A/N~ I Do Not Own Hetalia, Or The Uglies Series; If I Did, I Wouldn't Be Posting On Here

Arthur was different than everyone around him; all the people around him, through their own eyes, were ugly. He disagreed with that, because, through his own eyes, everyone was prettier than he himself was. Arthur was 15, almost old enough to get 'the operation', which would turn him from a skinny little waif of a boy, into a man- into a pretty.

He was always slim, almost feminine, his dull acidic green eyes glowing almost animal-like in the low light of what his 'friends' liked to call 'ugly-ville', his pale skin, caused by his long hours reading in his room like some sort of rusty crumbly. His hair was dull blond and spiky, chopped off into a short pixie-cut, framing his heart shaped face.

With his facial features, he would look like one of the pretties if it weren't for one of the few flaws to his face; he had thick brown eyebrows that made him look constantly angry, when he was, in fact, always bored.

When he became a pretty, his thick eyebrows would be taken away and made into something that fit the pretty template... it made him sick.

He actually liked his eyebrows, felt like they made him different; through his eyes, different was good. Different could be pretty, when it grew.

But different could also be ugly, too, so Arthur closed his eyes to all the faces of ugly-ville and made himself the only one that was ugly, through his own acid green eyes.

So, through his eyes, the boy with the colorless hair and the big nose, the one who was so much taller than Arthur, was more pretty than Arthur would ever be, even after the operation.

The boy who had a cowlick, who had to wear glasses even though almost no one did, anymore, was the most gorgeous thing on the face of the earth.

At least, through Arthur's eyes.

The reason was fairly simple... Arthur was a boy, and he was in love with another boy.

Through his own eyes, he was ugly, because he would never be a girl- never be able to be with the one he loved. He would never be happy, even when he became a pretty.

Maybe if the operation could make him a girl... but then, no one had ever become a member of the opposite sex; it just wasn't done.

Maybe it could be done... Arthur had the right face for it, at least.

He could be a girl...