Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I am giving this story up. If anybody wants to adopt it, they can! Just PM me and I'll hand over the rights. But, I do have a better idea in mind for a story. I'll give you a preview and yeah… it's an AU Fabina story. In the beginning its kinda like The Princess Diaries but then as the plot goes on its not.

Nina lived her life happily. She worked in a small shop and as a babysitter for money. She lived with her aunt and uncle and two cousins. But, there was a secret they kept from her. They were royalty as on her 18th birthday she was officially the heir to the throne. That time rolls around and Nina's gran, Claire, comes from England to make her Princess material. Nina instantly feels like she doesn't belong. Will she pack up and run back to America? Or will a certain Prince make her stay?

If you like it, read it. The first chap will be up soon. Oh and PM me! First person gets the rights!