Ratchet and Clank: The Last Victory

Summary: Set after ACIT. Ratchet and Clank travel across the galaxy in an attempt to find the Lombaxes, but what about the forces that rise up against them? and with so many questions left unanswered, Will Ratchet finally find where he belongs?

Rating: K+ Rating may change

Pairing: Ratchet/Angela C

Author's Note: Oh and before I forget, I do not own Ratchet and Clank. If I did, Angela Cross wouldn't be where she is now.

- Enemies no longer in range. Disabling shields and emergency controls -

"That was...a close call."

Clank looked across at his companion. The Lombax had no witty comebacks, nor did he even say anything to try and humor the situation. How could he?

Mere hours ago, Alister Azimuth was telling him he would see all the Lombaxes again. How they would all be a family. Now…now Azimuth was gone. Erased from existence by the very thing he had coveted most. Ratchet took a deep breath, feeling the of sharp sting of tears beginning to form and blur his vision.

"Ratchet, do you remember me saying that I will not leave you until you have found a family of your own? I will not abandon you." Clank reaffirmed.

Ratchet turned to look at his small robotic friend.

"Thanks, Clank." He said, sincerely grateful to have his friend at his side once more.

It wasn't like he was alone - he had Clank! - for a while. But what then? When his friend would go back to his own family, what then would he do? Ratchet hated to admit it, but sometimes, he felt lonely. He had always wondered what it would be like to talk to someone who was just like himself. He remembered how he felt when Azimuth was telling him about his father, how they both used to race against one another in the great canyons. It was like a glimpse into the world of what had been...what should still be. Ratchet reached into his pocket and drew out the locket that showed his father and the General. Suddenly, disposing of Tachyon seemed even more justified, for at least the cause of all this was never to return again.

Ratchet took a deep breath, determined not to be beaten by this. Somehow, everything would be put right again. Azimuth's death would not be in vain.

"Hey, do you think they've figured out a way to stop those awful reruns of Al's Bot Wars yet?" Ratchet asked casually, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Oh I do hope so, I'm missing out on episodes of Robochef!"

Ratchet laughed, "Well if I'm honest I'd rather watch Robochef than Bot Wars any day...just don't tell Al I said that." He began punching in the coordinates for planet Kerwan before switching on the radio.

"Wait a moment Ratchet, turn the dial for the radio volume." Clank said suddenly.

Ratchet quickly turned the dial and the voice of Kip Darling filled the spacecraft.

"Yes, the famous explorer Max Apogee - who had been missing for several years - has now been found alive and well, we can confirm. According to reports a sighting was made of Mr Apogee-"

"-Well Kip, he's not exactly 'well' since he's being kept in prison." Came the voice of Kips co-anchor, Pepper.

"I applaud your observation dear Pepper but that information was supposed to be classified." Came Kips despairing voice. "Also, questions have been raised as to the whereabouts of Lombax rebel Angela Cross, as there had been no sighting of the elusive Lombax with the explorer. Kip Darling and Pepper Fairbanks, reporting for Polaris Space Radio."

Both Ratchet and Clank just sat in stunned silence for a moments, trying to process what they had just heard. Ratchet spoke first.

"Man, Talywn's gonna flip."

It was Clank who reacted first, and began to press various keys on the ships panel.

"Ratchet we must inform Talywn about the location of her father, we must also exercise caution, it is clear from the radio broadcast that information about Max Apogee is being kept from the public." Ratchet thought for a moment.

"How long do ya think? -"

"I couldn't say Ratchet, it is all very strange. Just as the disappearance of Miss Cross…" Ratchet's stomach gave an involuntary lurch as Angela's name was mentioned for the second time. So much was he absorbed in trying to resolve the many unanswered questions racing through his mind, he hadn't noticed Clank had quickly changed the subject and was now talking to Talwyn over the intercom.

"Well he is alive miss Apogee, if anything we can see this as a positive."

"Positive!? Positive!? How can any of this be taken as a positive!" Talywn was shouting, her fists were balled at her sides and in the background watching were a couple of very scared looking robots.

"I mean, for all we know, he could all ready be d-d..." but at the realization of the meaning of the word Talywn was made almost incapable of speaking. Tears formed in her eyes and she angrily wiped one away as it escaped down her cheek.

Ratchet found his voice at last."Talywn don't you worry about your father, he's going to come back to you unharmed as long as I have anything to say about it."

"I'm coming with you too Ratchet." She declared fiercely.

At first Ratchet was going to decide against it, but Talywn knew more about the areas of the Polaris Galaxy than he did.

"Alright. Meet us..." Ratchet then realized they had no idea where Max Apogee was being held. "Umm..."

"Planet Jasindu" said Clank "I traced the radio broadcast to that planet, I propose we should start looking there."

"Brilliant, Clank!" Ratchet said, impressed. "Talwyn I'll have those co ordinates transferred to you and we'll both meet at Kerchu City on Jasindu. Be careful."

"Got it, roger that."