Swirling, tumbling, in the mysterious part of space called the Unknown Regions, an asteroid the size of a small planet danced through the stars. Within was a frantic scene of activity, millions upon millions of creatures scampering to and fro. Insectoid clicks echoed through the rock, compound eyes viewing the stars on a spectrum unseen by other species. Ships, unlike any the galaxy had seen before, escorted this spinning rock, filled with millions more of the insect-like creatures. They all worked for a single purpose, a goal.
"Too light! It is too bright!" Hissed a scarred and wide-eyed individual, holding up his misshapen hands as if being blinded. He had been human once, a blond user of the Force that had once answered to the name of Welk. But he was Welk no longer. He was a part of the Colony, and they a part of him. As he stared off into the distant stars, he continued to hiss and hold up his hands. "It must be brought to darkness or calamity will occur once more."
"Must it?" Another voice asked, bug-like limbs emerging from his back. What was left of Jedi Apprentice Raynar Thul no longer responded to that name. He served a greater purpose now, his thoughts and decisions affecting millions of lives. "We no longer care for light and dark. We care for our own."
"But the Nest-mind remembers, don't we?" A third, female, voice whispered, the Force surrounding her in corruptive waves. Lomi Plo had once been her name, a Nightsister from Dathomir. But like Welk, like Raynar, she was Lomi Plo no longer. She was simply another part of the Colony, her thoughts and feelings their own."We remember the last time the darkness rose to snuff out the light. Too dark the galaxy was, even for the Colony. The light must be extinguished before it becomes too strong."
"We would return to the galaxy then," Not-Welk sounded excited at the prospect. "Return, grow, spread. The colony will thrive, just like you wished, Prime Unu."
"Yes, a return would be good," the second voice agreed. "The colony must grow, bring balance to the Force."
"And a galaxy that is too bright must be brought back into darkness. Chaos must be sown, cries of sorrow ring out across the stars. Spark a disaster to avoid a greater terror. A thimble of darkness to balance out the light."
"We must not hurt others though."
"It cannot be avoided. Hurt now or a certain death later. Small wars to avoid the big war. We are merciful."
"When they join us, Prime Unu, they will understand. We do this for the betterment of the galaxy."
"A darkness now or eternal darkness later," Not-Welk said cheerfully, mirroring his previous comment.
"We must do this, mustn't we?" The second voice said reluctantly, eyes staring at distant stars. "We must destroy what is being built."
"For the good of the Colony, UnuThul," Not-Lomi whispered into his ear, her hand over his heart. "For the good of the Colony, for the good of the galaxy. The non-Joiners cannot know what we do, why we do what has to be done. We bring them knowledge."
"There is no ignorance, there is knowledge."
"Yes, and there is the Force," she agreed amiably. "There is no death. What we lay out is a comforting blanket so that she may continue to sleep. So that her silver eyes stay closed and her loneliness assuaged. For in her dreams she has a family, a home, a place. We do not wish to deprive her of that."
"Already the timelines have been altered, a destiny averted," the voice of UnuThul seemed to reason with himself. "A sign of the end. An end is not good for the Colony."
"No, so what must we do?" Not-Welk asked, as if forgetting the entire conversation already. Thousands of creatures chattered in distress around them. "What must we do for the Colony?
"We will return to the galaxy and keep herfrom awakening," UnuThul proclaimed.
"We will spread darkness to temper the light," Not-Lomi added in confirmation.
"We will destroy the Jedi before they destroy the galaxy," Not-Welk said in barking laughter.
"And we will do this not because we wish it, but because it is necessary," UnuThul concluded. "To avoid an eternal night, the galaxy must burn. The light must be quenched before its brilliance reaches the silver eyes of her."
"Eons we have watched over the galaxy, awaiting this moment."
"No longer will we have to wait, for the end draws nigh."
"Let us return to the galaxy now. Let them once more say our names, let them know the will of the Colony, of the Prime Unu."
"Yes," Not-Lomi said, eyes swirling with madness. "Let the galaxy once more know the name of Killik. Let them place the blame on us, not knowing that we seek to stop the greater evil."
"We will defend ourselves. Many of the Colony will die."
"But it is a necessary sacrifice," UnuThul declared without hesitation. "Sacrifice is what a Jedi would do. Sacrifice is what the Unu will do. Trade a greater evil for a lesser evil, a life for a life. The Killik will return to the galaxy. We shall grow, we shall spread chaos, and all will be right again."
The heavy heels of dark black boots echoed loudly in the passageway hewn from the dark gray rocky cliff. A single figure sauntered atop the worn, dust-covered flagstones, knowing that others were already aware of her presence. In one hand she held her orange-red yorik coral and lambent crystal lightsaber, in the other the decapitated head of the one who had tried to bar her way.
It had taken her several months of adventuring to reach her destination, several months of exploring the darkest parts of the galaxy and her own soul, to find what she had been looking for. Several months of searching for a purpose, a way to protect those she cared for from the things that went bump in the night.
Her tiresome work had paid off, culminating in a very one-sided battle against a hive of pirates over the planet Ziost. After initially being shot down by said pirates, she had stumbled upon a very ancient ship embedded in the remains of a Sith temple. The ship worked, was nearly sentient, and had enabled her to engage in one of her favorite past times, the wanton massacre of those that deserved it. Needless to say, her life had been far from boring since then.
The recently beheaded door guard was a testament of her confidence and enjoyment of her new found freedom.
Passing through the length of dimly lit corridors, she finally reached the main chamber. She paused for a moment at the doorway, and then entered the room with several decisive steps. Once all eyes were on her, she rolled the severed head towards the middle of the room. It clamored noisily across the ground, stopping and revealing a pair of white eyes, wide in shock and anger, and staring vacantly up at the low ceiling.
"Oh?" A deep voice said with some amusement. A single figure, dark brown skin corrupted by the dark side, sat on a stone throne on the opposite side of the chamber. A mask covered his face, and he wore a set of very ancient-looking armor. Yet, there was no mistaking the sheer power radiating from him. "It appears the Sith Intelligence and Assassination bureau is in need of a new head. Twi'lek, tell me now why I should not have you killed for slaying one of my most trusted advisors?"
"You have a vacancy in your ranks," the intruder, gesturing to the head. "I'm here to fill that vacancy. Kill me, and the position goes unfilled. Simple as that."
"Amusing. What is your name?"
"Alema, Alema Rar," the Twi'lek grinned darkly. "You might have heard of me. I am responsible for the deaths of several Jedi. Even have a bounty on my head. Last time I checked, it was nearing a million credits."
The deep voice appeared far from impressed. "And tell me 'Alema Rar,' what makes you think you're worthy of being my personal assassin and chief information gatherer? Murder of the job's last holder is hardly a ringing endorsement. Anyone can kill."
"True, but unlike him, I know the Jedi and their weaknesses. I know what drives them. But more than that, I am not afraid of the dark side or what it is capable of. I want the power to shape this galaxy, my lord. Shape it so that my friends never have to suffer injustice due to the petty actions of small minded people. The Jedi do not have that power, they are weak and short sighted. But the Sith, the Sith have more than enough strength to make that dream come true. To keep the galaxy whole." She placed a hand on her canted hip and flicked her lekku as she continued to address her audience. "No doubt the reason why you are holed up here in this tomb is because you or your advisors want to bide your time. To build up your strength and strike when the galaxy is at its weakest. But what better time to make your rise than now? The Jedi Order is still in its fledgling state, the galaxy is still in chaos after the war, and it will take years to rebuild itself. Why not act and rebuild it in the image of your pleasing? Why wait decades or even centuries to come out of hiding when the galaxy can scarcely afford another conflict? No one has the strength to oppose you now, my lord. Skywalker has been relegated to a position of uselessness. Anakin Solo has been exiled from the galaxy because of his naivety. We have the means, and the power. I say now is the moment to act, to begin the rise of a new era."
A booming laugh filled the chamber as dark amusement radiated out from the Sith Lord she was addressing. "This creation is of your making, Vergere? One of the two you were boasting about. She has to be, to be so twisted in the mind. I would know."
The holographic image of the Fosh Force user inclined her head. "A rather lovely little thing, is she not? But she is correct. There are no Jedi capable of standing against you should you act. At least not yet."
"Hello again, Vergere," Alema bowed mockingly, not at all surprised by the Fosh's presence. "I believe it is your move."
"Indeed. A well-played move, Alema Rar. There may be some hope for you yet."
"Enough. Darth Wyyrlock, as my Voice, your counsel is always appreciated. What say you to her idea?"
The red-skinned Chagrian placed a hand on his chest and bowed his head. "Your will is my own, Darth Krayt, therefore I shall do what you command. But my lord, think of your own strength, therefore I would still advise patience. The galaxy will still be ready for the taking in a century, therefore we will have had that much longer to plan your rise. In that same time you will continue to absorb the power of Korriban and grow stronger yet. It is an undeniable fact that the Sith will be all the more powerful if we wait, therefore I must insist we kill this interloper and be done with the matter."
"Coward," Alema scoffed, spinning on the heel of her boot towards the Chargrian. "You have power, but you are too cowardly to use it, Darth Wyyrlok. That is the difference between yourself and your master. Between yourself and me. Darth Krayt will gather more strength from Korriban, yes. But he will also waste away while the galaxy becomes strong again. While the galaxy rebuilds and the Jedi Order becomes that much harder to eliminate. Sure you can wait and take a gamble on the state of the galaxy in the far future. But in that time so many things could happen. If given even a century, the Jedi Order has the potential to become even stronger than the last. Given a century, and alliances built during this war will become that much harder to break. The Sith can stay on this planet, biding their time and building up their power, but the galaxy will not stay in its broken state for long."
"There is a difference between cowardice and wisdom," the Chargrian scowled. "wanton destruction and warfare is not the same as having power, therefore we are in obvious disagreement, Twi'lek. There will truly be no one capable of challenging my Lord when the time comes for him to act. I may not be around to see the day that the Sith rise to power, but I will take solace in knowing that I have served at my Lord's side and helped to make that day possible. Therefore, I shall continue to advise caution, patience, and modera…"
"Where's the passion?" Alema snarled, shaking her head and throwing up her hands. "You're a Sith, aren't you? Don't give me that 'moderation' fodder, you sound like a Jedi when you say something like that. We became Sith because we all have a passion for something. My passion is to see a galaxy that is whole, free of the strife and treachery that plague it to this day. Your passion, this new Sith Order you want, won't ever be more than a dream if you don't have the strength to step up and create it. All of you," Alema turned towards the gathered figures and holograms in the chamber. "You all want a Sith Order, right? One ruled by someone strong enough to make a difference? What's the point in having all your power, all your experiences and suffering, if you're just going to waste away in this tomb?" She glanced towards Darth Krayt. "My lord, as wise as your Voice is, he is also cowardly, lacking the true passion it takes to be a Sith. If you allow me to serve you, I can promise to make your dreams a reality."
Darth Krayt, his face hidden behind a mask, rested his chin on a fist. "Is that so?"
"I for one agree with her plan," a hologram of a nebulous figure appearing to be made up of nothing but space and stars stated, cutting off Wyyrlok's retort. "Admiral Daala has been convinced to add her forces to my own, and my cloning projects and experiments can be deployed whenever we wish. I do not want to wait much longer for our return."
"As do I," an older Zabrak woman said, her long black fingernails steepling together. Despite her diminutive size, the bulky forms of several Force-sensitive, corrupted, Felucian chiefs submissively waited behind her on bended knee. "I say it is time to set the wheels of change in motion once more." She ran a hand over the mask of one of the chiefs almost affectionately. "Let loose my Brood and they will swiftly cleanse the galaxy of your enemies."
The deep voice of Wyyrlock's master laughed again. "Lord Cronal, Lady Brood, if I wanted advice from people who have already been defeated by the Jedi of this infant order, by a single Jedi, I would have asked you."
Both bowed their heads and took a step back.
"My lord." A Yuuzhan Vong emerged from the many shadowy alcoves of the chamber. A cybernetic eye glowed in the dimly lit room. Behind her, several Yuuzhan Vong warriors in priestly clothing stayed prostrated on the ground, while robed Slayers stood watch.
"Speak, Vongerella."
"My lord, I too wish to have my revenge on the Jeedai. They have killed my only reason for living, and I desire to return the favor. This Alema Rar's plan has merit. The Yuuzhan Vong have depleted the galaxy of manpower, of ships. The Jedi Order is stretched thin and vulnerable with no strong leader. There is conflict between them and the main government. It will not take long to topple them."
"I say we kill them all! They aren't real Jedi anyways," crackled a rather mad-sounding human male. A group of dark side corrupted individuals behind him laughed maddeningly along with him. "We have the power, oh yes! Sweet power! I say we slice them to bits! Bits and pieces!"
"You will no doubt take pleasure in doing so, Dark Lord of Ternaax." Darth Krayt appeared amused as he glanced at his subordinates. "So it sounds as if all but Darth Wyyrlok and myself desires war."
"We do not desire war,"Vergere commented mildly. "Merely a change in the hypocritical way this galaxy is run. Even then, my apprentice and I will remain on the outskirts of whatever conflict should arise. We have our own Sith Lords to groom and believe that the logic behind the Rule of Two is sound."
"That does sound like you, Vergere," Alema nodded. "Using excuses and ancient thinking, living in the past."
"Indeed," the murky image of Lord Cronal said. "You can either stand with us or against us, Vergere. If you stand in our way, you will be swept aside with all the other Jedi. A new era is dawning and you will find your future much brighter under Darth Krayt."
"Lord Cronal, I will not remind you again," Darth Krayt said with lethal softness. "The ultimate decision lies with me. Acting rashly, solely with one's passion, will only lead to your downfall in the end."
"Forgive me, my lord."
Darth Krayt observed Alema from his throne with glittering intelligent eyes, his posture slowly straightening. His dark side corrupted eyes appeared to see into her very soul. "You are an interesting character, Alema Rar. Your mind and thoughts are clouded and I have to concentrate to see you."
"Interesting traits for an assassin, no?" Alema folded her arms over her chest. "So, my lord. What say you to my proposal? You allow me to take the place of headless White Eyes there, and I will help you change this galaxy for the better."
Darth Krayt gestured with a single hand, sounding both incredulous but amused at the same time. "You are indeed an interesting person, Alema Rar. You show up here unannounced during the first Sith Council meeting in several millennia, kill one of my trusted advisors, and then go on to assume that you can serve under me and still dictate a plan of action. For argument's sake. Let's say I refuse you. Let's say I continue my plan and wait for the Jedi Order to destroy itself once more. You say the galaxy is weak at the moment and that the Order is fragmented. Will not presenting them a common enemy unite them once more? Will our emergence not solidify alliances and strengthen bonds? The Jedi Order may be weak, but they are far from harmless."
"My lord," Alema said with a sly smile. "If done right, we can easily destroy those bonds without even revealing ourselves. They are new alliances that can be broken just as quickly as they had been created. I do not assume to tell you to do anything. I am simply informing the members of this council the state of the galaxy at the moment. We can strike now, while the galaxy is weak. Or take a gamble and assume that in a century or so the galaxy will get even weaker, and not stronger. Bear in mind, it took nearly a thousand years, an army of millions, a Sith Lord as Chancellor, and a galactic war for the last Jedi Order to fall. Do you all truly wish to wait that long, to wait until the Jedi are even stronger?"
Silence filled the room as all eyes darted towards the large, imposing figure of Darth Krayt. The masked Sith Lord finally nodded slowly, placing his hands on the armrests of his chair and rising.
"Very well. You wish to serve me? Then it is time I show you your place."
Faster than anyone could even register, a blast of Sith Lightning hit the unprepared Alema with the strength of an avalanche. Alema was dropped to the ground in an instant, a scream of pain tearing free from her throat. Krayt approached her with an apathetic air, keeping the lightning on her until her body began to scar from it. Only then did he relent.
"Rise," Darth Krayt commanded, gesturing with a single hand.
On shaky legs, with her skin still steaming from the attack, Alema did so. Both her eyes were completely yellow, and the entire right side of her face and right shoulder was disfigured from the blistering attack. The black glyphs she had tattooed herself with stood out even more against her darkened blue skin.
Darth Krayt stepped forward and gripped her chin in a single, powerful hand, his presence oppressive and dark as he effortlessly lifted her off her feet. "Do not think for once that you stand a chance against my power. That my throne is yours for the taking, or that you will get away with manipulating me. Namman Cha made the mistake of claiming that he was the rightful Sith Lord, but has since learned his place, haven't you?"
The Sith Lord turned Alema's head so that she could see a human male emerge from another alcove. Dressed in shades of dark red, with his face painted in reds and whites, what stood out about this man was that, up to his eyes, the entire right half of his body was cybernetic. As if he had been cleaved in two by a lightsaber and then welded onto the mechanical devices that kept him alive. The man's hate and malice were unmistakable, his source of power and reason for living, but he too knelt before Darth Krayt.
"As you say, my Lord. You are all powerful."
"It is fortunate your Nightsister allies were wiser than you," Darth Krayt tilted his head towards the white and red painted faces of the armored Dathomiri dark-siders behind Namman. The figures all bent down on one knee in unison, piercing red eyes gleaming in the darkness of the room. Krayt turned his attention back to Alema. "Obedience and loyalty is rewarded, treachery and foolish betrayals are punished most severely."
When Darth Krayt released Alema, she lowered herself to one knee and bowed her head, mimicking the stances of Krayt's followers without delay. "Command me, Master."
"A quick learner, good." Darth Krayt nodded in approval. "From this moment forward, you shall cease being Alema Rar. Instead, you shall be my Night Herald; readying the galaxy for the change we will bring. You will help me create a galaxy free of the ailments that have plagued cycles past. You will go to every shadow, enhance every doubt and widen every conflict. Darkness shall be your ally, chaos shall be your goal. The message you shall bring is not one of peace, but of change—violent change. All of my resources are at your disposal, and all who refuse to side with us shall be swept aside. Go now. Go and prepare the galaxy for the return of the Sith."
A\N:Cue Imperial March theme and fade away to the credits =). All finished now. As this Epilogue shows, the sequel will focus on three baddies, the Killiks, Sith, and Abeloth, and is projected to be about as long as this story. I hope to be in a position to begin posting it late next year, but that date's very up in the air.
Minor grammar/spelling edits: 6-20-2013
Anon review responses:
Pollyanna Anon- Never thought I'd see pollyanna used in a sentence =). They're probably bonding while getting worked on in the med-bay, you know to pass the time while the healers patch them up: 'Sorry I didn't mean to stab you like that. On the bright side, you'll have a wicked looking scar.' 'No worries, I'm really sorry for blasting your arm off, though. Do Vong really replace missing limbs with animal claws?' Hey, it might be a little unrealistic, but this is Star Wars.It can't have been any worse than my Wizard of Oz references the previous story arc.
New Canon Anon- If only it were true canon *sigh*. It also means that I can no longer go back to the books to refresh myself on things that have happened in canon, I've kind of strayed a bit away from that.
Octavius Haye- Thanks again for following this story all the way through, and your multiple reviews. I kind of wanted Luke phased out of the Jedi Order doings because his time has definitely passed. He'll stay on as a teacher and advisor, but that's it. Hope you can wait a bit, the sequel won't be for a long while =P