Day of Reckoning

This three-part story contains spoilers for the Arrival DLC in Mass Effect 2 and the lead up to part 3. Rated M for implied brief nudity and language.

The destruction of the Bahak system has dealt a tremendous blow to Cadrina Shepard's psyche. As she comes to terms with her crime and surrenders to the authorities, two lives from her past will set her on the path to the final battle with the Reapers...

Profile: Cadrina Ellen Shepard – Spacer, War Hero, Paragon

Part I: Reflection

Cadrina Shepard solemnly adjusted her collar and medals in the mirror for the third time. It had been a few years since she had worn her Alliance dress blues. She had always felt stifled in them, but mused that it was the whole point of the uniform.

This is for them, thought Cadrina as she scrutinized her reflection. As long as everyone joins together when the time comes, it doesn't matter what happens to you. You've done all that that you could.

Pray it was enough.

Her eyes glanced over her image in the mirror one final time. Her eyes stopped at the hole in the glass, then followed along the fractures until she was looking dead on at herself. She looked exactly as she felt inside: shattered, broken, barely holding together. Cadrina regarded her bandaged right hand. There was still a dull ache and tingling from where the glass punctured her flesh. She closed her eyes and took several long, slow deep breaths to calm down and cap off a torrent of emotions that threatened to overcome her once again…

As Cadrina stood before the galactic map projector on the bridge, watching the shockwave from the relay spread out across the Bahak system, nausea built up inside her and she was unable to stand fully upright. Yeoman Kelly Chambers helped her into the elevator down into Medical just before the commander collapsed on her knees and began vomiting. Even after she was relieved of the weight of her combat armor, Cadrina continued to dry heave every few minutes. Her face was ruddy and damp with sweat. She was lost in a mist of conflicted emotions, unsure of whether to cry or scream, whether to feel anger or anguish. She eventually willed herself to stand upright once more. It had to be done, after all. If the Alpha Relay was not destroyed, the Reapers would flood into the galaxy. All life would have perished, not just those that were extinguished in the blast. With encouragement and assistance from Kelly and Dr. Chakwas, Cadrina cleaned herself up to look presentable enough to report to Systems Alliance Admiral Steven Hackett on what had taken place.

Later, after showering, she leaned on her sink and stared into the bathroom mirror. Wearing only her towel, she pored over facts and details from her last mission:

Liberated Alliance agent Dr. Kenson from a Batarian prison on Aratoht.

Confirmed discovery of a Reaper artifact by Kenson.

Kenson and associates found indoctrinated by Reapers.

Tried to fight off thralls in order to restart the Project to destroy Alpha Relay.

Overcome by thralls, but not killed.

Awakened with only minutes left to act.

Project restarted – booster engines on full burn and asteroid course locked in.

Tried to warn system inhabitants but then cut off by Kenson.

Kenson kills herself trying to destroy asteroid.

Escaped as asteroid collided with Alpha Relay.

Overcome, but not killed. Minutes left to act. Project engines restarted.

Not killed. Minutes left. Engines restarted.

Not killed. Minutes left.

Not killed.

Not killed…

Revelation suddenly stabbed through her, causing her to scream and lash out at her reflection. Withdrawing her hand, she sobbed as he smoothed off the lodged glass with her other hand, cutting herself even more. In a blind rage, she charged out of the bathroom and knocked over her shelves, sending papers, droplets of blood and more glass flying. She smashed up her starship model display, concentrating all her fury on the Reaper scale model replica, slamming it onto the floor. She thought she could hear the wailing of the dying Batarians colonists in her mind growing louder. Cadrina shrieked and swore that she tried to save them all as she continued to shatter pieces of the Reaper model on the floor over and over, trying to drown out the voices.

Dr. Chakwas, Kelly, Miranda Lawson and the rest of the senior crew streamed into Cadrina's room, alerted by the shipboard AI, EDI. Cadrina's towel came loose as they tried to restrain her. They begged her to stop, reminding her that they were her friends there to help. Cadrina struggled less and less as was set down on the deck and she came out of her madness. She saw faces of concern, shock, pity and sadness all about her. The lives she had led through hell, beyond and back- how disappointed they must be now at seeing their commander so broken and so vulnerable. Her last ounce of strength faded, she began to weep openly and shared with everyone present the horrible truth she realized:

It was all a lie.

The Alpha Relay was not the "back door" for the invaders to enter after all.

The Reapers had used her. Tricked her into murdering innocent lives…


Cadrina's mind returned to the present, standing in front of her damaged mirror. She blinked and looked to the ceiling. "…EDI?"

"We are ten minutes away from the relay to Sol System." reported the ship's AI.

Cadrina held back a question. Normally, it would be the Normandy 2's pilot Joker providing navigational updates. Since word of Cadrina's breakdown, he only spoke when spoken to and only spoke of mission or ship-related topics. No wise cracks, no snide commentary.

"…thank you, EDI." Cadrina breathed and looked into the mirror again.


Cadrina just wanted to be left alone. "…yes?"

"Is it wise for you to make the journey back to Earth alone?"

"It's only me they want, EDI… I won't drag anyone else down…"

"Authorities will still search for this vessel even after you are in custody. It is still allied with Cerberus, in their view."

"All the more reason to bug out once I'm away on the shuttle. You know what Alliance policy is in dealing with terrorists…" Cadrina closed her eyes again "…and if they find an illegal AI on board…"

"There was a time when I found the thought of my termination disturbing," said EDI "But the Reaper invasion is imminent. Far more than my own existence is at risk. Your efforts have brought together a disparate group of individuals that would otherwise have not come together on their own. You have accomplished much and done what most have said could not be done. You truly fight for us all."

Cadrina felt the corners of her mouth turn slightly and tried to stuff down her feelings of amusement and being moved by EDI's words. That could not be admiration and pride she was detecting in its voice.

"You are far past the prejudices typical of your species. You have always treated me as an equal member of your crew and not a machine. You are a most effective warrior, a superb commander and a very caring individual. If I am to be erased, I will… die… knowing that I acted to help preserve the lives of fellow sentient beings, that I have served you to the best of my abilities and grateful that I was able to know you."

The overhead speakers went silent for a moment. "Could these observations be collectively classified as… love?"

Cadrina's head bobbed as her lips thinned and smiled askew. "… I suppose so…" her voiced trembled.

She took a breath and started out of her bathroom. She paused just outside the door as it hissed shut and placed her hand on a bare wall. Cadrina recalled one of EDI's "jokes" about how it could feel her footsteps tickling it as she walked about the deck. She slowly ran her hand up and down the wall then stopped, giving it a soft pat, and looked to the ceiling again.

"Thank you, EDI…"

"Thank you… Shepard."

As Cadrina approached the elevator, she consulted her omni-tool. Satisfied that the needed documentation was stored within, she stepped inside and instructed EDI to take her down to the command deck.

End of Part I

Author's Notes and Thoughts:

Here's what we know about what went down in The Arrival:

- Everything Shepard knew about the Alpha Relay and Object Rho came from Dr. Kenson, who is revealed to be under Harbinger's control

- Even after fighting off waves of attackers, Shepard is knocked out by Object Rho. Harbinger's thralls, instead of disposing of her, patch her up, Harbinger stating that she is needed alive

- When Shepard awakens, there's only an hour left on the countdown. No time to waste, get those engines started up quick smart before the Reapers show up! No time… to think…

Take into account the effort Shepard made to discover that the Citadel in Mass Effect 1 was the Reaper main gate and compare it to the ease of learning about the Alpha Relay back door. Put it all together… and you've got a galaxy-class frame job! The Reapers realize that Shepard will oppose them at every turn. So, how better to stop her than by "turning" her into a genocidal maniac by forcing her to destroy an expendable relay? Either the people she's sworn to protect will turn against her, or the guilt or burden of killing innocents will have Shepard turn on herself. In both cases, she is out of the game and the Reaper's cycle of destruction can continue unimpeded.

Coming Soon - Part II: Judas