Too Afraid to Ask
Harry was ecstatic, Peter Pettigrew was captured and currently in Amelia Bones office and Sirius his Godfather, was free and declared innocent and exonerated of all charges and the ministry even paid him $50,000 for every year he was there and when he was on the run. He was now in the custody of Sirius and he couldn't be happier. Right now Sirius, Harry, and Remus were taking a train to one of the many Potter houses to stay for the summer since most of the Black houses had a lot of dark artifacts in the Manors. Harry could finally be a kid again, and he loved every minute of it. The train ride was 7 hours and they were only 3 hours in when Harry felt the urge to use the toilet really badly. He was really starting to regret drinking all that pumpkin juice with breakfast and the 2 cokes he had on the train moments earlier. Sirius was asleep and Harry knew that he hadn't been sleeping well due to his nightmares of Azkaban and didn't want to disturb him. Remus was reading a book, and Harry didn't know what to do. At the Durselys he was always told when to go and he could never ask anything otherwise he would be punished; "freaks like him don't get to ask questions" was always Aunt Petunia's answer. He was terrified and it wasn't helping his bladder situation by worrying, since he had to go really really bad. He was 13 for Merlin's sake he was not going to pee his pants, he just wished they would get there soon, and he wondered did this train even have toilets?
He finally gave in to the urge to grab himself and sat there facing the wall face burning and wiggling on his seat for all it's worth, all the while trying to stop the tears that had suddenly appeared in his eyes from falling down his face. His stomach really hurt now and he didn't have a clue on what to do. Was he allowed to ask if he could use the loo? Would his Godfather get angry that he couldn't hold it? He didn't want to embarrass Sirius or Remus so he just stayed silent and kept his situation to himself. Remus was sitting in the compartment across from Harry book open but mind not on it, he was rethinking on his life so far and even though he had a rough few years , it was starting to look up for the two faithful and remaining Marauders. Sirius was free and Harry was away from Petunia and her horrible family; they would all be the family that Lily and James would want them to be. Sirius was dead to the world for which Remus was grateful he needed his rest Azkaban had not been kind to his dear friend and he needed help with Harry which is why Remus was there and he was glad to do it. Speaking of Harry, Remus could hear a faint sniffle the smell of salt water coming from his direction by the window. He wondered what could be wrong and how he could help when he saw Harry almost fall off the seat on account of his moving around so much. He could hear him, thanks to his werewolf senses that Harry were saying over and over again that he can hold it.
"Harry, you ok cub?" Remus wanted to know if he could help him out
"'I'm fine Professor" was his tearful reply
"Harry you don't have to call me professor in the summer, its Moony or Remus ok cub? And you didn't answer my question, what's wrong?"
"I understand, I'm just not feeling that well is all, I'm sorry for disturbing you"
"You didn't disturb me I wasn't really reading anyway, I'm going to get a coffee, I'll bring you a cup of tea back that will help soothe your stomach ok?" "Do me a favor and watch Sirius for me."
"K, I will."
Remus shook his head and closed the compartment and was just about to walk away when he saw Harry stand up and start jumping up and down in place all the while holding on to himself like he really needed the loo. I'm an idiot Remus thought of course he needs the loo, he's a child his bladder isn't as strong as ours. The real problem was why didn't he just ask? He quickly bought his coffee and Harry's cup of tea even knowing what his problem now was and it wasn't an upset stomach. He powerwalked the way back to their compartment where he noticed Harry was in a right state whimpering with tears coming down his face and he was unable to keep still. But before Remus could tell him where the toilets were, Sirius woke up from all the noise.
"Kiddo?" "What's wrong?" Sirius sleepily asked
"N-N-Nothing is wrong sir." Was Harry's shaky reply
"If that's the case then why are you crying and jumping up and down, and stuttering?
"I don't know…"
"Why don't I believe you and why the heck are you calling me sir?"
"I'm sorry" was his now whispered reply
Harry was very noticeable distressed and at this point even Sirius could figure out was wrong with him, but he was confused as to why Harry didn't tell them that he had to go it wasn't a problem, he was a kid and he couldn't hold it that long, Sirius could understand that, why couldn't Harry?
"Why are you crying Harry?"
"I'm fine ok?
"No Harry, you're not ok, why didn't you tell us you had to go? We wouldn't have gotten mad at you; you don't have to be embarrassed it's natural."
Harry was horrified he had woke his Godfather up and he was probably going to get it now, he couldn't stop the small whimper that came out as some pee accidently dripped out. He couldn't help but feel that Sirius was only saying that and that he had embarrassed him by not being able to hold it. He was a teenager not some little kid, and that made him cry a little bit harder. Sirius made to hug him and tell him that it's ok to ask but when he hugged him he accidently pushed against Harry's stomach causing his poor godson to yelp out loud and curl up in a ball on the floor. Remus had enough if they didn't get Harry to the loo they would be cleaning up the floor and Harry's clothes and that wouldn't help Harry's already low self-esteem. He picked Harry up ignoring the protests of Sirius and walked as fast as he could to the loo. Harry for his part was still saying he could hold it under his breath. He opened the Handicapped stall undid Harry's belt and trousers and led the still shocked child to stand in front of the toilet where Harry then let out a huge air of relief as he relieved himself. Remus, facing the wall so as not to humiliate Harry any further asked him;
"Why didn't you say you had to use the loo?"
"Because I was always denied at the Durselys if I asked and I didn't want to get in trouble with you guys on my first so I was too afraid to ask."
"Not here Harry, we will never deny you that right. Just another thing the Durselys have to pay for."
Harry sniffled and flushed the toilet, he turned around knowing his face was flaming and kept looking at the ground. They walked out the stall where he washed his hands and they started back towards their compartment. Harry dreaded having to see Sirius again, he didnt want to talk about this with anyone, it was bad enough he almost wet his pants not 10 minutes ago.
"Kiddo, are you ok? Moony, why did you push me?"
"I'm fine sir," Harry replied.
"Because you were making it worse Siri, and I didn't know how long Harry could hold it," Remus replied.
"Stop calling me sir Harry, you haven't done anything wrong. I know Moony already told you this, but you never have to be afraid to ask for the loo. I promise we will never deny you that right, understood?"
"Yes Sirius, I understand."
Harry settled back in his seat, relived in more ways then one and ready for the best summer he ever had.