A/N: This one belongs to me and Rat3000 who comes up with the scenarios and I do the rest... together, we are invincible... LOL...

oooooo time pass

jjjjjjjjjj change POV to 3rd person

NOTE: This story is set in an AU. In this story there are witches, werewolves (the Twilight type and the Underworld type that only phase in a full moon), vampires and demons. People don't know about their existence, but they do exist.


Disclaimer: *wailing* I don't even own the idea!

Love is Kind: The Child

He just sits there, still as a statue. He just sits there, on that old worn out couch, looking out the window. Waiting... just waiting... waiting for his love that will never return...

Alice's POV

I saw it first. The little figure appeared out of nowhere. I was shocked to say the least. I mean, the thing just appeared out of nowhere, one second there's nothing, the next, poof! Figure!

"It's a boy!" Rosalie pointed. "Look!" I was about to rush to the child when Edward stopped me.

"Wait!" he said, grabbing my arm. "We don't even know if he's dangerous." I sighed, rolling my eyes. I waited for Edward to read the boys mind. Edward frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't hear a thing."

"Hmm... okay. Let me see." I tried to look into the future to see what was going to happen if we went to the boy but it came out blank. "That's strange. He doesn't smell like a wolf." I stepped closer.

"Alice wait-."

"Relax Eddie. He's harmless."

"You don't know that."

"Relax..." I walked closer to the crouched figure. "Hello?" I called, a few feet away from the boy. "Hello kid?" A sniffle came from the child. He was crying. "Hey, are you okay? Are you lost?" Jasper came and stood beside me.

"He feels... he feels like power," Jazz said. I looked at him confused. Was power even an emotion? "It's familiar, but I don't know where I've felt it before."

"Harmless!" I concluded. I walked over and knelt in front of the boy. "Hi sweetie," I said gently. "What's wrong?"

The boy – who looked no older that ten – looked up at me with tear-filled eyes. I gasped when I saw his face. He looked just like... he looked like the younger version of Edward! He had that same precise jaw line with the square chin. The same defined cheek bones, nose even forehead. The only thing different was the eyes. Unlike Edward's mortal eyes (green) the boy had chocolate brown eyes and thick-ish pink lips like... but no that was impossible. It couldn't be...

The boy smiled sweetly at me. That smile! I knew that smile from somewhere. It was so familiar! Where had I seen that smile before? Who did it belong to?

"Bella?" Edward said. I looked up and realised he was on the phone.

"I'm coming over to your house," Bella replied.

"Oh... okay. We'll be there in a few."

"Okay." I looked back at the boy. He was looking at me with those innocent brown eyes.

"No, you are my father," the boy said. He turned and looked at Edward. My family caught a view of the kid for the first time and to say it was a shock was an understatement.

"You... you can hear me?" Edward asked the boy.



"Coz you can."

"How come I can't hear you then?" The boy shrugged.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Max," the boy replied.

"Oh... how did you get here Max?"

"I..." Max's facial expression changed, he looked sad, almost broken.

"It doesn't matter," Rosalie said. "I'd bet you a million dollars he's Edward's kid."

"How?" Emmett asked. "Eddie's the hundred year old vampire virgin."

"I don't know how... but I know he's Edward's." Max smiled again.

"You can't say that just because they look alike." Oh but Emmett...

"It's not because of that Em. There's just... something."

"Let's take him home," I suggested.

"We can't just take some unknown child home!" Edward protested. "We don't even know a thing about him." He was so in denial! If it smells like a fish, and looks like a fish...

"We know he looks like you. We know he's got your mind reading gift. We know his name is Max. What more do we need to know?"

"How he got here, why he's here... there's a lot Rosalie. You can't just take a random child home!"

"I agree with Eddie, Rose," Emmett said. "We can't just take the kid home. Maybe his parents are going crazy looking for him."

"Until someone comes looking for him, he'll live with us. If you don't like that then fine, I don't care, I'll look after him myself." I smiled to myself. It's times like these that I love Rosalie's bitchy attitude.

Edward sighed. He knew he couldn't argue with Rosalie now that she'd made up her mind. He knew if he tried... There'd be hell to pay!

"Fine," he said. "Whatever. Let's just go, Bella's waiting for me." Rosalie held out her hand for Max who took it happily, even giggling sweetly.

"Come on Maxi, let's get you to Grandpa's," Rosalie said smiling broadly and walking towards the house with Max.

"Let her be," Emmett said. "She's wanted to have a kid for a long time. Let her enjoy herself."

"Yes," Edward said. "Of course." We all went back to the house.

Edward's POV

He couldn't be mine. He just couldn't. I'm a vampire for heaven's sakes! Vampires can't make babies. Isn't that one of the reasons why Rosalie was such a bitch to Bella? Because Bella could have children and she couldn't?

The boy might've looked like me. He might've even had my gift, but he couldn't be mine. It was impossible.

I didn't hate the boy; I didn't have a problem with him generally. It's just the fathering part that bugged me. I was a virgin, how does a virgin come about to fathering a child? If someone could give me an answer to that question I would accept him.

I tried to pry into the boy's thoughts, to figure out who he really was. But I couldn't, his mind was blocked. Not how Alice could do, but like how Bella's mind was blocked, completely closed off to me, not a squeak heard.

It unnerved me, not being able to hear his thoughts. We had no way of finding out if he was a threat. Alice couldn't see his future, but she, unlike me, didn't seem to mind. She just loved that she had a new doll to dress up.

Bella – like the rest of my family – fell in love with the boy. Whenever she came over she'd want to see him, to play with him, to hold him. They'd sit together, unreadable minds and all, and talk about nothing in particular.

It was frustrating me! She never asked the proper questions, the questions that would give us answers. Instead, she'd ask him about his day, how he was feeling and how old he was (which he responded in a, "Ten in three months") and who his friends were at school which really wouldn't help us in any way since those kids probably won't be born for the next goodness knows how many years.

I'd tried to ask but Rosalie or Alice would give me this 'shut it or I'll make you' look and I'd have to shut up because I really did not want to feel the wrath of the girls any time soon.


"Hey Maxi," Bella said smiling at the boy that was colouring in a book that Alice had gotten him while shopping. Max looked up at her, smiling. He wasn't colouring in for enjoyment, he was just doing it to make everyone happy... he was like that though, always trying to make others happy.

"Yeah?" he said.

"Are you hungry?"


"What do you want? Esme's either gonna make hot dogs or burgers."

"I had hot dogs yesterday. Please may I have a burger today?"

"Okay kiddo." I smiled at my love. She was so good with him, it was amazing. For some reason, this made me happy. It made me happy that Bella was getting along so well with Max.

Esme and Bella came back into the room laughing, it made me smile. They all loved Bella – well except for Rosalie, but I didn't mind that much – and it made me happy. They were a good family even though they would, at times, get on my nerves.

"Here you go kiddo." Bella gave Max a plate with a burger and fries and she placed the soda on the floor beside him.

"Thank you," he said with a smile. Bella smiled back then sat down next to me with her own food.

"Maxi," Alice said gently. Her mind was blocked so I didn't know what she was going to ask, but I hoped and prayed it would be something that would shed a little light to our situation.

"Yes Aunt Alice?" he said. He'd been doing that since that day we'd found him in the forest. He'd gotten to calling Rosalie and Alice 'aunt', Emmett and Jasper 'uncle', Carlisle was granddad and to Esme's absolute delight he called her grandma (no normal woman would want to be called grandma, but Esme loved it). He called me daddy, I didn't protest because I actually like being called that. He called Bella, Bella. Nobody really cared much to ask, we all just figured it's because of the age thing and how she didn't want to age.

"Maxi, you don't have to answer if you don't want to..." Yes... oh yes ask! "But... do you know how you got here?" Max was silent for a while then he looked at Alice.

"I did a spell," he answered quietly.

"Pardon?" We'd heard him, but... a spell?

"I did a spell," he said more loudly.

"You did a spell?"

"Yeah... I got that gift from gran, she was a witch." We all looked Esme then at Bella.

"Hey, don't look at me, I don't know anything about spells," Esme said.

"Neither does my mom," Bella said. "She doesn't even believe they exist."

"Maybe he means your real mother Eddie," Alice said.

"It couldn't be her; wouldn't I also have some of those magick powers then?" I asked.

"Oh... yeah... So Max, you did a spell?"


"What was it?"

"A spell to take you back in time."

"Oh... why would you want to do that?" Max looked down, his eyes filling with tears. "Don't answer that. It's fine, forget I asked." Max wiped his eyes and looked at his food.

He was smart for a ten year old, very, very smart.


I couldn't help but feel that there was more to Max's story than what he was letting on. I felt like there was a huge part that was missing, a part that was very important, but I couldn't ask. Every time we tried to ask him his eyes would fill with tears and he'd look so broken. I hated that look; I didn't want to see my son broken. I wanted him happy, smiling.

He had a beautiful smile. I loved his smile. I was in love with it. No, not my son, just the smile my son had that clearly belonged to someone else. There was something so sweet and innocent about his smile, something childish and beautiful. It was a joyous smile, but it had an undertone of 'you just caught me stealing a cookie' and tad bit of cheeky 'I can get away with anything with this smile'. I loved it.

I loved my son too, even though he wasn't even supposed to be born for another few years, I still loved him. Just knowing that I was going to have a child with Bella was good. It assured me that we were going to be fine, that we were going to be alright. It assured me that no matter what came our way we would be able to fight it and conquer it and finally produce a beautiful son we'd name Max.

He always knew how to make me smile. He didn't even have to do anything special, he'd just look at me and smile. That's all it took for him to make me happy, just smile and look at me with those beautiful innocent brown eyes, it was a wonderful thing, a wonderful feeling.

Whatever doubts I'd had before, about my future with Bella, were thrown out the window because I knew that we were going to make it. We were really going to make it because of my son, our son, our beautiful son Max. Max, who was now my assurance, my light at the end of the tunnel; was now my whole life.


So here's the first chapter lovelies... it ain't much yet, but it will be... Me and you Agnes dear friend, are going to blow them away... *smiles sneakily*


(",) SmilezZ Ya'll