared and worried and I just want my little girl back already."

I pull her into an embrace "I know I want her back too. But don't worry she'll be back completely before we know it. So Emma said we should treat her like she's always been with us, well then I think tomorrow we need to move her back into her real room. What do you think?"

"Yea maybe it will help her realize that she's not a guest, but that she's our daughter."

Rachel's POV:

The next morning I'm woken up by my phone alerting me of a new text message, it's from Quinn letting me know that she would be here in an hour. I get dressed quickly then head downstairs for a quick breakfast and so I can let Shelby and Will know that Quinn was coming over.

"Morning!" I say as I enter the kitchen grabbing a bowl and some cereal.

They both respond with a happy good morning before going back to doing whatever it was they're doing. It looked as if they were planning to design something based on the quick sketch Shelby was working on.

"Umm I know it's last minute but uh I invited Quinn over is that okay?"

"That's fine but next time let us know at least the day before if you want to have anyone over. So what are you two going to do today?" Shelby asks me looking up from whatever she's working on.

"Oh I don't know we'll probably just hang out upstairs or go to the mall or something. I'm not really sure yet."

"Well alright if you do plan on leaving the house make sure you let me or your dad know before you do alright?"

I nodded okay while finishing off my breakfast before heading upstairs to clean up the room a bit.

Quinn arrived right when she said she would and after saying a quick hello to my parents we went up stairs.

"So what are we doing?" Quinn asks as she sits down on my bed.

"Well I figure we could start with looking up information on my father."

"Ok so what's his name?"

"Peter Matthews." I tell her before we both start typing away.

Forty minutes later and our search has come up empty, nothing out of the ordinary to be found on my father. I'm somewhat relieved but also slightly disappointed; I guess I had hoped I would find something what exactly I'm not so sure.

"What about another name?" Quinn asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What do you mean another name?"

"Well did your father go by any other name?"

"No…wait try Peter Bishop, I think that's what Holly called him when he was being arrested."

As I started to type Peter Bishop into the search bar I decided to add Jennifer Kayleigh Bishop into the search as well. I was not expecting what popped up on my screen. I even retyped the names making sure I spelled everything right but the same results came up. All the articles that came up seemed to say the same thing. I click on the first article that reads: Search for little Jennifer Bishop ends in tragedy. The Article went on to say how Jennifer (whom had lived in Columbus, Ohio had been taken from her room in the middle of the night and sadly found dead five months later, the killer was eventually captured and sentenced to life with no chance of parole. At the end of the article there was a few pictures attached. The first picture is just of Jennifer standing in front of a school an excited grin plastered on her face. The next picture is of Jennifer and her mom but it's the third picture that throws me for a loop and confirms my suspicions (along with what everyone had been trying to tell me all along). It was a picture of Jennifer and my dad; well I guess I should be saying a picture of Jennifer and her dad.

"You can stop looking. I've found what I needed." I tell Quinn as I turn the laptop towards her. She grabs the laptop quickly reading the article.

"Oh wow, she would've been our age huh?" Quinn comments


"But what made you so positive that her dad is your dad?"

"The pictures, there's no denying that the man in the pictures is the same man I called father." I respond as scroll down the page and show her the pictures.

"That's him." She whispers

"Yea that is or was my dad."

"No I mean that's the guy who took us. And left me on the side of the road and drove away with you! That's the monster responsible for practically destroying your family, our family! That low life better stay the hell away from here if he knows what's good for him." Quinn exclaims getting worked up.

"Whoa hey calm down! That so called low life raised me!"

"You're defending him?! Why? He took everything from you. Your family, friends, memories your whole life!"

"I know! Don't you think I know that now. I'm just saying that he was the only family I knew. And I have lost my trust in him but I still…there's still a part of me that thinks of him as my dad. It's just hard cause on the one side I'm finally learning the truth but on the flip side all I can think about is the man who'd let me sit on his shoulders to watch the fireworks show every time we went to Disneyland."

She sighs "I just still don't get how you just forget eight years of your life."

"I don't really care how I forgot. I just want to get them back."

"you know what we need to do?" she asks standing up.

I look at her shaking my head waiting for her to continue.

"We need to get out of here and forget about all this getting your memories back shit. And just relax and actually hang out."

"Wait what? I thought you guys were all about wanting my memory to come back?"

"Oh yea I'd love for you to remember everything but until that happens; and it will happen eventually, lets make some new memories. Come on let me take you shopping winter's just around the corner and I doubt you have any proper winter clothes living in California this whole time. Or we can go to the movies if you'd like. Let's just get out of the house!"

Just hanging out with my new (well I guess old/still) best friend sounded perfect not having to worry or think about either of my parents just being a normal teenager with a normal life again even if only for a couple of hours sounded nice.

"Why don't we do both?" I tell her slipping some shoes on and grabbing my purse.

"Yea! Lets hit the movies first. Any specific movie you want to see?" She asks as we walk down the stairs.

"umm nah doesn't matter we can decide when we get there I tell her as we walk out the front door and get in her car."

Shelby's POV:

Will and I were sitting at the dinning room table making a list of what we needed to get for Rachel's room when we heard what sounded like arguing coming from upstairs. Will started to stand up but I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down.

"Leave them they're teenage girls they're bound to have an argument at some point and since they are sixteen and not six that also means we shouldn't have to go up there and have them sit in different corners until they apologize."

"Fine, fine so is this all we need to get?" he asks referring to the list we had just finished.

"Yea although I wonder if we should repaint her room too?"

"Right now lets just get all the furniture set up and we can worry about the color another day. Now how about we go see if the girls want to come with us to Ikea."

"Sounds good I'll go up and ask them."

I quickly make my way upstairs and knock on Rachel's door while letting myself in. "Girls, Will and I…" I stop short when I quickly realize that neither Quinn or Rachel were up here. "Hey Will" I call as I walk back downstairs "are the girls in the living room?"

"No." he responds as he meets me at the stairs. "Maybe they're in the backyard."

"no that's not possible they would've had to walk right by us to get to the backyard."

"Well I'm going to check anyways, why don't you see if Quinn's car is still in the driveway." He tells me as we walk in separate directions. When I get to the driveway I see right away that Quinn's car is indeed gone. I pull my cellphone out sending a text to both Rachel and Quinn asking them where they were and to call me as soon as they get my message.

"They're not out back." Will tells me as he walks up to me.

"Yea I figured. Quinn's car is gone, I just sent them a test so they should be responding soon."

Five minutes later and there was still no response to my text, so Will and I try calling them thinking that they probably didn't hear their phones receive the text message. But once again there's no answer instead both of their phones go straight to voicemail. I try to keep my anxiety at bay but it gets harder when all I can think of is the fact that Rachel's kidnapper was on the loose and probably already somewhere here in Ohio. Meaning that he could be that much closer to taking my baby away from me again.

"I can't just sit here and do nothing!"

"I know relax we have to remain calm Shelbs and I already texted a few people to keep an eye out for them and to call us if they see them. Now lets get in the car will drive to the mall because that's probably where they went, we'll start looking for them there ok?"

I take a deep breath before nodding my agreement and heading towards the car.

Fifteen minutes later when we reached the mall Noah call's us to tell us that Santana and him found the girls, they had actually ran into them at the movie theater.

"oh thank god they're okay, just tell them to come straight home after the movie alright Noah."

"yea no problem mom, you sure you don't want me to drive them home now?"

"no your father and I aren't there right now and it gives us sometime to get some things done."

"Alright I'll talk to you later Ma."

"okay bye Noah, love you!"

"Love you too mom."

Rachel's POV:

"I think that movie has officially made me a germaphobe!" I say as Quinn and I walk out of the theater. We had just finished watching the movie Contagion.

"I know me too!" Quinn laughs in agreement.

"Lame that we have to go back home now though! I was really hoping we could hang out at the mall."

"I know I really wanted to buy this jacket I saw! But come one we better get going." She says as we walk towards her car.

The second we walk through the door Shelby is sitting in the living room waiting for us.

"Both of you come over here right now." Shelby tells us sternly as she stands up, Will walks into the room right as we take our seat.

"What were you two thinking?! Taking off without even bothering to ask us first or even leave us a note?!" Shelby starts lecturing. "Quinn I can't speak for your parents but I assure you that you can count Rachel out of any plans you had tomorrow and next weekend. Because she is grounded!"

"Wait what?! That's not fair!"

"why isn't it fair? Shelby and I specifically told you to let us know if you were going to be leaving the house. Do you know how worried your mother and I were?"

"I still don't see what the big deal is! I'm sorry I forgot to tell you guys okay?!" I replied with probably a bit more attitude than necessary. But I couldn't help it who were they to tell me what to do?

"uhh my mom just texted me to get home so I'm going to go. I am really sorry though for putting you guys through that worry." Quinn says suddenly, standing up and looking apologetically at Shelby and Will. "I guess I'll see you Monday, Rach ."

"Yea see you Monday." I tell her as she walks out the front door. I turn back to Will and Shelby arms crossed over my chest "this is so stupid." I mutter to myself but obviously not as quiet as I thought I had because Shelby had heard me.

"No what's stupid is your father and I had no idea where you were or any way to get ahold of you because you didn't pick up your phone. What if you had gotten in accident or"

That's when it clicked they weren't really angry (well maybe a little) they were down right scared that I might've been kidnapped again. The next set of words that came out of my mouth would probably hold the record for the most hurtful thing I've ever told someone. But I couldn't help it I felt a sudden surge of anger come out of nowhere and unfortunately Shelby just happened to be at the receiving end. "or what kidnapped? That's what this is really about isn't it?! I bet you if I had grown up here my whole life you wouldn't be as upset. But I didn't and why's that?! Oh yea cause someone was stupid enough to let two eight year olds run off and play in the woods by themselves! I mean seriously what kind of parent does that?!" I yell looking straight at Shelby, whose eyes were now glazed with unshed tears of guilt and pain. Oh shit how could I have said that?! I opened my mouth to apologize but before I could even get a syllable out Shelby was out of the room. I looked over to Will who was slowly shaking his head in disappointment.

"Will I…"

"Not right now Rachel, just please just go to your room."

I nod my head slowly making my way up the stairs but turn around when I hear Will start to say something.

"you have no idea how much your mother blames herself for what happened. And I don't think she'll ever forgive herself for what happened to you. But for you to throw that in her face." He sighs deeply before walking past me and heading towards his and Shelby's bedroom where I briefly caught a glimpse of Shelby laying on their bed as he quickly opened and shut the door.

I don't see Shelby the rest of the day and on Sunday morning when I finally do see her again at breakfast I decide to avoid her and just stay in my room due to all the guilt I feel for hurting her yesterday. I don't see Shelby again until Sunday night and even then it wasn't intentional.

Shelby's POV:

I was just about to fall asleep when I hear what sounded like whimpers come from rachel's room. I sit up quickly hoping that I just imagined what I heard. "Mommy! Mommy, help me please! No leave me alone ahh!"

I hear Rachel scream I rush down the hall the second her first cry of mommy left her mouth, fearing the worst. When I reach her room I see her thrashing about under the covers as if she's trying to fight someone off. A tiny part of me is relieved that it's only a nightmare. I run to her side and hold down her arms that were flying about and start calling out her name hoping to coax her out of the night terror.

"Rachel shh. Rachie it's ok you're ok mommy's right here" but my pleas fall upon death ears as she continues to thrash about. So I decide to try a different approach I lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her hugging her close and start to softly sing the lullaby I wrote for her as a baby it would always calm her down when she was little maybe it will work now.

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When the skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
So please don't take
My sunshine away

She slowly starts to calm down until eventually her eyelids flutter open and she looks at me.


"shh you're alright sweetie no ones going to hurt you you're safe go back to sleep."

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I don't blame you mama. Please I'm so sorry." She tells me with tears streaming down her face.

"it's alright I sweetie I know okay. You don't have to be sorry." I whisper wiping away her tears. "just close your eyes and sleep I'll still be here when you wake up.

"Promise?" she asks snuggling closer to me her eyes struggling to stay open.

"I promise." I tell her kissing the top of her head as she succumbs to slumber once more with me not that far behind.

Rachel's POV:

I instantly felt safer when I heard Shelby sing that lullaby but why? Where had I heard that lullaby? Oh my god! My dream that's the song I've been hearing in my dreams all these years! And then like a bolt of lightning I'm struck with all these memories rushing back to me.


"Rachel sweetie ,are you scared of the thunder?" I nod my head "oh come here sweetie mommy will protect you" I crawl out from under the table to her and she holds me close as she starts to sing "You are my sunshine my only sunshine…"

"they kissed! Mommy daddy they kissed! Noah and tana are kissing!" "Rachel! Stop spying on your brother." Dad scolds.

"Quinn! Quinnie here look I made us friendship bracelets cause we're going to be Best friends forever!"

"Really forever?! Pinky promise" she ask holding out her pinky I take her pinky in mine and tell her "Yes forever pinky promise!"

"Jesse! Please I need a dance partner and besides you said who ever won the bike race gets to make the loser do whatever they want! And I won so you have to dance in ballet class with me! And you are going to weather you like it or not!"

"But Rachel ballet's for girls!" he yells as I pull him inside of my moms car.

"Tana if you and Noah get married will you guys still hang out with me?"

"Whoa whoa there short stuff who says we're getting married?! We're only 15."

"so Ariel from the little mermaid was 16 and she got married. And people in old days got married all the time when they were 15."

"Well we don't live in the olden days. So Puck and I are going to wait till we're done with college and we both have a good job and if we do get married yes we'll always hang out with you estrella. And you know what you can be one of bridesmaids."

"Really?! Yay! I gotta go tell Quinn!" I start running to the phone that's in the kitchen but quickly turn run back to Santana to ask her something.

"Tana? What's a bridesmaids?

"achoo! Uhh daddy I don't feel good."

"I know princess come here.." he tells me as he picks me up and we go down to the living room, he sets me on the couch while he puts in a movie. "whenever I feel sick I watch this movie and it makes me forget that I'm sick maybe it will help you too."

"what movie?"

"well it's a musical called singing in the rain."

'Singing in the rain we're singing in the rain!' daddy starts to sing along with the tv. I giggle when he starts dancing and acting silly.

I sit up my eyes wide open in shock what am I doing in the guest room? Why aren't I in my room? Wait a minute! If this is the guest room then that means I'm home! I feel the bed shift besides me I look over to see my mom asleep next to me. I hesitantly touch her to make sure she's real and when she doesn't disappear I break down in sobs. I'm back I can't believe I'm home. My crying must've woken her up cause next thing I know she's wrapping her arms around me and rocking us back and forth trying to calm me down. I control my tears a little and wrap my arms around her.

"you saved me. I missed you mommy I missed you and daddy so much!" I pull back a little from her when I realize I have yet to see my dad "Oh my gosh daddy! Mom where's dad?" I ask as I jump out of bed.

"Uh asleep in his room, Rae whats going on? Are you feeling ok?"

"Yes I feel perfect I'm just so happy to be back home!"

she looks at me a little shocked and confused "Back home? Wait Rachel is that really you do you remember me?"

"Yes Mama how could I forget you!" She gasps as tears stream down her face before enveloping me in a bone-crushing hug, which I gladly return. Never wanting to leave my mother's arms again.

A/N: hi long time no see! i'm so sorry for the long wait but i hope this chapter was worth it! and i just realized that yesterday was the one year anniversary of me publishing this! so i just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have stuck around since the beginning! and thank you as well to all my new followers! Can you believe there's at the very least 99 of you following me! and not only that but i have 84 reviews! 84 i am constantly amazed at the fact that people actually enjoy my writing. but anyways Thank you to everyone for your amazing support and don't forget to review!

p.s:just because her memories are back doesn't mean were out of the woods yet. i believe there was a certain someone scheduled to visit Monday ;)

P.P.s.: if you haven't yet check out my 2 newest shelby/rachel fics Monsters Everywhere(A/U fluffy one shot) and Goodnight my Angel(a mix of cannon and A/U 3 shot plus epilogue)