Sorry for being MIA. Real life has been insane-everything from publishing an original fiction book to battling and overcoming breast cancer. But I'm finally well and now a published author, and things are getting back on track for me.
Thank you everyone for reading, reviewing, and being patient with me.
Today is June 15th - I'm giving myself a few months to get caught up on life. So here's what will happen with my stories.
WHY ME? - I will pull this on August 15th so I can edit and repost it. I'm hoping this won't take more than a month, goal to finish editing/reposting this is by September 15th. So if you want it how it is in its current state pull it now.
KISMET - This story on August 15th I will pull and WILL NOT repost it. It is a mess and requires too much editing. If you want a copy of it, pull it now. I will also keep a copy offline if someone wants it later on you can always DM me.
MY MILAYA - This story is unfinished and has been haunting me. I need to finish it. My goal is pull this on September 15th and then do weekly updates of the newly edited story until it's finalized. So if you want it how it is in its current state, pull it now.
Thanks again for your patience. If you want information on my original fiction book-JUST SING by René Gilley-you can DM me or you can go to my website .com [replace a . when typing into your browser]
Happy reading and writing. CHEERS 3