The Armor of Heavenly Knights

Nami walks in a hurry inside the woods, hoping that she successfully escape from some crazy molesters. They are famously known bandits in the village. Many people saw them rape girls and robbed their money. Nami's feet suddenly hit a big stone that make her fell to the ground. She is extremely exhausted and her legs hurt. She examine the surroundings, seems like the bandits lose her tracks. At least she could take a rest for awhile.

When Nami walks deeper in to the forest, she heard a sound of waterfall. Suddenly she feels thirsty and decided to go where the sound came from. She was dumbfounded by the beauty of the environment. It surrounded by lush trees and rainbow appear at the bottom of the waterfall. The river was so clear, that the redhead could see what's inside the river. "I never knew that there's a place like this inside the forest, its looks like heaven!"

She took cold, fresh water with her hands and drank it immediately. She was about to take off her cloth to have a bath when she suddenly saw some masculine figures behind the shrub near her. "Bandits!" she whispered "How could they follow me this far?" she was peeking through the shrub and realize that they're not. The men she saw was tall and muscular but they don't seems like barbaric people. They more like elite knights of a very rich kingdom. She could tell it from their attitude; they just silent and relaxed by the warmth of the hot spring just next to the waterfall.

"Uh,oh…I guess I better get out from this male bathroom!" Nami cannot think what will happen if only those men saw her here naked. She jumps over the stones in the river when she finally stopped by a thing right on the biggest one. There, laid a shining jade-colored armor belongs to unknown people. Nami watch in mesmerize "Whoaaaaa!" She never saw a plate like this before "Gosh! If I sell it it could worth trillion berries!" The redhead remembered that she and her sister, Nojiko didn't eat anything within 2 days but oranges. "I should take it!" Nami then take out her fabric bag and fill it with the jade armor along with the three swords that lay near it. The teenage thief then ran away to go back to her village.

Not long enough after Nami leaving…. "Hey! Where the hell is my armor?" said a green-haired knight in panic.