Well, this is the final chapter! I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Shout out to all my reviewers! I love all of ya'll! Please read, review, and enjoy.

A/N: Selena was heavily inspired by the anime character Sheliss Elleness. If anyone's interested, I'd happily write a little fanfiction about Sheliss. Just leave me a request in a review if interested.

Link was finally back in Aboda village. It was nighttime and Link was in his own bed. But strangely, he couldn't sleep. This was odd because Link was known to be a heavy sleeper. Once he was in bed, it'd take a choir of redeads to wake him up. You'd think that after having to spend the night with a lusty, seductive demoness you'd be ready to hit the hay. But, try as he might, Link just couldn't erase the images of that night out of his head. Even meditation, which was said to calm the mind almost instantly, offered no safe haven. He remembered the events of that night in full detail; Selena's breasts pressed against his chest, her lips locked with his, when she pulled his boxers down. The thought of it all made him shudder.

But the strangest part of this whole sordid tale was this. Remember when Link accepted Selena's apology? It wasn't just because he was a big softie. No, the other reason was because some small part of him actually... enjoyed it. Now he didn't enjoy being tied to the bed and manhandled, but he did enjoy everything else. Touching her, sucking her pert nipples, stroking her smooth hair, and tasting her soft, wet womanhood. Her brazen and seductive personality instilled more terror in Link than Malladus ever did, yet at the same time it attracted him to her. Needless to say, It was also conflicting the almighty hell out of him.

His train of thought was interrupted when his mentor, Alfonzo, entered the room. Since the boy's parents passed away when he was younger, Alfonzo was practically a father to him. In fact, if it wasn't for Alfonzo's training, Link would never be the royal engineer he is today. Noticing Link was still awake, Alfonzo asked, "Something on your mind kiddo?"

"You could tell, huh?" Link asked back.

"If you're not out like a light, then something's on your mind." The man replied.

After staring at Alfonzo for a few minutes, Link sighed and asked, "What do you know about... girls?"

Alfonzo sighed, "Had to know that question was coming soon." he said. "So, you met a girl you like?"

"Somewhat." Link replied.

Pulling up a chair, Alfonzo said, "Alright Link, lets hear it."

Link then spent the next thirty minutes telling Alfonzo all about his encounter with Selena and the events that followed. Instead of geting angry, Alfonzo reared back and laughed heartily. "Alright Link you stud! Who knew you had it in you!" he said as he playfully punched the boy's shoulder.

"But was I wrong for it, though?" Link asked earnestly. "I feel like I broke the engineer code of ethics."

"Well let me ask you this: were you kind?" Alfonzo replied.

"Yes." Link answered.

"Were you courteous and receptive to courtesy?" Alfonzo asked.

"Yeah." Link answered.

"And above all, did you have her permission?" Alfonzo asked.

"Permission? Heck, She invited me." Link replied.

"Well then you have nothing to worry about." Alfonzo said with a smile. "You see, I know you want to be the best engineer there is, but there's nothing wrong with having some fun on the job. In fact, the same thing happened to me once. I was young, arrogant, wild, and oh so handsome. My train ran out of fuel, so I stopped at a nearby house. The lady of the house invited me to sleep with her, though I was a bit reluctant. But since she insisted, I went along with her. One thing led to another and the next thing you know, she brought two of her friends to join the party! It was one Hell of a night! But the point I'm trying to make is that it's okay to have fun so long as you were polite, you didn't take advantage of her, and you had her permission."

"I suppose that's true." Link conceded.

"Well, got to go to bed. Goodnight Link." Alfonzo said, rising from the chair.

"Goodnight Alfonzo." Link replied.

"By the way, between us guys, was it good?" Alfonzo asked with a smirk.

Caught off guard by the sudden question, Link replied for lack of a better answer, "It was a night to remember."

The End

Well, so ends my tale. I hope you've all enjoyed it! Till next time!