Warning YAOI! by this I mean men knocking boots with other men, if this raises any bile in your throat whatsoever i suggest you abandon this story. If not,then enjoy the story!
"Come on, aibou," Yami whispered seductively into the ear of his lighter half, who's response was to suck his bottom lip into his mouth and bite down harshly on the poor appendage.
It was about 9 o'clock in the morning and little Yugi had awoken from an...interesting dream with an interesting... problem...To put it lightly Yami had practically mauled the little light in an effort to surprise any sort of sound from the hikari.
Yugi was so damn shy that everytime the Yami managed to get his clothes off, Yugi made certain to keep absolutely silent. The whole time. Even when he was cumming , which just wasn't healthy at all in Yami's opinion and he refused to let such behavior continue. So, the ex-pharoah made it his personnal mission to get his lighter counterpart to scream his name to the heavens. A mission that, to be perfectly honest, wasn't going to well.
Yugi seemed more willing to bite off his bottom lip than to make even a squeak. This, of course, didn't deter Yami in the least. In fact, Yami enjoyed the challenge and only worked harder to accomplish his goal. So, when he discovered the problem Yugi's overly sexy dream (which yami knew was about him)had caused, he'd jumped at the chance to help. Which led to the situation they were in now.
Yami lightly ran his tounge along the shell of Yugi's ear while his thumb teased the head of the light's throbbing erection. "Yugi," he purred, as his fingers moved down slightly to stroke his light's entire length appreciatively, "Why don't you tell me how good this feels?"
A thin trail of blood ran down Yugi's lip from the sheer torture it was being put through, while the smallest hikari shook his head a little violently.
Yami gently licked the up life liquid, while his hand increased its pace on his other half's arousal. Yugi tipped his head back slightly in rapture and not long after this display Yami's fingers were covered with a warm, viscous fluid.
'Dammit,' Yami thought as he threw Yugi a naughty smile before licking Yugi's cum from his fingers. It utterly floored him that anyone could have a silent climax. It just wasn't right. Yami gave Yugi a cheerful smile. " I better go open the shop," he said sounding a quite chipper before taking off to was his hands and let the duel monster fiends in to get their fix.
Yugi let himself collaspe into the soft pillows on his bed. Yami had gone crazy! Why on Earth did he want to hear him...like that. It would be so weird afterwards! Yugi could already feel the akward silences that would make up his relationship with his yami. He was certain he'd never be able to look Yami in the back of the head again if Yami was to ever, EVER bear witness to such sinful sounds falling from his throat. He'd be a tomato for the rest of his life! But even Yugi couldn't lie to himself by saying Yami's tactics weren't beginning to affect him. If the ex-pharaoh kept up his shinnanigans Yugi's fear would become his reality very soon.
A/N And there you have the first chapter of my first ever puzzleshipping story. Too bad it's not that great but it's better than some other things I've written. But on the lighter side this is also my first time writing GASP! a handjob. I was so distraught while writting it that i made it take up the whole chapter. The next one will have something actually happening, which is always good, right? Right!
R&R for free lemons!