Po and tigress are sparring one day and once they finish po realises that tigress has something on her mind and he wants to know whats on her mid but little did he know that has fallen in love with him and is trying to find a way to tell him. as he walks over to her she looks up and speaks softly" Po.. I.. ahh.. have.. something.. to.. ummm... don't wor.." "PO WHERE ARE YOU! I'M STARVING!" yelled mantis form the palace and could be heard from the training room Po turned around to listen to what he was saying but as he looked back towards tigress to ask what she was going to tell him she was already gone he let out a long and deep sigh and headed towards the kitchen to start making the Five their dinner.
Tigress watched him leave from the roof of the training room with saddened eyes she really wanted to tell him how she felt but she couldn't do it and hid as soon as Po turned around to listen to what Mantis had to say. She thought to herself "you have to tell him soon or he will find someone else and you will have no one t$o blame but yourself" she sighed as these thoughts went through her mind, she leaned back while looking up at the sky and thought about everything the panda and her have been through she smiled as she went through the times like when he tried to cook rice in his stomach and when she caught him playing with his action figures and his expresion when she caught him. Tigress let out a small chuckle at the thought of this, she then jumped down from the roof with a few spins landing on her feet and started walking towards the kitchen.
Po stood in the kitchen making his famous noodles so his team mates wouldn't have to listen to Mantis any longer, he glanced back at the bug master who was complaining about not being able to survive if he didn't eat soon, Po giggled at this and gave his best smile as Tigress walked in the room and she looked at him and smiled as she moved to her seat and waited for Po to finish making the noodles.
That next morning they all lined up outside there doors "Morning Master" they all said in unison and as usual Po wasn't outside his room, with a sigh the aged red panda moved to Po's room and opened the door but to his surprise Po wasn't in his room. Shifu thought he must be out training so they all had something to eat and headed over to the training room and went in to see Po fly acrss the room and go through what he did the first time the Advesary hit him and he came crawling over to the group and asked dumbly " you guys didn't see that did you?" They all burst into laughter even Shifu had a giggle which surprised everyone
Tigress was the first one to walk over and help him up, "thanks Tigress" she smiled when he said this. Viper watched and saw Tigress smiling and she noticed a dreamy look coming from Tigress but she thought she was day dreaming "did I really just see that?" Viper asked herself.
After lunch they were all heading back to training before the alarm sounded to tell them bandits were in the valley, Po let out a yip of excitment as he started to run towards the villige Shifu watched him run ahead of the rest before nodding and the Five followed the Dragon warrior. As the five got to the villige they had a surprise in store for them for it wasn't wolfs that they were to fight off but a group of Moon Bears with another figure who looked like a bear but was covered in a hood and robe, "Lets get them guys!" yelled an excited Po as they charged the Moon Bears and mysterious figure.
As the fight started Po had taken down three moon bear in a matter of moments so he rushed the mysterious figure in the robe and hood not expecting a fight so he got in his stance and went for a punch to the torso but only to be blocked and kicked in the jaw, "Wow that was quick!" Po thought to himself as he regained his posture and faked a shot to the head and kicked the figure in the stomach the figure fell for the fake and was launched ten metres by the kick Po had done but his foot caught in the robe pulling it off the figure, Po gasped in horror as a female black and white bear picked herself of the ground and looked at him with anger in her eyes. All Po could say before she kicked him through a burning building was "You... look.. like m-me?"
As Po woke up he realised he was still in the building but now it was on fire, "Ahh shit" Po tried to find away out but his leg was trapped. Po despretly looked around for something to help him but the building was weakening and he could tell "HELP!" Po screamed.
Tigress took down a few more moon bears but she could feel fatigue stating to to slowly set in and she looked around for her team members, She saw Monkey fighting off three moon bears with a bamboo stick he found, Mantis was taking down ten moon bears and confusing many more, Viper and Crane were working together and didn't look like slowing up. Tigress then realised she couldn't see Po anywhere then she heard a scream and turned to a burning building to see Po in there, Tigress then heard the creaking of the supports about to give away her eyes went wide with fear at the thought of losing Po again "no not again, I can't let it happen again" she rushed to were Po was only to be kicked in the ribs and land outside the house with a clear view of Po.
Tigress got up and ran to Po's side only to realise that his leg was badly hurt and the was no way of getting him out in time, "Tigress" Po said softly finally accepting what was going to happen to him she turned her head with tears in her eyes "Tigress I don't think i'm going to get you out, you have to save yourself but before you go. I nedd to tell you something" "No Po i'm going to save you i can't lose you again" she said with the tears running freely down her face. The support beams creaked again louder this time, "Tigress I love you" as soon as he was done he kissed her passionatly. Tigress didn't respnd at first but then melted into the kiss oblivious to the danger around them.
"I love you to Po" she said with the tears coming out stronger now. The support was about to brake Po saw this but knew Tigress wouldn't leave him so he grabbed her and with all his might threw her out the window as the building collapsed on top of him. "NOOO" Tigress shouted as the building collapsed on the love of her life she then felt something hard hit her head and her world went black.