Chapter 1-The Marriage Law!

A murmur swept through the Great Hall as soon as the Owls landed for the morning newspaper. That morning Hermione was in a relatively good mood she had even offered to do Harry and Ron's Transfiguration homework for them. However as soon as she sat down and opened the Daily Prophet. She was horrified.

Ministry of Magic introduces new Marriage Law

This law is introduced to people aged 18-60 and is to help to save the wizading world by dying out.

People who are included in this Law will recive a letter tomorrow at 7am sharp stating who the person is you are to marry…

"Ah well at least it doesn't include us eh 'Mione?" putting his arm around her.

"Actually Ronald" suddenly annoyed "it does include me the time turner incident in the third year added a year on too my age"

Reaching the realisation of this she looked towards the headmaster and found he was looking back and heard a voice, somewhere in her head perhaps that as telling her to go to him at 10:00 am.

"WHAT!" Ron's voice suddenly loud. "They can't expect you to marry. You're still at school!"

"calm down mate they cant to anything too serious they NEED her to finish her education she may have a loophole or something?"

Harry had matured over the past year leaving just Ron in his child-like state. The fight with Voldemort in the sixth year had changed him. Well most people really. He had seen what happens if you become angry and realised mistakes that needed to be corrected especially one he saw Professor Snape's memory's. He gave that man a great deal of respect now even though he was still the snarky potions master. But Ron was stiil juist Ron. i suppose it could of been his way of dealing with things. Pretending that its all one big game of chess that he always wins at without realising the devistation it brought to people's families.

"Im not sure Harry, they would of thought of something though. Hey I just need to see Professor Dumbledore" seeing that he was leaving himself .

"okay just tell us what happened. There will be a way around this i promise Hermione"

"Thanks harry i hope so too"

As she rounded the corner she stopped and whispered to herself "i hope so too"

She braced herself for what was to come seriously hoping,no wishing that the headmaster did really have a solution to this issue as she thought of she dwelled on it more and more she thought about life with a total stranger and children-Parents. Oh no what would her parents think. She would have to write them a letter but how to explain it? Hi it's me im just going to be forced into a marriage with a total stranger that i have to spend the rest of my life with. This was going to be a long two days.

"Love Hearts" she said to the gargoyle as she reached the stairs going up to Dumledore's the head girl really did have its example knowing the Headmaster's password and getting your own dormatories.

Butterflies errupted in her stomach as she climed the stairs and a sense of nervenousness washed over as she opened the door to his study...

Severus Snape watched her find out and saw the whole conversation that passed between the three was midway in thought when all of a sudden he heard a loud "What!" from the gryffindor table.

He saw the red-headed dunderhead weasley grow furious with word of what that Granger child had to it wasn't even him who had too face he thought with a sense of disgust.

"Albus what are we going to do? We cant let this happen?" Minerva said as she saw her favourite resident gryffindor nearly break down

"I know but we must there is nothing we can do know except hope that Miss Granger gets paired with is a suitable match. i will tell her to meet me in my office at 10:00am and i will talk to her about what may happen"

"AND WHAT ABOUT ME ALBUS I HAVE TO FACE THIS DAMN LAW TOO"i half whispered and half shouted across the staff table.

"you will manage it Severus i have faith in you. You must know i do after all this time"

"Yes considering the fact i have never been in control of my own life"

I stormed out of the great hall with my robes billowing out behind me not caring what anyone thought.I barely did even though it was nice to have at least one memeber of the Potter family grovelling at my feet.

Mental note to myself never attend breakfast again. Definatly too much drama too early in the day.

A/N: This is my very first story so feedback and CONSTRUCTIVE critisism would be nice pleaseeee Thank You! x