Title: Lucid Dreamers (0/?)

Characters: Gilbert's PoV, Vincent, the Dormouse.

Long Summary: Second in the Borderlands series. Chained together by familial loyalty and manipulated desire, Gilbert and Vincent confront the underhanded threats posed by their foster family… and the sudden resurgence of the mysterious Baskervilles. Rated M for dark sexual themes.

Pairings: Implied past Oz/Gil & Gil/Oz; one-sided Vincent/Gil, (manipulated Gil/Vincent) Warnings: Psychological trauma caused by incest.

Note: Sequel to "Wait for Sleep."

Gil is on the cusp of 18, Vincent is sixteen and Elliot is ten, going on eleven. Mochizuki's timeline concerning that ten-year gap Oz was gone has some weird discrepancies between events, and so I've accommodated as much as I could.

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters. Jun Mochizuki and Square Enix do.

Lucid Dreamers


Gilbert had to fly. But he couldn't. And he didn't want to.

Vivid sensations, obscured by a drowsy awareness, coating his surroundings like a wax paper covering over a lantern. Blurred motions and stark colors and heat and touches and-

He couldn't move.

But the warmth was there, so strong and firm and crushing him -

Escape, leave or be trapped forever. He couldn't breathe for all of the gasping and his body pulsed to a beat outside of himself, that steady throbbing that hooked his spine up to a string taut with need and flowed down, down and out to the very tips of his being-

He needed to go, to break off, to be free, simply free, just-

"Gil wants this."

By the Abyss, he did, so much, so urgent, so now, oh please don't stop-

Wait, he didn't want this fire racing through his limbs, that urgent thrusting of his hips against that yellow flame that controlled him-

Taut and bound. Bound and needing. Desiring.

"Gil wants me."

I need you, need you so much, like this, please like this, Gil cried silently but when he became aware again, what he saw was blood and gold of Vincent's eyes staring right into his.

"I…I…" he choked out. He tried moving his arms, but they were pinned over his head. His legs were open, wide and vulnerable as he felt Vincent's hardness rubbing against him. His brother.


What was happening? Why was this happening?

A childlike, giggling voice echoed in his head-

take this, Gilbert, take this for your brother, you love him don't you

you love him

love him

Stop! Gilbert replied but the word wouldn't move past his raw lips. He wrapped his legs around the tight, coiled body before him, and a strangled moan escaped his mouth instead.

And he heard Vince, almost purring with delight, pressing his corn-silk head against his chest and covered Gil's sweat-soaked body with his own.

"You feel so good, brother. So good…"

"Ngh!" His head fell back against the covers, as the vertigo made him gag with nausea. A sensation, akin to the pull of chains, ensnared his limbs (that didn't make sense, he was in bed, this was his brother, but nothing made sense anymore, nothing but… oh please don't stop this ever…).

Fear and desire. He needed this. He wanted this to end.

Illogically (he knew, but wanted) a plea:

Oz, save him, Oz-

"…help me…" Gil clenched his eyes shut and that sane, real part of him flew away…

"I am helping," said Vincent fervently, but even Vincent didn't sound like Vincent, because his brother was never this forceful, never this demanding. "Let me help, my dear brother…"

Gilbert's body, caged and lusting, remained behind. It was his body that suffered the forced kisses and that insidious tongue that licked and sucked and bit him all over. It was his body that responded with flushing heat and panting breath and had his firm desire make sickening slapping sounds against his brother's flat stomach. It couldn't be him, not really him, not truly because he was in the air, he leapt, he soared-

And fell. Back down into the flesh of that corporeal, writhing form, and Gilbert screamed voicelessly as the invisible cords tightened and dragged him into the depths of his mind-


Below, past the Doorway to the Abyss, in the inky blackness, chains rattled.

A creature, long patient, stirred.


And Gilbert woke up.