Huh. I realized how short each of my chapters are. I'll try to make them longer? I apologize for my awful grammar, but I'm not going to get a Beta because I don't have a regular updating schedule.

Thalia's POV

I know I'm known as a girl who has many male friends. I'm not a slut and I'm not easy, but the fact that I get along with guys better than girls seems to give the wrong impression of me. In fact the only girls I really get along with are Annabeth and Katie and maybe a few people in marching band. I met Annabeth in the sixth grade and Katie moved here in the eighth. We like to call Katie the 'shorty' of our group because she stands at an impressive 5' 2" but she can be scary as hell. Seriously, she may have plain brown long hair but those flashing green eyes could see right into your soul.

Anyways the point I'm trying to make is, I have a lot of guy friends. And I have a lot of guys who aren't my friends who want to be, not my guy friend, but my 'boyfriend'. And since I reject nearly all of them, they get pissed off and talk shit behind my back. Right now I'm in the middle of trying to reject another admirer who is going to inevitably post crap about me after I turn him down.

"C'mon babe, one date. That's all I ask of you." The guy asked. We were standing in a hallway that was emptying out pretty quickly.

I sighed, "Ethan I already told you. No."

He pouted, "But why?"

I stared him down, "Because I said so. I'm getting late to class." With that I spun around and briskly walked off to AP Chem. It was only the first day for god(s) sake! I wanted to get through my senior year without a hitch, I wanted to have a kick ass marching band season, I wanted to become a part of the legendary Cadets (a/n: professional drum core (marching band without woodwinds)) drum line, and then I wanted to get a freaking scholarship to some awesome university. I did not want to be held down with petty high school guys who wanted to get laid.

I was cursing under my breath as I stormed (a/n: see what I did there? ;) Thalia…Zeus's daughter…stormed? Hehe) down the hallway when I heard a chuckle from somewhere to the left. I turned to see…Nico di Angelo leaning against a locker. With slightly over long black hair in covering his pitch black eyes he always looked like an animal ready to pounce. But he did not look attractive at all. And yes, the Nile is just a river in Egypt. Maybe I messed that quote up. Hmph.

I think I could have killed a puppy with the glare I shot at him, "What do you want?" I growled.

"No need to be so impolite." Bitch, I'll be as freaking impolite as I want to an asshole like you. But I didn't say that out loud.

"I'm getting late." I announced. I turned to keep walking when I heard him say, "Why do you always do that?"

I turned back, "Do what?"

"Ignore me. Pretend I'm not here. Brush me off." He pushed himself off the locker and took a step towards me. I took a step back in order to avoid being suffocated by the cloud of Axe he was probably wearing. Not that I'd know. Like I go around sniffing random The-Nile-guys, "We've been attending the same school for a year, why do you always act so…hostile?"

I stayed quiet. About a million thoughts raced through my head but I decided that it was better to not say anything at all. Instead I shot him one last glare and stormed off to chem.

-break_btw can someone tell me how to get those gray lines?

I plopped down in my seat next to Annabeth. Then I unceremoniously dumped my bag on the floor and glared at my desk.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" she asked. I muttered incoherently under my breath. Little did she know that I was plotting about sixty ways to commit murder without being caught. Using weapons like daggers or swords would leave behind a lot of blood but would be quick and effective. On the other hand, poison was a slower death but would it work? Hmm…

"Stop looking like you want to kill someone!" Annabeth whispered, "And check out the new kid."

I looked around until I spotted a slightly unfamiliar face. The first thing I blurted out?

"He looks like di Angelo." Then I blinked and wondered what the hell was wrong with me. Holy crap I was going mad. Nuts. Straight to the looney bin. I was losing it. Seeing di Angelo in places where I shouldn't? Crap. I started rocking back and forth, taking deep breaths. Maybe if I closed my eyes and counted to ten it would all go away? In fact this was probably some weird ass dream. Breathe Thalia...breathe...why am I imagining that I'm a tree? What the heck!

"He's Nico's cousin, you idiot." I heard Annabeth chuckle, "Besides, they're not completely identical. His name is Ryan."

I peered at him more closely. His hair looked a little bit shorter than di Angelo's, somewhat lighter too and he had brown eyes.

"What's his last name?" I said, still looking at him.

"Uhh…how would I know?" she asked, "Why?"

"Hmm. If his last name is di Angelo then I can't associate with him, but if it's something else, then it's okay." I said. I narrowed my eyes as I took in his appearance even more, "But I swear, I seriously thought it was di Angelo for a second."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Honestly Thalia, it's called genetics. How did you ever pass AP Bio?"

I shot her a nasty look, "I have my ways." I glanced back at this 'Ryan'. He caught me looking at him.

"Are you going to stop staring at me?" He drawled. My eyed narrowed.

"No. No I don't think I will." I replied back. Manners were like helmets, something I should use, but I don't.

"Figures. Kids here are so rude, first my idiot cousin, now some random chick who won't stop looking at me." He said out loud, "I'm surrounded by weirdos."

"'Idiot cousin', eh?" I looked at him inquisitively, "You di Angelo spawn?"

He glared at me, "We may be related but we don't share the same last name. Mine's Demone. Ryan Demone."

I cocked my head, "di Angelo. Angel? Demone? Demon?"

He raised an eyebrow. I was jealous inside; I could never do that, "You figured that one out pretty quickly. We're just as opposite as angels and demons."

"You hate di Angelo?" I asked.

"More than you know." He replied.

"This may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

_break _

I changed into my gym clothes and tied my blond hair back into a ponytail. Then I walked out of the locker room, into the gym. Gym sucked if you were a freshmen or a sophomore and was alright if you were a junior. But if you were a senior, gym class was quite possibly one of the greatest things that could happen to you. Dodge ball against the freshmen? Kick ball against the sophomores? There was just something inexplicably great about throwing things at children younger than you…I needed to stop talking to Thalia. Her violent tendencies were starting to rub off on to me.

"Annabeth!" I saw a tiny brunette rocketing towards me, "We're in the same gym class!"

"Katie! How was your summer?" I asked back, excitedly. Then I realize something was different with her, "Girl, you got highlights?"

"Yeah. Just simple blond ones, but I think it blends in well. Not that YOU'D know, Ms. I'm-going-to-California-for-the-whole-summer-without-checking-my-Facebook!" She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Well…you know…I had…stuff to do?" I offered weakly, "Besides! You know I went for my architect classes! It was awesome."

"Annabeth!" I turned to see Malcolm, "Yo, this is great, bro. Best gym class ever." I internally sighed. Malcolm had recently learned the meaning of the word "yo" and decided to use it in every sentence possible. On a more positive note, he finally ditched the polos.

"Totally." I hid the laughter in my voice, "Who else do we have?"

"Me." I turned around to see Percy freaking Jackson, "Did you have a nice summer?"

I looked at him for a few seconds, waiting for the "Bet you were heartbroken not seeing me for three months" that would inevitably follow. But instead I heard silence.

I realized that he was actually still looking at me so I stuttered out in shock, "Uh…yeah…fine…good…great?" Then I realized how idiotic I sounded and tried to avoid the red that was rushing to my face. Instead I took in his appearance. It appeared that he had grown a few inches and was well over six feet, but other than that he looked the same. Good in fact. BUT ACTUALLY...awkward. Let's just bleach that thought from my mind.

"Well then. That's nice." He replied, looking like he was biting back a smirk. It immediately annoyed me.

"Yes. Yes it was nice. In fact, it was freaking amazing! You know why? Because I didn't have to see your stupid face for three whole months!" Even I'm not sure where that outburst came from. I blame Thalia.

He blinked then said, "Okay." He turned around to go back to his football buddies, "Oh by the way Chase?"


"Bet you were heartbroken not seeing me for three months."

It's been rumored that my shriek of rage could be heard in the Math Wing on the other side of the school.

_page break _

Ryan Demone, huh? Interesting kid. He hates di Angelo too. I like him even more.

(RING!) The last hour bell rung and I gathered my things and started walking towards the band room. Today was the first official school rehearsal (excluding band camp and other summer activities) and I heard that there was someone new joining Pit (A/N: Pit consists of xylophones, marimbas, stationary bass drum, all those random little instruments like the triangle, woodblocks etc, and they do not march. Their instruments are set up in the front of the field and they are stationary) and he or she was supposed to be really good. But whatever, Pit was for pansies. Drumline was where it was at. See, both our sections could be classified under "Percussion", but those idiots in Pit didn't even have to learn to march or anything. They just got to chill on the field. Wimps.

I entered the band room and went to the bathroom to change into some comfy clothes. Then I got myself ready for four hours of hell under the blazing sun.

"Sup, Rach?" I nodded at the eccentric redhead, "How's clarinet-ting?"

"Simply wonderful." She said dreamily, "How's battery?"

I grinned, "Totally kick ass. Better than those idiots in Pit."

I heard someone clear his or her throat behind me. They then said, "Excuse me?" I froze. That voice sounded crazy familiar but I couldn't place it. And they weren't someone I knew because I knew everyone in pit, band, and color guard. But…di Angelo wasn't in marching band.

I turned around to see a very annoyed Ryan Demone.

Heh. Two chapter updates in one day. I tried to make it longer too! Yay Thalia! Review!...please?